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ObjectiveNorm72The Class of NormativeAttributes that are associated with an objective criterion for their attr...^
    DeonticAttribute48A Class containing all of the Attributes relating to the notions of permission, obligation, and...^
        LegislativeBill.The Attribute of being a proposed law, i.e. being under consideration by a legislative body of ...^
        InternationalLaw.An Attribute that applies to Propositions that express Laws concerning the relations between ...^
        Illegal.A proposition is Illegal just in case it is inconsistent with any proposition that is a Law.^
        Legal.A proposition is Legal just in case it is not inconsistent with any proposition that is a Law.^
        Permission1Attribute that applies to Propositions that an AutonomousAgent is permitted, by some authorit...^
        Obligation42Attribute that applies to Propositions that an AutonomousAgent is required, by some authority...^
        Law1Attribute that applies to Propositions that are required by a government or a branch of the gov...^
        Prohibition1Prohibition is the DeonticAttribute that applies to Formulas that an AutonomousAgent is for...^

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