

(documentation Advertising ChineseLanguage "这是一种 Disseminating,它是以 TextIcon (广告)的方式表示,目的为了推广销售一种 Object。") chinese_format.kif 3251-3252
(documentation Advertising EnglishLanguage "A Disseminating whose purpose is to promote the sale of an Object represented in a Text or Icon (the advertisement).") Merge.kif 13119-13121
(documentation AdvertisingAgencies EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Advertising Agencies or Advertising Agencies.") naics.kif 10161-10163
(documentation AdvertisingAndRelatedServices EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Advertising and Related Services.") naics.kif 10155-10157
(documentation AdvertisingMaterialDistributionServices EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Advertising Material Distribution Services or Advertising, NEC (advertising materials distributor).") naics.kif 10200-10203
(documentation AegilopsGrass EnglishLanguage "Aegilops is a genus of Eurasian and North American plants in the grass family, Poaceae. They are known generally as goatgrasses. It is a diploid (2 sets of chromosomes) goatgrass. Genus Aegilops has played an important role in the taxonomy of wheat. The familiar common wheat (Triticum aestivum) arose when cultivated emmer wheat hybridized with Aegilops tauschii about 8,000 years ago.[wikipedia]") Economy.kif 3832-3836
(documentation AegilopsSpeltoides EnglishLanguage "Aegilops speltoides is an edible goatgrass in the family Poaceae native to Southeastern Europe and Western Asia, which is often used for animal feed, and it has grown in cultivated beds. Aegilops speltoides is a diploid (2 sets of chromosomes). [wikipedia]") Economy.kif 3855-3857
(documentation AegilopsTauschii EnglishLanguage "Aegilops tauschii, the Tausch's goatgrass or rough-spike hard grass, is an annual grass species. Aegilops tauschii is part of the tribe Triticeae, along with wheat. This diploid (2 sets of chromosomes) goatgrass species has contributed the D genome to common wheat.[wikipedia]") Economy.kif 3848-3851
(documentation Aerating EnglishLanguage "Combining a substance with Air.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 1897-1897
(documentation Aerator EnglishLanguage "A Device whose purpose is to mix Substances with Air.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 1883-1884
(documentation AerobicExerciseDevice EnglishLanguage "An RecreationOrExerciseDevice whose purpose is to develop the cardiovascular system.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 8228-8229
(documentation AeronauticalEngineer EnglishLanguage "an Engineer concerned with Designing and Making of Aircrafts") Biography.kif 434-434
(documentation Aerosal EnglishLanguage "Aerosal 是一种悬浮在空中,由微小的 Solid 颗粒或 Liquid Droplet 组成 的 Colloid。") Geography.kif 7537-7538
(documentation Aerosal EnglishLanguage "An Aerosal is a Colloid of fine Solid particles or Liquid Droplets in air.") Geography.kif 7534-7535
(documentation AerosolizedAgent EnglishLanguage "A BiochemicalAgent that has been divided into particles so minute that they can be easily dispersed in the air and inhaled by Humans or Animals. AerosolizedAgents tend to be more lethal and to affect a larger area.") WMD.kif 98-101
(documentation AerosolizedBacillusAnthracis EnglishLanguage "Also known as weaponized anthrax. These are spores of BacillusAnthracis that have been separated to the point that they can be dispersed in the air and easily inhaled by crowds.") WMD.kif 294-296
(documentation AerospaceProductAndPartsManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing.") naics.kif 5881-5883
(documentation AfarLanguage EnglishLanguage "The AfarLanguage is a CushiticLanguage spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti, and is thought to have about 1.5 million speakers as of April 2008. See the Wikipedia article on Afar language.") Languages.kif 14543-14548
(documentation AfferentArteriole EnglishLanguage "afferent arteriole") arteries.kif 1462-1462
(documentation Afforestation EnglishLanguage "Afforestation is the process of planting trees and plants on spaces that are either empty or in agricultural use.") Geography.kif 2573-2575
(documentation Afghanistan EnglishLanguage "The Nation of Afghanistan.") CountriesAndRegions.kif 1177-1177
(documentation AfittiLanguage EnglishLanguage "The AfittiLanguage is a NyimangLanguage of the Sudan. SIL code: AFT. ISO 639-2: ssa. Population: 4,512 (1984 R. C. Stevenson). Region: Northern Sudan, Nuba Hills, eastern Jebel ed Dair. Main center is Sidra. Alternate names: DITTI, UNIETTI, AFFITTI, DINIK. Comments: Not inherently intelligible with Nyimang. 59% lexical similarity with Nyimang. Investigation needed: bilingual proficiency. Muslim.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 12489-12494
(documentation Aflatoxicosis EnglishLanguage "The disease has rarely been observed in humans, but it can cause severe damage to the liver, including cirrhosis and liver cancer, in a large number of animal species.") WMD.kif 1835-1837
(documentation Aflatoxin EnglishLanguage "Toxins produced by fungi of the strains Aspergillus Flavus and Aspergillus Parasiticus. There are four varieties of Aflatoxin, viz. B1, B2, G1, and G2. B1 is most common and most toxic.") WMD.kif 1830-1832

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