

(economyType Laos DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 668-668 economyType Laos and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Laos LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 284-284 economyType Laos and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Latvia CountryInTransition) Economy.kif 587-587 economyType Latvia and CountryInTransition
(economyType Lebanon DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 669-669 economyType Lebanon and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Lebanon LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 285-285 economyType Lebanon and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Lesotho DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 670-670 economyType Lesotho and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Lesotho LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 286-286 economyType Lesotho and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Liberia DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 671-671 economyType Liberia and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Liberia LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 287-287 economyType Liberia and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Libya DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 672-672 economyType Libya and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Libya LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 288-288 economyType Libya and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Liechtenstein DevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 164-164 economyType Liechtenstein and DevelopedCountry
(economyType Lithuania CountryInTransition) Economy.kif 588-588 economyType Lithuania and CountryInTransition
(economyType Luxembourg AdvancedEconomy) Economy.kif 551-551 economyType Luxembourg and AdvancedEconomy
(economyType Luxembourg DevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 165-165 economyType Luxembourg and DevelopedCountry
(economyType Macedonia CountryInTransition) Economy.kif 589-589 economyType Macedonia and CountryInTransition
(economyType Madagascar DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 673-673 economyType Madagascar and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Madagascar LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 289-289 economyType Madagascar and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Malawi DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 674-674 economyType Malawi and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Malawi LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 290-290 economyType Malawi and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Malaysia DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 675-675 economyType Malaysia and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Malaysia LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 291-291 economyType Malaysia and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Maldives DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 676-676 economyType Maldives and DevelopingCountry
(economyType Maldives LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 292-292 economyType Maldives and LessDevelopedCountry
(economyType Mali DevelopingCountry) Economy.kif 677-677 economyType Mali and DevelopingCountry

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