

        (instance ?W
            (WeekFn ?N ?Y))
        (instance ?YI ?Y))
    (during ?W ?YI))
Merge.kif 8995-8999
        (instance ?X DryRoasting)
        (instance ?F Food)
        (patient ?X ?F))
    (holdsDuring ?X
        (exists (?H ?S)
                (instance ?H Heating)
                (instance ?S Stirring)
                (subProcess ?H ?X)
                (subProcess ?S ?X)
                    (WhenFn ?S)
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (patient ?H ?F)
                (patient ?S ?F)
                    (exists (?O ?W)
                            (instance ?O Oil)
                            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
                            (patient ?X ?O)
                            (patient ?X ?W))))))))
Food.kif 128-151
        (instance ?X Meal)
        (attribute ?X Breakfast)
        (instance ?E Eating)
        (patient ?E ?X))
        (exists (?TIME)
                    (WhenFn ?E) ?TIME)
                (instance ?TIME BreakfastTime))) Likely))
Food.kif 1706-1716
        (instance ?X Meal)
        (attribute ?X Dinner)
        (instance ?E Eating)
        (patient ?E ?X))
        (exists (?TIME)
                    (WhenFn ?E) ?TIME)
                (instance ?TIME DinnerTime))) Likely))
Food.kif 1793-1803
        (instance ?X Meal)
        (attribute ?X Lunch)
        (instance ?E Eating)
        (patient ?E ?X))
        (exists (?TIME)
                    (WhenFn ?E) ?TIME)
                (instance ?TIME LunchTime))) Likely))
Food.kif 1776-1786
        (instance ?X NightClub)
        (standardRetailHours ?TIME ?X))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T ?TIME)
            (during ?T NightTime))))
Dining.kif 419-426
        (newRegisteredUsers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL)
        (member ?MEMBER ?COLL))
    (exists (?DURING)
            (instance ?DURING TimeInterval)
            (during ?DURING ?INT)
            (holdsDuring ?DURING
                (registeredUser ?MEMBER ?SITE)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3629-3638
            (instance ?A AutonomousAgent))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A Motionless)))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P Motion)
                (patient ?P ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30279-30290
        (observesHoliday ?A ?T1)
        (equal ?T2
            (WhenFn ?A)))
    (during ?T1 ?T2))
Media.kif 258-262
        (passenger ?PROC ?PASS)
        (instance ?V Vehicle)
        (instrument ?PROC ?V))
        (exists (?G)
                    (WhenFn ?G)
                    (WhenFn ?PROC))
                (instance ?G Guiding)
                (agent ?G ?PASS)
                (instrument ?G ?V)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30796-30807
        (physicalAmplitude ?T
            (MeasureFn ?L ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (patient ?T ?O))
        (exists (?P1 ?P2 ?T1 ?T2 ?L2)
                (during ?T1
                    (WhenFn ?T))
                (during ?T2
                    (WhenFn ?T))
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (located ?O ?P1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                    (located ?O ?P2))
                (distance ?P1 ?P2
                    (MeasureFn ?L2 ?U))
                (greaterThan ?L2 ?L)))))
Cars.kif 751-768
        (physicalAmplitude ?T ?L)
        (patient ?T ?O))
    (exists (?P1 ?P2 ?T1 ?T2)
            (during ?T1
                (WhenFn ?T))
            (during ?T2
                (WhenFn ?T))
            (holdsDuring ?T1
                (located ?O ?P1))
            (holdsDuring ?T2
                (located ?O ?P2))
            (distance ?P1 ?P2 ?L))))
Cars.kif 737-749
        (property ?X Booting)
        (instance ?X Computer))
    (exists (?CD ?OS ?DT)
            (instance ?CD DigitalData)
            (instance ?OS OperatingSystem)
            (instance ?DT DataTransfer)
                (WhenFn ?DT)
                (WhenFn ?X))
            (destination ?DT ?X)
            (part ?CD ?OS)
            (objectTransferred ?DT ?CD))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3217-3229
        (rentalPrice ?OBJ ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS)
        (equal ?QUANT
            (PerFn ?PRICE
                (measure ?TIME ?U)))
        (instance ?U UnitOfDuration)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?OBJ)
        (instance ?R Renting)
        (patient ?R ?ITEM)
        (agent ?R ?CUSTOMER)
        (time ?R ?TIMEINT))
    (forall (?X)
            (exists (?DURATION)
                    (during ?TIMEINT ?X)
                    (instance ?X TimeInterval)
                    (duration ?X
                        (MeasureFn ?DURATION ?U))
                    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?DURATION ?TIME)))
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P Payment)
                    (destination ?P ?AGENT)
                    (agent ?P ?CUSTOMER)
                    (transactionAmount ?P ?PRICE))))))
Catalog.kif 467-492
        (restingBreathingRate ?H ?R)
        (instance ?L Lung)
        (part ?L ?H))
    (exists (?T)
                (exists (?REC)
                        (instance ?REC RecreationOrExercise)
                        (agent ?REC ?H)
                        (during ?T
                            (WhenFn ?REC)))))
            (instance ?T Minute)
            (breathingRate ?H ?T ?R))))
Medicine.kif 342-357
        (restingHeartRate ?H ?R)
        (instance ?HEART Heart)
        (part ?HEART ?H))
    (exists (?T)
                (exists (?REC)
                        (instance ?REC RecreationOrExercise)
                        (agent ?REC ?H)
                        (during ?T
                            (WhenFn ?REC)))))
            (instance ?T Minute)
            (heartRate ?H ?T ?R))))
Medicine.kif 122-136
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N Integer))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G Collection)
                (memberType ?G ?O)
                (memberCount ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30980-30995
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N Integer))
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G Collection)
                (memberType ?G ?O)
                (memberCount ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30947-30962
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G ?O)
                (measure ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30997-31011
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G ?O)
                (measure ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30964-30978
        (visibilityInMeteorology ?Area ?Time
            (MeasureFn ?Distance ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure))
        (exists (?Observe ?A ?B ?D2)
                (instance ?Observe Looking)
                (agent ?Observe ?A)
                (patient ?Observe ?B)
                (orientation ?A ?B Horizontal)
                    (WhenFn ?Observe) ?Time)
                (eventLocated ?Observe ?Area)
                (distance ?A ?B
                    (MeasureFn ?D2 ?U))
                (greaterThan ?D2 ?Distance)))))
Weather.kif 2692-2709
    (breathingRate ?H ?T ?I)
    (exists (?C ?M)
            (instance ?C Collection)
            (memberType ?C Breath)
            (memberCount ?C ?I)
                (member ?M ?C)
                    (patient ?M ?H)
                        (WhenFn ?M) ?T))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10413-10425
    (equal ?C
        (ContestFn ?CONTEST ?TI))
        (instance ?C ?CONTEST)
            (WhenFn ?C) ?TI)))
Music.kif 1051-1055
    (grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod ?A ?O ?CM ?TP)
        (monetaryValue ?CI ?CM)
        (instance ?CI
            (KappaFn ?COL
                    (instance ?B Buying)
                    (instance ?ITEM ?COL)
                    (agent ?B ?A)
                    (patient ?B ?ITEM)
                    (patient ?B ?O)
                    (during ?B ?TP))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2974-2986
    (grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod ?A ?O ?CM ?TP)
        (monetaryValue ?CI ?CM)
        (instance ?CI
            (KappaFn ?COL
                    (instance ?S Selling)
                    (instance ?ITEM ?COL)
                    (agent ?S ?A)
                    (patient ?S ?ITEM)
                    (patient ?S ?O)
                    (during ?S ?TP))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2998-3010

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