

(relatedInternalConcept DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn DeadFn) Merge.kif 18238-18238 Dead or missing body part fn is internally related to Dead fn
(relatedInternalConcept Decade DecadeDuration) Merge.kif 8766-8766 Decade is internally related to decade duration
(relatedInternalConcept Decreasing Removing) Merge.kif 10936-10936 Decreasing is internally related to removing
(relatedInternalConcept DengueFever DengueHemorrhagicFever) WMD.kif 1647-1647 Dengue fever is internally related to dengue hemorrhagic fever
(relatedInternalConcept Deposition Sublimation) Geography.kif 7043-7043 Deposition is internally related to sublimation
(relatedInternalConcept DhuAlHijjah Month) ArabicCulture.kif 113-113 Dhu al hijjah is internally related to month
(relatedInternalConcept Disgust Contempt) emotion.kif 736-736 Disgust is internally related to contempt
(relatedInternalConcept DisgustedFacialExpression Disgust) emotion.kif 1255-1255 Disgusted facial expression is internally related to disgust
(relatedInternalConcept DisgustedVoiceUtterance Disgust) emotion.kif 1996-1996 Disgusted voice utterance is internally related to disgust
(relatedInternalConcept Door VehicleDoor) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29380-29380 Door is internally related to vehicle door
(relatedInternalConcept DryRoastAttribute CoffeeGrindAttribute) Food.kif 109-109 Hulled is internally related to coffee grind attribute
(relatedInternalConcept DryRoastAttribute CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 108-108 Hulled is internally related to coffee roast attribute
(relatedInternalConcept EmotionalFacialExpression EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1304-1304 Emotional facial expression is internally related to emotional state
(relatedInternalConcept EmotionalState AppraisalAsUndesirableConsequences) emotion.kif 413-413 Emotional state is internally related to appraisal as undesirable consequences
(relatedInternalConcept EndNodeFn TerminalNodeFn) Merge.kif 5955-5955 End node is internally related to terminal node
(relatedInternalConcept FearfulFacialExpression Fear) emotion.kif 1339-1339 Fearful facial expression is internally related to angst
(relatedInternalConcept FearfulFacialExpression OpeningEyesWidely) emotion.kif 1338-1338 Fearful facial expression is internally related to opening eyes widely
(relatedInternalConcept FearfulVoiceUtterance Fear) emotion.kif 2061-2061 Fearful voice utterance is internally related to angst
(relatedInternalConcept FermentedAttribute RawAttribute) Food.kif 206-206 Fermented is internally related to raw food
(relatedInternalConcept Fertilizer Nitrogen) Economy.kif 5979-5979 Fertilizer is internally related to nitrogen
(relatedInternalConcept Fertilizer PhosphoricAcid) Economy.kif 5981-5981 Fertilizer is internally related to phosphoric acid
(relatedInternalConcept Fertilizer Potash) Economy.kif 5980-5980 Fertilizer is internally related to potash
(relatedInternalConcept FirTree FirWood) Geography.kif 6583-6583 Fir tree is internally related to fir wood
(relatedInternalConcept Fodder DeadFn) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20036-20036 Fodder is internally related to Dead fn
(relatedInternalConcept Fodder FoodForFn) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20037-20037 Fodder is internally related to food for fn

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