

(termFormat cz AgeGroup "age group") terms-cz.txt 312-312
(termFormat cz Agent "agent") terms-cz.txt 91-91
(termFormat cz AlethicAttribute "alethic attribute") terms-cz.txt 496-496
(termFormat cz Alga "alga") terms-cz.txt 213-213
(termFormat cz Amphibian "amphibian") terms-cz.txt 232-232
(termFormat cz AnatomicalStructure "anatomical structure") terms-cz.txt 263-263
(termFormat cz AngleMeasure "angle measure") terms-cz.txt 562-562
(termFormat cz AnimacyAttribute "animacy attribute") terms-cz.txt 511-511
(termFormat cz Animal "animal") terms-cz.txt 217-217
(termFormat cz AnimalLanguage "animal language") terms-cz.txt 83-83
(termFormat cz AntisymmetricRelation "antisymmetric relation") terms-cz.txt 140-140
(termFormat cz Ape "ape") terms-cz.txt 244-244
(termFormat cz April "april") terms-cz.txt 533-533
(termFormat cz AquaticMammal "aquatic mammal") terms-cz.txt 236-236
(termFormat cz Arachnid "arachnid") terms-cz.txt 226-226
(termFormat cz AreaMeasure "area measure") terms-cz.txt 558-558
(termFormat cz ArtWork "art work") terms-cz.txt 301-301
(termFormat cz Arthropod "arthropod") terms-cz.txt 225-225
(termFormat cz Article "article") terms-cz.txt 292-292
(termFormat cz Artifact "artifact") terms-cz.txt 296-296
(termFormat cz ArtificialLanguage "artificial language") terms-cz.txt 84-84
(termFormat cz AsexualReproduction "asexual reproduction") terms-cz.txt 334-334
(termFormat cz Asleep "asleep") terms-cz.txt 519-519
(termFormat cz AssociativeFunction "associative function") terms-cz.txt 164-164
(termFormat cz AstronomicalBody "astronomical body") terms-cz.txt 191-191

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