

(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "YER" YemeniRial) Media.kif 2488-2488
(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "YUM" YugoslavianDinar) Media.kif 2489-2489
(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "ZAR" SouthAfricanRand) Media.kif 2312-2312
(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "ZMK" ZambianKwacha) Media.kif 2313-2313
(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "ZWD" ZimbabweanDollar) Media.kif 2314-2314
(documentation ISO-4217-A EnglishLanguage "This CurrencyCodeMap states correspondences between three-letter alphabetic tokens defined in the ISO 4217 standard, and constants defined in SUMO. Note that for most of the alphabetic tokens, ISO 4217 also defines a corresponding three-digit numeric token with the same meaning.") Media.kif 2279-2284
(instance ISO-4217-A CurrencyCodeMap) Media.kif 2278-2278

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners