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Mixture217A Mixture is two or more PureSubstances, combined in varying proportions - each retaining its o...^
    Colloid95A Colloid is a Mixture in which microscopically dispersed Insoluble particles, between 0.95 a...^
        Emulsion5An Emulsion is a Mixture of two or more Substances in Liquid state that are normally Immi...^
        Gel16A Gel is a Colloid which has a property lies between a Solid and a Liquid. Cheese and A...^
        SolMixture10A SolMixture is a colloidal Suspension made out of tiny Solid particules in a continuous Li...^
        Aerosal.An Aerosal is a Colloid of fine Solid particles or Liquid Droplets in air.^
        Beverage51Any food, excluding water that is ingested by Drinking. Note that this class is disjoint Meat a...^
        Jam.Jam are Fruit preserves which are preparations of fruits whose main preserving agent is sugar a...^
        Sauce3A Sauce is a liquid, cream, or semi-solid food, served on or used in preparing other foods. Sauce...^
        Juice.A liquid (at room temperature) created by squeezing, crushing, or pureeing a FruitOrVegetable.^
        Whey.Whey is the result of CurdlingMilk.^
        Buttermilk.Buttermilk is a fermented dairy drink. [wikipedia]^
        Vinegar.Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its ...^

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