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PathologicProcess42A disordered process, activity, or state of the Organism as a whole, of a body system or systems,...^
    AutoImmuneDisorder16A condition in which the immune system attacks healthy parts of the body in error.^
        RheumatoidArthritis.An AutoImmuneDisorder in which the immune system attacks the joints. ^
        Psoriasis.A SkinRash that is an AutoImmuneDisorder.^
        Lupus.An AutoImmuneDisorder that often causes a SkinRash but can also cause problems in the BodyJoi...^
        InflammatoryBowelDisease2An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the gastrointestinal tract. It primarily inflames the lining o...^
        AddisonsDisease.An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the AdrenalGlands.^
        GravesDisease.An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the Thyroid, causing it to produce too much of its hormones....^
        SjogrensSyndrome.An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the Glands provding moisture to the Mouth and Eye.^
        HashimotosThyroiditis.An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the Thyroid, causing it to produce too little of its hormone...^
        MyastheniaGravis.An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the Nerves, most often in the face and throat, resulting in ...^
        AutoimmuneVasculitis.An AutoImmuneDisorder that affects the BloodVessels.^
        PerniciousAnemia.Pernicious anemia (PA) is a disease in which not enough red blood cells are produced due to a defic...^
        CeliacDisease.Coeliac disease or celiac disease is a long-term AutoImmuneDisorder that primarily affects the ...^
        Sepsis.Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection causes inj...^

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