

        (instance ?P Pulling)
        (agent ?P ?A)
        (patient ?P ?PULLED)
        (destination ?P ?D))
    (holdsDuring ?P
            (distance ?A ?D ?SMALLER)
            (distance ?PULLED ?D ?LARGER)
            (greaterThan ?LARGER ?SMALLER))))
Military.kif 759-769
        (instance ?P Pulling)
        (origin ?P ?O)
        (agent ?P ?A)
            (BeginFn ?P)
            (located ?A ?ALOC))
        (destination ?P ?D))
            (BeginFn ?P))
        (exists (?LARGER ?U ?SMALLER)
                (distance ?ALOC ?D
                    (MeasureFn ?SMALLER ?U))
                (distance ?ALOC ?O
                    (MeasureFn ?LARGER ?U))
                (greaterThan ?LARGER ?SMALLER)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17638-17656
        (instance ?P Punishing)
        (agent ?P ?A)
        (patient ?P ?F)
        (destination ?P ?D))
    (knows ?A
            (desires ?D ?F))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 872-880
        (instance ?P Pushing)
        (origin ?P ?O)
        (agent ?P ?A)
            (BeginFn ?P)
            (located ?A ?ALOC))
        (destination ?P ?D))
            (BeginFn ?P))
        (exists (?LARGER ?U ?SMALLER)
                (distance ?ALOC ?D
                    (MeasureFn ?SMALLER ?U))
                (distance ?ALOC ?O
                    (MeasureFn ?LARGER ?U))
                (greaterThan ?LARGER ?SMALLER)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17616-17634
        (instance ?P Putting)
        (patient ?P ?S)
        (instance ?S Spice)
        (destination ?P ?F)
        (instance ?F PreparedFood))
    (exists (?C ?A)
            (instance ?C InternalChange)
            (patient ?C ?F)
            (result ?C ?A)
            (attribute ?F ?A)
                (instance ?A FlavourAttribute)
                (instance ?A ColorAttribute)))))
Economy.kif 4384-4399
        (instance ?PROCESS Naming)
        (patient ?PROCESS ?THING)
        (destination ?PROCESS ?NAME))
            (WhenFn ?PROCESS))
        (names ?NAME ?THING)))
Merge.kif 13257-13262
        (instance ?PUT Putting)
        (destination ?PUT ?PLACE)
        (patient ?PUT ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?PUT))
                (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
                (WhenFn ?PUT))
            (located ?OBJ ?PLACE))))
Merge.kif 11405-11412
        (instance ?R Reserving)
        (agent ?R ?CUST)
        (destination ?R ?AGENT))
    (potentialCustomer ?CUST ?AGENT))
Dining.kif 762-767
        (instance ?REPAYMENT Repayment)
        (instance ?REPAYMENT_DESTINATION Object)
        (instance ?REPAYMENT_ORIGIN Object)
            (instance ?PAYMENT Payment)
            (instance ?PAYMENT_ORIGIN Object)
            (instance ?PAYMENT_DESTINATION Object)
                (equal ?PAYMENT ?REPAYMENT))
            (destination ?PAYMENT ?PAYMENT_DESTINATION)
            (origin ?PAYMENT ?PAYMENT_ORIGIN)
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1883-1900
        (instance ?REQUEST ViewItemRequest)
        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?LISTING Advertising)
        (subProcess ?ACCESSING ?REQUEST)
        (component ?PAGE ?LISTING)
        (destination ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
        (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT))
    (viewedListing ?AGENT ?LISTING))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1570-1581
        (instance ?RETURN GivingBack)
        (agent ?RETURN ?AGENT)
        (destination ?RETURN ?DEST))
    (exists (?GIVE)
            (instance ?GIVE Giving)
            (agent ?GIVE ?DEST)
            (destination ?GIVE ?AGENT)
                (WhenFn ?GIVE)
                (WhenFn ?RETURN)))))
Merge.kif 11763-11773
        (instance ?RETURN Returning)
        (experiencer ?RETURN ?AGENT)
        (destination ?RETURN ?DEST))
    (exists (?TIME)
            (earlier ?TIME
                (WhenFn ?RETURN))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (located ?AGENT ?DEST)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17266-17274
        (instance ?S LegalSummons)
        (patient ?S ?O)
        (destination ?S ?P))
