

        (instance ?A CoffeeGrindAttribute)
        (attribute ?C ?A)
        (instance ?C CoffeeGrind))
    (exists (?L ?X)
            (grainSize ?C ?L)
            (instance ?X LengthMeasure)
            (equal ?X
                (MeasureFn ?L Millimeter)))))
Food.kif 1063-1073
        (instance ?A MedicalPerson)
        (attribute ?C ?A))
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?TP)
                (instance ?TP TherapeuticProcess)
                (agent ?TP ?C)))))
Medicine.kif 6338-6346
        (instance ?A PreparedFoodAttribute)
        (attribute ?F ?A))
    (instance ?F Food))
Food.kif 24-28
        (instance ?ACCOUNT UserAccount)
        (attribute ?ACCOUNT BusinessAccount)
        (hasAccount ?USER ?ACCOUNT))
    (instance ?USER Business))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 660-665
        (instance ?AGENT Human)
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (instance ?POSITION Position)
        (attribute ?AGENT
            (MemberRoleFn ?ORG ?POSITION)))
    (attribute ?AGENT
        (MemberFn ?ORG)))
Government.kif 1789-1795
        (instance ?AGENT Human)
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (instance ?POSITION Position)
        (attribute ?AGENT
            (MemberRoleFn ?ORG ?POSITION)))
    (member ?AGENT ?ORG))
Government.kif 1797-1803
        (instance ?AGENT SentientAgent)
        (attribute ?AGENT Living))
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR ConsciousnessAttribute)
            (attribute ?AGENT ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 18321-18328
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT AirportWithPavedRunway))
    (exists (?RUNWAY)
            (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT))))
Transportation.kif 1357-1364
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT AirportWithUnpavedRunway))
    (exists (?RUNWAY)
            (instance ?RUNWAY UnpavedRunway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT))))
Transportation.kif 1371-1378
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT LongRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 2438)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 3047)))))
Transportation.kif 1445-1457
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT MediumLengthRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 1524)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 2437)))))
Transportation.kif 1426-1438
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT ShortRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 914)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 1523)))))
Transportation.kif 1407-1419
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT VeryLongRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
            (greaterThan ?LENGTH 3047))))
Transportation.kif 1464-1474
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT VeryShortRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
            (lessThan ?LENGTH 914))))
Transportation.kif 1391-1400
        (instance ?ANI Animal)
        (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?ANI ?D)))
    (exists (?P ?W)
            (instance ?P BiologicalProcess)
            (instance ?P Removing)
            (origin ?P ?ANI)
            (instance ?W Sewage)
            (agent ?P ?ANI)
            (objectTransferred ?P ?W))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2162-2175
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (attribute ?REGION ?ATTRIBUTE)
        (instance ?ATTRIBUTE TerrainAttribute)
        (partlyLocated ?REGION ?AREA))
    (terrainInArea ?AREA ?ATTRIBUTE))
Geography.kif 1727-1733
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?CONE Volcano)
        (attribute ?CONE VolcanicallyActive))
        (attribute ?AREA GeologicallyStable)))
Geography.kif 1858-1863
        (instance ?AS AutomobileShock)
        (instance ?C Compressing)
        (instance ?H HoleRegion)
        (attribute ?F Fluid)
        (equal ?AS
            (HoleHostFn ?H))
        (contains ?AS ?F)
        (patient ?C ?AS))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Transfer)
            (objectTransferred ?T ?F)
            (path ?T ?H)
            (causes ?C ?T))))
Cars.kif 871-885
        (instance ?ATT TerrainAttribute)
        (attribute ?OBJECT ?ATT))
    (instance ?OBJECT LandArea))
Geography.kif 1742-1746
        (instance ?ATT1 Attribute)
        (instance ?ATT2 Attribute)
        (subrelation ?PRED attribute))
            (contraryAttributeWRT ?ATT1 ?ATT2 ?PRED)
            (?PRED ?ENTITY ?ATT1)
            (?PRED ?ENTITY ?ATT2))))
ComputerInput.kif 43-52
        (instance ?ATTR ColorAttribute)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR)))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (color ?OBJ ?ATTR)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19361-19367
        (instance ?ATTR ConsciousnessAttribute)
        (attribute ?AGENT ?ATTR))
        (instance ?AGENT SentientAgent)
        (attribute ?AGENT Living)))
Merge.kif 18330-18336
        (instance ?ATTR IndustryAttribute)
        (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))
    (instance ?OBJ Organization))
Media.kif 1882-1886
        (instance ?ATTR MusicGenre)
        (attribute ?A ?ATTR))
        (instance ?A MakingMusic)
        (instance ?A MusicRecording)))
Music.kif 511-517
        (instance ?ATTR PhysicalState)
        (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))
    (instance ?OBJ Substance))
Merge.kif 17598-17602

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