

(termFormat Hindi ArtificialLanguage "kQtrima bhaashaa") terms-hindi.txt 48-48
(termFormat Hindi AsexualReproduction "alEngika prajanana") terms-hindi.txt 295-295
(termFormat Hindi Asleep "soyaa huaa") terms-hindi.txt 479-479
(termFormat Hindi AssociativeFunction "sahachaary prakaarya") terms-hindi.txt 127-127
(termFormat Hindi AstronomicalBody "khagoliya kshetra") terms-hindi.txt 154-154
(termFormat Hindi AsymmetricRelation "asaamanjasyapUrNa sambandha") terms-hindi.txt 102-102
(termFormat Hindi Atom "aNu") terms-hindi.txt 30-30
(termFormat Hindi AtomicNucleus "aaNavika kendra") terms-hindi.txt 32-32
(termFormat Hindi Attaching "sanlagnana") terms-hindi.txt 375-375
(termFormat Hindi Attribute "visheshtaa") terms-hindi.txt 62-62
(termFormat Hindi August "agasta") terms-hindi.txt 497-497
(termFormat Hindi Awake "jaagarUka") terms-hindi.txt 481-481
(termFormat Hindi Bacterium "jIvaaNu") terms-hindi.txt 182-182
(termFormat Hindi Battle "ladhaaii") terms-hindi.txt 422-422
(termFormat Hindi Betting "sharta") terms-hindi.txt 351-351
(termFormat Hindi Beverage "peya") terms-hindi.txt 224-224
(termFormat Hindi BinaryFunction "dvi-aadhaary prakaarya") terms-hindi.txt 126-126
(termFormat Hindi BinaryNumber "dvi-aadhaarI anka") terms-hindi.txt 79-79
(termFormat Hindi BinaryPredicate "dvi-lakshana") terms-hindi.txt 133-133
(termFormat Hindi BinaryRelation "dvi-aadhaarI sambandha") terms-hindi.txt 98-98
(termFormat Hindi BiologicalAttribute "jEvika visheshataa") terms-hindi.txt 471-471
(termFormat Hindi BiologicalProcess "jEvika prakriyaa ") terms-hindi.txt 283-283
(termFormat Hindi BiologicallyActiveSubstance "jEvika rUpa se kriyaashIla padaartha") terms-hindi.txt 212-212
(termFormat Hindi Bird "pakshI") terms-hindi.txt 196-196
(termFormat Hindi Birth "janma") terms-hindi.txt 286-286

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