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Relation: subrelation

    part27The basic mereological relation. All other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one....^
        geneticSubstrateOfVirus.(geneticSubstrateOfVirus ?VIRUS ?MOL) relates the virus ?VIRUS to the molecule ?MOL that contains...^
        pathInSystem1(pathInSystem ?PATH ?SYSTEM) means that the Physical thing ?PATH consists of one or more connecte...^
        half.(half ?HALF ?WHOLE) means that ?HALF is one half of ?WHOLE.^
        third.(third ?THIRD ?WHOLE) means that ?THIRD is one third of ?WHOLE.^
        quarter.(quarter ?QUART ?WHOLE) means that ?QUART is a quarter of ?WHOLE.^
        most.(most ?MOST ?WHOLE) means that ?MOST is a part of ?WHOLE that is greater than half of ?WHOLE....^
        inString.(inString ?Character ?SymbolicString) means that ?Character is part of ?SymbolicString....^
        subString5(subString ?SymbolicString-1 ?SymbolicString-2) means that ?SymbolicString-1 is part of ?...^
        properPart8(properPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is a part of ?OBJ2 other than ?OBJ2 itself. This is a &...^
        piece.A specialized common sense notion of part for arbitrary parts of Substances. Quasi-synonyms are: ...^
        component1A specialized common sense notion of part for heterogeneous parts of complexes. (component ?COMPO...^
        interiorPart.(interiorPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is part ?OBJ2 and there is no overlap between ?OBJ1 a...^
        physicalEnd.A notion of an indeterminate portion at the end of an Object that has a LongAndThin ShapeAttr...^

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