

(documentation AinuTurkicLanguage EnglishLanguage "The AinuTurkishLanguage is an EasternTurkicLanguage of China. SIL code: AIB. ISO 639-2: tut. Population 5,000 (1988). Region: Yengixar (Shule) town, Hanalik and Paynap villages in the Kashgar area, and Gewoz village near Hoban, Hetian, Luopu, Moyu, Shache, Yingjisha and Shulekuche counties of southwestern Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Alternate names: AYNU, AINI, ABDAL. Comments: The language has the same grammar as Uyghur but much Persian vocabulary. Some consider it to be a dialect of Uyghur, others to be an Iranian language heavily influenced by Uyghur. The government counts them as Uyghur. They speak Aynu in the family, but Uyghur to outsiders. The Uyghur despise them and call them 'Abdal' or 'beggar.' They do not intermarry with the Uyghur. Different from the Ainu spoken in Russia and Japan. Caste of circumcisers.(extract from http:/ / www.ethnologue.com/ )") Languages.kif 5118-5129
(documentation Aioli EnglishLanguage "is a garlic mayonnaise. It is a traditional Provençal sauce made of garlic, olive oil, and (typically) egg. There are many variations, such as the addition of mustard or, in Catalonia, pears. It is usually served at room temperature.") Food.kif 2077-2081
(documentation Air EnglishLanguage "Air is the gaseous stuff that makes up the atmosphere surrounding Earth.") Merge.kif 14818-14819
(documentation AirAndGasCompressorManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Air and Gas Compressor Manufacturing or Air and Gas Compressors.") naics.kif 5005-5008
(documentation AirAttackMissile EnglishLanguage "A missile that attacks targets in the air.") MilitaryDevices.kif 971-972
(documentation AirConditioner EnglishLanguage "AirConditioner is a type of ElectricDevice that is designed to provide comfort during hot or cold weather by keeping the air in an area a specific temperature") Mid-level-ontology.kif 25977-25979
(documentation AirConditioningAndWarmAirHeatingEquipmentAndCommercialAndIndustrialRefrigerationEquipmentManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing or Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment (except motor vehicle air-conditioning).") naics.kif 4880-4887
(documentation AirConditioningCompressor EnglishLanguage "A Machine that pulls refrigerant in its Gas state out of the AirConditioningEvaporator and subjects it to Compressing in a VaporCompressionCycle.") Cars.kif 2009-2011
(documentation AirConditioningCondenser EnglishLanguage "A Machine that pulls compressed refrigerant in its Gas state out of the AirConditioningCompressor and turns it into a Liquid via a VaporCompressionCycle.") Cars.kif 2053-2055
(documentation AirConditioningEvaporator EnglishLanguage "A Machine that pulls refrigerant in its Liquid state out of the AirConditioningCondenser and turns it into a Gas via a VaporCompressionCycle.") Cars.kif 2077-2079
(documentation AirEngineCoolingSystem EnglishLanguage "A kind of EngineCoolingSystem less commonly found in Automobiles than a LiquidEngineCoolingSystem. It uses a Air to cool the Engine.") Cars.kif 2184-2186
(documentation AirFilter EnglishLanguage "An air filter is designed to remove Solid impurities from Air.") Cars.kif 940-941
(documentation AirForce EnglishLanguage "AirForce is the subclass of MilitaryService that comprises military air forces.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 8350-8351
(documentation AirForceBranchOfService EnglishLanguage "A modern nation-states' air forces (the whole branch of service) and not a subdivision thereof.") Military.kif 796-797
(documentation AirIntake EnglishLanguage "A Tube that channels Air on a path ultimately into an Engine.") Cars.kif 962-963
(documentation AirLaunchMissile EnglishLanguage "A missile launched from the air.") MilitaryDevices.kif 940-940
(documentation AirPhotographicReconnaissance EnglishLanguage "The obtaining of information by air photography, divided into three types: a. Strategic photographic reconnaissance b. Tactical photographic reconnaissance and c. Survey/ cartographic photography-air photography taken for survey/ cartographical purposes and to survey/ cartographic standards of accuracy. It may be strategic or tactical.") MilitaryProcesses.kif 744-749
(documentation AirPlay EnglishLanguage "AirPlay is a proprietary protocol stack/ suite developed by Apple Inc. that allows wireless streaming between devices of audio, video, device screens, and photos, together with related metadata. Originally implemented only in Apple's software and devices, it was called AirTunes and used for audio only. Apple has since licensed the AirPlay protocol stack as a third-party software component technology to manufacturers that build products compatible with Apple's devices. (from Wikipedia)") ComputingBrands.kif 1830-1834
(documentation AirPollution EnglishLanguage "AirPollution is the subclass of Pollution processes in which air is contaminated.") Geography.kif 2481-2482
(documentation AirPrint EnglishLanguage "AirPrint is a feature in Apple Inc.'s macOS and iOS operating systems for printing via a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), either directly to AirPrint-compatible printers, or to non-compatible shared printers by way of a computer running Microsoft Windows, Linux, or macOS. Direct Wi-Fi connection between the device and the printer is not supported by default, but has appeared as the 'HP ePrint Wireless Direct AirPrint' feature. (from Wikipedia)") ComputingBrands.kif 1873-1877
(documentation AirPump EnglishLanguage "Any Pump designed to move Air.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 25498-25498
(documentation AirPurificationEquipmentManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing or Industrial and Commercial Fans and Blowers and Air Purification Equipment (air purification equipment).") naics.kif 4856-4860
(documentation AirQualityAttribute EnglishLanguage "Attributes that partition the airQualityIndex values according to https:/ / www.airnow.gov/ aqi/ aqi-basics/ .") Weather.kif 3097-3098
(documentation AirReconnaissance EnglishLanguage "The acquisition of information by employing visual observation and/ or sensors in air vehicles.") MilitaryProcesses.kif 731-732
(documentation AirRoute EnglishLanguage "An AirRoute is a region of air space that can be travelled between points by an air TransportationDevice.") Transportation.kif 2998-2999

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