formerName |
(formerName "Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization" InternationalMaritimeOrganization) | Government.kif 3517-3517 | |
(formerName "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" WorldConfederationOfLabor) | Government.kif 4291-4291 | |
(formerName "International Hydrographic Bureau" InternationalHydrographicOrganization) | Government.kif 3498-3498 | |
(formerName "International Telegraph Union" InternationalTelecommunicationUnion) | Government.kif 3575-3575 | |
(formerName "International Union of American Republics" OrganizationOfAmericanStates) | Government.kif 3715-3715 | |
(formerName "LORCS" InternationalFederationOfRedCrossAndRedCrescentSocieties) | Government.kif 3471-3471 | |
(formerName "League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies" InternationalFederationOfRedCrossAndRedCrescentSocieties) | Government.kif 3470-3470 | |
(formerName "London Group" NuclearSuppliersGroup) | Government.kif 3662-3662 | |
(formerName "London Suppliers Group" NuclearSuppliersGroup) | Government.kif 3661-3661 | |
(formerName "NIC" NewlyIndustrializingEconomy) | Economy.kif 363-363 | |
(formerName "New Hebrides" Vanuatu) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 4228-4228 | |
(formerName "Newly Industrializing Countries" NewlyIndustrializingEconomy) | Economy.kif 362-362 | |
(formerName "North Atlantic Cooperation Council" EuroAtlanticPartnershipCouncil) | Government.kif 3120-3120 | |
(formerName "Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe" InternationalOrganizationForMigration) | Government.kif 3546-3546 | |
(formerName "Quadrilateral Initiative" CentralEuropeanInitiative) | Government.kif 2927-2927 | |
(formerName "SADCC" SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity) | Government.kif 3820-3820 | |
(formerName "SPC" PacificCommunity) | Government.kif 3758-3758 | |
(formerName "Second World" FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) | Economy.kif 186-186 | |
(formerName "South Pacific Commission" PacificCommunity) | Government.kif 3757-3757 | |
(formerName "South Pacific Forum" PacificIslandForum) | Government.kif 3765-3765 | |
(formerName "Southern African Development Coordination Conference" SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity) | Government.kif 3819-3819 | |
(formerName "Third World" LessDevelopedCountry) | Economy.kif 208-208 | |
(formerName "UDEAC" MonetaryAndEconomicCommunityOfCentralAfrica) | Government.kif 3613-3613 | |
(formerName "UN Fund for Population Activities" UnitedNationsPopulationFund) | Government.kif 4099-4099 | |
(formerName "UN International Childrens Emergency Fund" UnitedNationsChildrensFund) | Government.kif 3853-3853 | |
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