

(documentation AirStream EnglishLanguage "AirStream is the class of FlowRegions that consist of air.") Weather.kif 65-66
(documentation AirTrafficControl EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Air Traffic Control or Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal Services (private air traffic control).") naics.kif 8591-8594
(documentation AirTransitway EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Transitways that are through the EarthsAtmosphere.") Transportation.kif 1248-1249
(documentation AirTransportation EnglishLanguage "Any instance of Transportation where the instrument is an Aircraft and which is through an AtmosphericRegion.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 17685-17686
(documentation AirTransportationIndustry EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Air Transportation.") naics.kif 7949-7951
(documentation AirTransportationService EnglishLanguage "A TransportationService provided by an AutonomousAgent that involves flying a customer from one Airport to another Airport.") Transportation.kif 3355-3357
(documentation Aircraft EnglishLanguage "Any Vehicle which is capable of AirTransportation. Note that this class covers both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 17817-17819
(documentation AircraftCarrier EnglishLanguage "A MilitaryShip on which MilitaryAircraft can land and take off.") Transportation.kif 2458-2459
(documentation AircraftEngineAndEnginePartsManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing or Aircraft Engines and Engine Parts (except research and development).") naics.kif 5893-5896
(documentation AircraftManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Aircraft Manufacturing or Aircraft (except research and development).") naics.kif 5887-5889
(documentation Airline EnglishLanguage "An Airline is a TransportationCompany that specializes in providing AirTransportation") Transportation.kif 3297-3298
(documentation AirlineCodeMap EnglishLanguage "AirlineCodeMap denotes the SymbolicString used by different aviation organizations to identify Airline") Transportation.kif 3131-3132
(documentation Airplane EnglishLanguage "Airplane is the subclass of Aircraft that are fixed-wing aircraft which carry their own power sources. Airplane includes jet airplanes and propeller planes, but not gliders.") Transportation.kif 2585-2587
(documentation AirplaneMode EnglishLanguage "Airplane mode, Aeroplane mode, Flight mode, Offline mode, or Standalone mode is a setting available on smartphones and other portable computers that, when activated, suspends radio-frequency signal transmission by the device, thereby disabling Bluetooth, telephony, and Wi-Fi. GPS may or may not be disabled, because it does not involve transmitting radio waves. The name comes from the prohibition by most of the airlines of using equipment transmitting radio-frequency signal while in flight; using airplane mode prevents devices from transmitting. (from Wikipedia)") ComputingBrands.kif 1773-1778
(documentation Airport EnglishLanguage "Airport is the subclass of TransitTerminals for Airplanes (fixed-wing Aircraft).") Transportation.kif 1268-1269
(documentation AirportByRunwaySurface EnglishLanguage "AirportByRunwaySurface is a subclass of AirportClassification attributes used to describe an airport according to the surface type of its longest runway.") Transportation.kif 1348-1350
(documentation AirportClassification EnglishLanguage "AirportClassification is a class of Attributes for representing systems that categorize Airports according to some criteria. There are several such systems, including the International Civil Aviation Organization categories A to E, based on runway lengths, the Federal Aviation Administration system associated with airport functions, and the airport categorization by runway length used in the CIA World Fact Book.") Transportation.kif 1339-1345
(documentation AirportOperations EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Airport Operations.") naics.kif 8585-8587
(documentation AirportShuttleService EnglishLanguage "AirportShuttleService is a type of ShuttleService that has an Airport as one of its stops") Hotel.kif 2067-2068
(documentation AirportWithPavedRunway EnglishLanguage "AirportWithPavedRunway is an AirportClassification attribute used to describe an airport whose longest runway is a PavedRunway.") Transportation.kif 1353-1355
(documentation AirportWithUnpavedRunway EnglishLanguage "AirportWithUnpavedRunway is an AirportClassification attribute used to describe an airport whose longest runway is an UnpavedRunway.") Transportation.kif 1367-1369
(documentation Airway EnglishLanguage "The class of Transitways used to transport Air to a location where it is absent or insufficient.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 11717-11718
(documentation AjaccioFrance EnglishLanguage "The City of Ajaccio in France.") CountriesAndRegions.kif 1409-1409
(documentation AkaBeaLanguage EnglishLanguage "The AkaBeaLanguage is a CentralGreatAndamaneseLanguage of India. SIL code: ACE. ISO 639-2: mis. Region: Andaman Islands, coasts of South Andaman Island except northeast coast, and north and east interiors, coastal Rutland Island except south coast, small islands southeast of Rutland, and Labyrinth Islands. Alternate names: BEA, BEADA, BIADA, AKA-BEADA, BOJIGNIJI, BOGIJIAB, BOJIGYAB. Comments: Extinct.(extract from http:/ / www.ethnologue.com/ )") Languages.kif 5393-5399
(documentation AkaBoLanguage EnglishLanguage "The AkaBoLanguage is a NorthernGreatAndamaneseLanguage of India. SIL code: AKM. ISO 639-2: mis. Region: Andaman Islands, east central coast of North Andaman Island, and North Reef Island. Alternate names: BO, BA. Comments: Extinct.(extract from http:/ / www.ethnologue.com/ )") Languages.kif 5438-5441

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