

(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftCoronaryArtery RamusIntermedius Human) arteries.kif 111-111 connectedBodyPartTypes left coronary artery, ramus intermedius and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftCuboidBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1216-1216 connectedBodyPartTypes left cuboid bone, left proximal foot phalanx IV bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftCuboidBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1217-1217 connectedBodyPartTypes left cuboid bone, left proximal foot phalanx V bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftDistalFootPhalanxIBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1387-1387 connectedBodyPartTypes left distal foot phalanx I bone, left proximal foot phalanx I bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftDistalFootPhalanxIIBone LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1397-1397 connectedBodyPartTypes left distal foot phalanx II bone, left intermediate foot phalanx II bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftDistalFootPhalanxIIIBone LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxIIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1407-1407 connectedBodyPartTypes left distal foot phalanx III bone, left intermediate foot phalanx III bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftDistalFootPhalanxIVBone LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxIVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1417-1417 connectedBodyPartTypes left distal foot phalanx IV bone, left intermediate foot phalanx IV bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftDistalFootPhalanxVBone LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1427-1427 connectedBodyPartTypes left distal foot phalanx V bone, left intermediate foot phalanx V bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftFalseRib10Bone T10VertebraBone Human) Anatomy.kif 459-459 connectedBodyPartTypes left false rib 10 bone, T10 vertebra bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftFalseRib11Bone T11VertebraBone Human) Anatomy.kif 474-474 connectedBodyPartTypes left false rib 11 bone, T11 vertebra bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftFalseRib12Bone T12VertebraBone Human) Anatomy.kif 489-489 connectedBodyPartTypes left false rib 12 bone, T12 vertebra bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftFalseRib8Bone T8VertebraBone Human) Anatomy.kif 429-429 connectedBodyPartTypes left false rib 8 bone, T8 vertebra bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftFalseRib9Bone T9VertebraBone Human) Anatomy.kif 444-444 connectedBodyPartTypes left false rib 9 bone, T9 Vertebra Bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftGastricArtery CeliacArtery Human) arteries.kif 1305-1305 connectedBodyPartTypes left gastric artery, celiac artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftGastroOmentalArtery SplenicArtery Human) arteries.kif 1384-1384 connectedBodyPartTypes left gastro omental artery, splenic artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftHepaticArtery ProperHepaticArtery Human) arteries.kif 1344-1344 connectedBodyPartTypes left hepatic artery, proper hepatic artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateCuniformBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1180-1180 connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateCuniformBone, left proximal foot phalanx II bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateCuniformBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1181-1181 connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateCuniformBone, left proximal foot phalanx III bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxIIBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1346-1346 connectedBodyPartTypes left intermediate foot phalanx II bone, left proximal foot phalanx II bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxIIIBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1356-1356 connectedBodyPartTypes left intermediate foot phalanx III bone, left proximal foot phalanx III bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxIVBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1366-1366 connectedBodyPartTypes left intermediate foot phalanx IV bone, left proximal foot phalanx IV bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftIntermediateFootPhalanxVBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1376-1376 connectedBodyPartTypes left intermediate foot phalanx V bone, left proximal foot phalanx V bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftLateralCuniformBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIIIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1198-1198 connectedBodyPartTypes LeftLateralCuniformBone, left proximal foot phalanx III bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftLateralCuniformBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1199-1199 connectedBodyPartTypes LeftLateralCuniformBone, left proximal foot phalanx IV bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftMedialCuniformBone LeftProximalFootPhalanxIBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1162-1162 connectedBodyPartTypes LeftMedialCuniformBone, left proximal foot phalanx I bone and human

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