    (exists (?C ?T)
            (instance ?C CourtRoom)
            (containsInformation ?O
                    (holdsDuring ?T
                        (located ?P ?C)) Law)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16227-16239
        (instance ?S SeizingProperty)
        (destination ?S ?A)
        (origin ?S ?V)
        (instance ?V CognitiveAgent))
        (instance ?A Government)
            (confersNorm ?V
                (destination ?S ?A) Permission))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18701-18712
        (instance ?S Spamming)
        (instance ?G GroupOfPeople)
        (memberCount ?G ?N)
        (destination ?S ?G))
        (greaterThan ?N 100) Likely))
ComputingBrands.kif 4187-4195
        (instance ?S Spamming)
        (result ?S ?SPAM)
        (instance ?S Spam)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (destination ?S ?H))
        (exists (?R)
                (instance ?R Requesting)
                (patient ?R ?SPAM)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 4197-4208
        (instance ?S Spamming)
        (result ?S ?SPAM)
        (instance ?S Spam)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (destination ?S ?H))
            (wants ?H ?SPAM) Likely)))
ComputingBrands.kif 4210-4220
        (instance ?SHARE Sharing)
        (agent ?SHARE ?AGENT1)
        (destination ?SHARE ?AGENT2)
        (patient ?SHARE ?OBJ))
    (exists (?GIVE ?PART)
            (instance ?GIVE Giving)
            (subProcess ?GIVE ?SHARE)
            (patient ?GIVE ?PART)
            (properPart ?PART ?OBJ)
            (agent ?GIVE ?AGENT1)
            (destination ?GIVE ?AGENT2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18564-18577
        (instance ?STEAL Stealing)
        (destination ?STEAL ?AGENT)
        (origin ?STEAL ?VICTIM)
        (instance ?VICTIM CognitiveAgent))
            (destination ?STEAL ?AGENT) ?VICTIM ?AGENT)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18586-18594
        (instance ?Service CommercialService)
        (agent ?Service ?Agent)
        (employs ?Org ?Agent)
        (destination ?Service ?Customer))
    (hasPurpose ?Service
        (exists (?Transaction)
                (instance ?Transaction FinancialTransaction)
                (destination ?Transaction ?Org)
                (origin ?Transaction ?Customer)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3590-3601
        (instance ?T Thanking)
        (destination ?T ?P))
    (instance ?P Human))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13160-13164
        (instance ?T1 Translocation)
        (instance ?T2 Translocation)
        (origin ?T1 ?O1)
        (origin ?T2 ?D1)
        (destination ?T1 ?D1)
        (destination ?T2 ?D2)
        (experiencer ?T1 ?P)
        (experiencer ?T2 ?P))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Translocation)
            (origin ?T ?O1)
            (destination ?T ?D2)
            (subProcess ?T1 ?T)
            (subProcess ?T2 ?T)
            (experiencer ?T ?P)
                (WhenFn ?T1)
                (WhenFn ?T))
                (WhenFn ?T2)
                (WhenFn ?T)))))
Merge.kif 11305-11328
        (instance ?TC TropicalCyclone)
        (destination ?TC ?DEST)
        (instance ?DEST GeographicArea))
        (exists (?L ?SL ?X)
                (instance ?L LandArea)
                (instance ?SL Shoreline)
                (located ?DEST ?L)
                (distance ?L ?SL
                    (MeasureFn ?X Mile))
                (greaterThan ?X 200.0)))))
Weather.kif 693-706
        (instance ?THANK Thanking)
        (agent ?THANK ?AGENT)
        (patient ?THANK ?THING)
        (destination ?THANK ?PERSON))
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (WhenFn ?THANK)
                (wants ?AGENT ?THING))
                (WhenFn ?THANK)
                (desires ?AGENT ?THING)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13148-13158
        (instance ?THREATEN Threatening)
        (patient ?THREATEN ?PROP)
        (destination ?THREATEN ?DEST))
    (believes ?DEST
        (attribute ?PROP Dangerous)))
MilitaryPersons.kif 212-218

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