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Relation: subclass

Object6061Corresponds roughly to the class of ordinary objects. Examples include normal physical objects, geo...^
    Region1354A topographic location. Regions encompass surfaces of Objects, imaginary places, and Geograph...^
        Atmosphere1Atmosphere is a Mixture of gases surrounding any celestial object that has a gravitational fiel...^
        HydrophobicSide.The class of hydrophobic sides of lipid bilayers.^
        HydrophilicSide.The class of hydrophilic sides of lipid bilayers.^
        ParkingRegion2A ParkingRegion is a Region where TransportationDevice is kept temporarily^
        TransitStop.TransitStop is the subclass of places where a vehicle of a scheduled or common carrier makes a st...^
        TransitRoute1TransitRoute is the class of Regions that are paths for Motion from one place to another.^
        FlowRegion20FlowRegion is a class of things whose boundaries are relatively stable but whose constitutive m...^
        SpaceRegion4The class of all Regions which are not GeographicAreas.^
        Outdoors.Any Region which is not enclosed by a Building or part of a Building.^
        Indoors.Any Region which is enclosed by a Building.^
        SittingArea.SittingArea refers to a Region, either Indoor (like a Living Room) or Outdoor (like a Garde...^
        KitchenArea1a KitchenArea refers to a Region, either Outdoors or Indoors, that is intended for Cookin...^
        DiningArea2a DiningArea refers to a Region, either Outdoors or Indoors, that is intended for Eating^
        UnderwaterRegion.A Region that is under the surface of some Water.^
        Road.A path along which vehicles travel. It is typically, although not necessarily, paved and intended f...^
        Patio1Patio refers to an Region adjoining a building, usually Paved, that is used for outdoor activ...^
        HoleRegion13A hole is an immaterial body located at the surface of an Object. Since every HoleRegion is ont...^
        GeographicArea1292A geographic location, generally having definite boundaries. Note that this differs from its immedi...^
        Transitway54Transitway is the broadest class of regions which may be passed through as a path in instances ...^
        Latitude.Latitude is the class of Regions, associated with areas on the Earth's surface, which are paral...^
        Longitude.Longitude is the class of Regions, associated with areas on the Earth's surface, which are meri...^
        PerimeterArea1A PerimeterArea is a region that extends outward from a boundary with another region, surrounding...^
        RealEstate.Land, including all the natural resources and permanent buildings on it.^
        PlayArea.PlayArea refers to a Region where children engage in recreational activities^

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