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StateOrProvince51Administrative subdivisions of a Nation that are broader than any other political subdivisions th...^
    AmericanState50The class of states that make up the UnitedStates.^
        Alabama.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates that borders on the GulfOfMexico.^
        Alaska.The largest state in the UnitedStates.^
        Arizona.A state in the southwestern UnitedStates that borders on Mexico.^
        Arkansas.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates that was part of the Confederacy.^
        California.The AmericanState with the highest population.^
        Colorado.A large western state in the UnitedStates.^
        Connecticut.A state in NewEngland, one of the original thirteen colonies.^
        Delaware.A state in NewEngland, one of the original thirteen colonies.^
        FloridaUnitedStates.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates between the GulfOfMexico and the AtlanticOcean.^
        Georgia.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates.^
        Hawaii.An AmericanState that consists of several Islands in the central PacificOcean.^
        Idaho.A state known for potatoes in the northwestern UnitedStates.^
        Illinois.A populous and industrial state in the midwestern UnitedStates.^
        Indiana.A state in the mideastern UnitedStates.^
        Iowa.A state in the midwestern UnitedStates.^
        Kansas.A state in the midwestern UnitedStates.^
        Kentucky.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates.^
        Louisiana.A state in the south-central part of the UnitedStates. It borders on the GulfOfMexico and is kn...^
        Maine.The most northeastern AmericanState.^
        Maryland.A state in the eastern UnitedStates that borders on WashingtonDC.^
        Massachusetts.A northeastern AmericanState. Its largest City is BostonMassachusetts.^
        Michigan.A populous and industrial state in the midwestern UnitedStates.^
        Minnesota.A state in the northern midwest of the UnitedStates.^
        Mississippi.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates that borders on the GulfOfMexico.^
        Missouri.A state in the central UnitedStates.^
        Montana.A state in the northwestern UnitedStates.^
        Nebraska.A state in the midwestern UnitedStates.^
        Nevada.A state in the western UnitedStates.^
        NewHampshire.A northeastern AmericanState. Its largest City is ManchesterNewHampshire.^
        NewJersey.A state in the eastern UnitedStates.^
        NewMexico.A southwestern state in the UnitedStates.^
        NewYorkState.A populous state in the northeastern UnitedStates.^
        NorthCarolina.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates.^
        NorthDakota.A state in the northern midwest of the UnitedStates.^
        Ohio.A populous and industrial state in the midwestern UnitedStates.^
        Oklahoma.A state in the southwestern UnitedStates.^
        Oregon.An AmericanState on the PacificOcean.^
        Pennsylvania.A mid-Atlantic AmericanState. Its two major cities are PhiladelphiaPennsylvania and Pittsburg...^
        RhodeIsland.A northeastern AmericanState. Its capital city is ProvidenceRhodeIsland. It is the smallest A...^
        SouthCarolina.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates.^
        SouthDakota.A state in the northern midwest of the UnitedStates.^
        Tennessee.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates.^
        Texas.The second largest AmericanState, located in the southwest on the GulfOfMexico.^
        Utah.A state in the western UnitedStates.^
        Vermont.A northeastern AmericanState know for its small towns and rustic beauty.^
        Virginia.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates that borders on WashingtonDC.^
        Washington.An AmericanState on the PacificOcean.^
        WestVirginia.A state in the southeastern UnitedStates^
        Wisconsin.A state in the midnorthern UnitedStates.^
        Wyoming.A large western state in the UnitedStates.^

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