

(termFormat cb Getting "pagkuha") terms-cb.txt 351-351
(termFormat cb Giving "paghatag") terms-cb.txt 348-348
(termFormat cb Graduation "paggrawar") terms-cb.txt 314-314
(termFormat cb Graph "agi") terms-cb.txt 145-145
(termFormat cb GraphElement "aging elemento") terms-cb.txt 152-152
(termFormat cb GraphPath "agianang agi") terms-cb.txt 148-148
(termFormat cb Group "panagtapok") terms-cb.txt 277-277
(termFormat cb Growth "tubo") terms-cb.txt 297-297
(termFormat cb Guiding "pagtultol") terms-cb.txt 345-345
(termFormat cb Hearing "pagdungngog") terms-cb.txt 436-436
(termFormat cb Heating "pag-init") terms-cb.txt 325-325
(termFormat cb Hiring "pag-abang") terms-cb.txt 316-316
(termFormat cb HoleRegion "buhu") terms-cb.txt 156-156
(termFormat cb Hour "takna") terms-cb.txt 517-517
(termFormat cb Human "tawo") terms-cb.txt 215-215
(termFormat cb HumanLanguage "tawhanong pinulongan") terms-cb.txt 55-55
(termFormat cb Impacting "paghapak") terms-cb.txt 343-343
(termFormat cb Impelling "pagpugus") terms-cb.txt 340-340
(termFormat cb Increasing "pagdugang") terms-cb.txt 324-324
(termFormat cb InformationalMeasure "kasayurang sukod") terms-cb.txt 531-531
(termFormat cb Injuring "pagsamad") terms-cb.txt 304-304
(termFormat cb Insect "mananap") terms-cb.txt 196-196
(termFormat cb Integer "tanan") terms-cb.txt 77-77
(termFormat cb Investigating "pag-imbestigar") terms-cb.txt 407-407
(termFormat cb Island "pulo isla") terms-cb.txt 169-169

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