

(connectedBodyPartTypes CommonInterosseousArtery UlnarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1155-1155 connectedBodyPartTypes common interosseous artery, ulnar artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes CommunicatingBranchToTheAnteriorTibialArtery FibularArtery Human) arteries.kif 1905-1905 connectedBodyPartTypes communicating branch to the anterior tibial artery, fibular artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes CostocervicalTrunkArtery LeftSubclavianArtery Human) arteries.kif 948-948 connectedBodyPartTypes costocervical trunk artery, left subclavian artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes CysticArtery RightHepaticArtery Human) arteries.kif 1339-1339 connectedBodyPartTypes cystic artery, right hepatic artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeepCervicalArtery CostocervicalTrunkArtery Human) arteries.kif 954-954 connectedBodyPartTypes deep cervical artery, costocervical trunk artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeepCircumflexIliacArtery ExternalIliacArtery Human) arteries.kif 1743-1743 connectedBodyPartTypes deep circumflex iliac artery, external iliac artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeepExternalPudendalArtery FemoralArtery Human) arteries.kif 1768-1768 connectedBodyPartTypes deep external pudendal artery, femoral artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeepFemoralArtery FemoralArtery Human) arteries.kif 1773-1773 connectedBodyPartTypes deep femoral artery, femoral artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeepPalmarArchArtery RadialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1137-1137 connectedBodyPartTypes deep palmar arch artery, radial artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeepVolarArtery UlnarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1214-1214 connectedBodyPartTypes deep volar artery, ulnar artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DeltoidArtery ThoracoacromialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1001-1001 connectedBodyPartTypes deltoid artery, thoracoacromial artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DescendingGenicularArtery FemoralArtery Human) arteries.kif 1840-1840 connectedBodyPartTypes descending genicular artery, femoral artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalCarpalArchArtery UlnarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1209-1209 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal carpal arch artery, ulnar artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalCarpalArtery UlnarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1204-1204 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal carpal artery, ulnar artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalCarpalBranchOfRadialArtery RadialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1112-1112 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal carpal branch of radial artery, radial artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalNasalArtery DorsumOfTheNoseArtery Human) arteries.kif 295-295 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal nasal artery, dorsum of the nose artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalNasalArtery ToRootOfNoseArtery Human) arteries.kif 290-290 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal nasal artery, to root of nose artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalNasalArtery TwigToTheUpperPartOfLacrimalSacArtery Human) arteries.kif 285-285 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal nasal artery, twig to the upper part of lacrimal sac artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalPancreaticArtery SplenicArtery Human) arteries.kif 1374-1374 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsal pancreatic artery, splenic artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes DorsalisPedisArtery AnteriorTibialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1890-1890 connectedBodyPartTypes dorsalis pedis artery, anterior tibial artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes EDescendingVasaRectaArtery fferentArteriole Human) arteries.kif 1475-1475 connectedBodyPartTypes EDescendingVasaRectaArtery, fferentArteriole and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes EfferentArteriole InterlobularArtery Human) arteries.kif 1470-1470 connectedBodyPartTypes efferent arteriole, interlobular artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes EsophagealArtery ThoracicAorta Human) arteries.kif 1252-1252 connectedBodyPartTypes esophageal artery, thoracic aorta and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes ExternalCarotidArtery AscendingPharyngealArtery Human) arteries.kif 424-424 connectedBodyPartTypes external carotid artery, ascending pharyngeal artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes ExternalCarotidArtery FacialArtery Human) arteries.kif 436-436 connectedBodyPartTypes external carotid artery, facial artery and human

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