

No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4020-4020 The day 3 is a date established of united nations high commissioner for refugees
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4027-4027 The day 17 is a date established of united nations industrial development organization
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4034-4034 The day 11 is a date established of united nations institute for training and research
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4040-4040 The day 10 is a date established of united nations interim adminstration mission in kosovo
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4047-4047 The day 19 is a date established of united nations interim force in lebanon
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 3994-3994 The day 29 is a date established of united nations interregional crime and justice research institute
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4054-4054 The day 9 is a date established of united nations iraq kuwait observation mission
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4060-4060 The day 24 is a date established of united nations military observer group in india and pakistan
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4066-4066 The day 29 is a date established of united nations mission for the referendum in western sahara
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4073-4073 The day 21 is a date established of united nations mission in bosnia and herzegovina
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4081-4081 The day 31 is a date established of united nations mission in ethiopia and eritrea
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4087-4087 The day 22 is a date established of united nations mission in sierra leone
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4094-4094 The day 1 is a date established of united nations mission of observers in prevlaka
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4100-4100 The day 16 is a date established of united nations mission of observers in tajikistan
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4116-4116 The day 24 is a date established of united nations observer mission in georgia
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4123-4123 The day 30 is a date established of united nations organization mission in the democratic republic of the congo
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4129-4129 The day 4 is a date established of united nations peace keeping force in cyprus
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4136-4136 The month July is a date established of united nations population fund
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4143-4143 The day 31 is a date established of united nations preventive deployment force
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4150-4150 The day 8 is a date established of united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4169-4169 The day 26 is a date established of united nations secretariat
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4180-4180 The day 26 is a date established of united nations security council
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4237-4237 The day 25 is a date established of united nations transitional administration in east timor
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4244-4244 The month June is a date established of united nations truce supervision organization
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Government.kif 4257-4257 The day 26 is a date established of united nations trusteeship council

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