

(documentation AdministrationOfPublicHealthPrograms EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Administration of Public Health Programs or Administration of Public Health Programs.") naics.kif 12326-12329
(documentation AdministrationOfUrbanPlanningAndCommunityAndRuralDevelopment EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development or Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development.") naics.kif 12388-12393
(documentation AdministrationOfVeteransAffairs EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Administration of Veterans' Affairs or Administration of Veterans' Affairs, Except Health and Insurance.") naics.kif 12343-12346
(documentation AdministrativeAndSupportAndWasteManagementAndRemediationServices EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services.") naics.kif 10300-10304
(documentation AdministrativeAndSupportServices EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Administrative and Support Services.") naics.kif 10308-10310
(documentation AdministrativeManagementAndGeneralManagementConsultingServices EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services or Management Consulting Services (administrative management and general management consulting).") naics.kif 10077-10082
(documentation Admiral EnglishLanguage "Admiral is the rank, or part of the name of the ranks, of the highest naval officers, ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 19022-19022
(documentation AdobeFlashPlayer ChineseLanguage "Adobe Flash(前称Macromedia Flash和Shockwave Flash;简称Flash),前身为FutureSplash,既指Adobe Flash Professional多媒体创作程序,也指Adobe Flash Player。自从Macromedia公司于2005年12月3日被Adobe公司收购,Flash也就成为了Adobe旗下的软体。 2011年11月9日,Adobe公司宣布停止开发个人电脑平台以外的Flash Player,而专注于开发非专利标示语言HTML5。 目前已经走向HTML和APP双并行模式并在2014年技术趋于成熟。(资料来自维基百科)") ComputingBrands.kif 2964-2968
(documentation AdobeFlashPlayer ChineseTraditionalLanguage "Adobe Flash(前稱Macromedia Flash和Shockwave Flash;簡稱Flash),前身為FutureSplash,既指Adobe Flash Professional多媒體創作程序, 也指Adobe Flash Player。自從Macromedia公司於2005年12月3日被Adobe公司收購,Flash也就成為了Adobe旗下的軟體。 2011年11月9日,Adobe公司宣布停止開發個人電腦平台以外的Flash Player,而專注於開發非專利標示語言HTML5。 目前已經走向HTML和APP雙併行模式並在2014年技術趨於成熟。(資料來自維基百科)") ComputingBrands.kif 2958-2962
(documentation AdobeFlashPlayer EnglishLanguage "Adobe Flash is a deprecated multimedia software platform used for production of animations, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications, mobile games and embedded web browser video players. Flash displays text, vector graphics and raster graphics to provide animations, video games and applications. It allows streaming of audio and video, and can capture mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera input. (from Wikipedia)") ComputingBrands.kif 2951-2956
(documentation AdobeFlashPlayer JapaneseLanguage " Adobe Flash(アドビ・フラッシュ)は、アド ビシステムズが開発している動画やゲームなどを扱うための規格。元の開発会社はマクロメディアで旧称は Macromedia Flash(マクロメディア・フラッシュ)。競合としては、Microsoft Silverlightがあったが、 両社とも現在はHTML5を推奨している。 かつてはFlash規格のアプリケーションを制作する同社のソフトウェ ア群も「Adobe Flash (Macromedia Flash)」の名称で呼ばれていたが、2016年にAdobe Animateに名称を 変更した。そして2020年末にAdobeがFlash Playerの開発と配布を終了する予定であると発表した。 (ウィキペディア参照)") ComputingBrands.kif 2970-2976
(documentation AdoraWestBank EnglishLanguage "The City of Adora in WestBank.") CountriesAndRegions.kif 1399-1399
(documentation AdrenalGland EnglishLanguage "A Gland that secretes Cortisol, Aldosterone and Androgens.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 12291-12292
(documentation AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile ChineseLanguage "蓝牙立体声音讯传输规范(Advance Audio Distribution Profile),规定了使用蓝牙非同步传输信道方式,传输高质量音乐文件数据的协议堆栈软件和使用方法, 基于该协议就能通过以蓝牙方式传输高品质的立体声音乐。分为1.1版和1.2版,只要连接双方支持A2DP协议都能以16位, 44.1 kHz的质量传输声音信号。假如有一方没有支持A2DP的话,只能以8位,8 kHz的质量的免手持装置规范(Handsfree Profile)传输模式,声音质量会大打折扣。 (资料转载由维基百科)") ComputingBrands.kif 1616-1620
(documentation AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile ChineseTraditionalLanguage "藍牙立體聲音訊傳輸規範 (Advance Audio Distribution Profile),規定了使用藍牙非同步傳輸信道方式,傳輸高質量音樂文件數據的協議堆棧軟件和使用方法, 基於該協議就能通過以藍牙方式傳輸高品質的立體聲音樂。分為1.1版和1.2版,只要連接雙方支持A2DP協議都能以16位, 44.1 kHz的質量傳輸聲音信號。假如有一方沒有支持A2DP的話, 只能以8位,8 kHz的質量的免手持裝置規範(Handsfree Profile)傳輸模式,聲音質量會大打折扣。 (資料轉載由維基百科)") ComputingBrands.kif 1611-1615
(documentation AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile EnglishLanguage "This profile defines how multimedia audio can be streamed from one device to another over a Bluetooth connection (it is also called Bluetooth Audio Streaming). For example, music can be streamed from a mobile phone, to a wireless headset, hearing aid/ cochlear implant streamer, car audio, or from a laptop/ desktop to a wireless headset; also, voice can be streamed from a microphone device to a recorder on a PC.[1] The Audio/ Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) is often used in conjunction with A2DP for remote control on devices such as headphones, car audio systems, or stand-alone speaker units. These systems often also implement Headset (HSP) or Hands-Free (HFP) profiles for telephone calls, which may be used separately. (from Wikipedia)") ComputingBrands.kif 1602-1609
(documentation AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile JapaneseLanguage " Advanced Audio Distribution Profileは、Bluetoothプロファイル(仕様/ 標準化)のひとつ。仕様書などではA2DPと略さ れる。以下の記事中でもA2DPと表記する。A2DPでは、モノラルもしくはステレオの音声データを、ACLチャン ネル上に高品質にストリーミング配信するための手順や、使用する他のBluetoothプロファイル・Bluetooth プロトコルなどが定義されている。ただし、サラウンドサウンドの配信については定義の範囲外となる。A2DP では伝送に必要なカプセリング化方式のみを規定しており、ペイロードとなる音声の圧縮に使用するコー デックは自由に規定することが可能となっている。A2DPの規格で実装を必須としているのはSBC(SubBand Codec)であり、これ以外に過去多くの製品に実装されたコーデックとして、MP3オーディオ、AAC (MPEG-2/ 4 AAC)、ATRAC、aptX、LDACなどがある。また、特徴的な実装として、サムスン社製の一部の スマートフォンおよびBTイヤホンにおいてはサムスン独自のコーデックを実装し、同社製同士である場合に 高音質な再生品質が得られることをアピールする事例もある。(ウィキペディア参照)") ComputingBrands.kif 1622-1632
(documentation AdvancedDevelopingCountry EnglishLanguage "AdvancedDevelopingCountry is an Attribute used to describe a LessDevelopedCountry (LDC) that is undergoing rapid industrial development. Also called 'newly industrializing economy' (or 'country').") Economy.kif 354-357
(documentation AdvancedEconomy EnglishLanguage "AdvancedEconomy is an Attribute used to represent the InternationalMonetaryFund's top category of development levels (AdvancedEconomy,, countries in transition, and developing countries. Generally (but not exactly) corresponds with DevelopedCountry classification used by UnitedNations agencies.") Economy.kif 529-533
(documentation Advent EnglishLanguage "An instance of Advent (LatinLanguage adventus = coming) is a TimeInterval that begins with an AdventSunday and includes the four Sundays preceding an instance of ChristmasDay. During this period, observant members of Christianity ritually anticipate the recurring celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Note that Advent is observed only in Western Christianity, which includes RomanCatholicism, Protestantism, and Anglicanism. The analog of Advent in Eastern Christianity, which includes EasternOrthodoxChristianity, is the Nativity Fast, which differs from Advent in length and significance.") Media.kif 298-308
(documentation AdventSunday EnglishLanguage "An instance of AdventSunday is a Sunday that begins an instance of Advent.") Media.kif 313-315
(documentation Adventist EnglishLanguage "An Adventist is a member of a Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ.") People.kif 1189-1189
(documentation Adverb ChineseLanguage "这是词类其中的一部分,它是习惯用于表示 ProcessAttributeWord Class。") chinese_format.kif 3537-3538
(documentation Adverb EnglishLanguage "One of the parts of speech. The Class of Words that conventionally denote Attributes of Processes.") Merge.kif 15284-15285

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