

    (instance ?B Bus)
    (hasPurpose ?B
        (exists (?C ?T ?N ?P)
                (instance ?C Collection)
                (instance ?T Transportation)
                (memberCount ?C ?N)
                (greaterThan ?N 11)
                    (member ?P ?C)
                    (patient ?T ?P))))))
Transportation.kif 1972-1983
    (instance ?BF BowlingFacility)
    (exists (?BL)
            (instance ?BL Collection)
            (memberType ?BL BowlingLane)
            (located ?BL ?BF))))
Sports.kif 1163-1169
    (instance ?DRIZZLE Drizzling)
    (exists (?CLTN ?R ?SIZE)
            (instance ?CLTN Collection)
            (instance ?R Water)
            (instance ?R LiquidDrop)
            (member ?R ?CLTN)
            (objectTransferred ?DRIZZLE ?CLTN)
            (approximateDiameter ?R
                (MeasureFn ?SIZE Millimeter))
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?SIZE 0.5) Likely))))
Weather.kif 2786-2798
    (instance ?DROP Raindrop)
    (exists (?RAIN)
            (instance ?RAIN Rain)
            (instance ?RAIN Collection)
            (member ?DROP ?RAIN))))
Weather.kif 2964-2970
    (instance ?EM EspressoMaking)
    (holdsDuring ?EM
        (exists (?H ?W ?V ?T ?LM ?P ?COLL ?K ?CG ?F ?R)
                (instance ?H Heating)
                (patient ?H ?W)
                (measure ?W
                    (MeasureFn ?V Liter))
                (approximateValue ?V 0.03)
                        (WhenFn ?H))
                        (measure ?W
                            (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))
                        (approximateValue ?T 90)))
                (instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
                (patient ?LM ?W)
                (holdsDuring ?LM
                        (measure ?W
                            (MeasureFn ?P
                                (KiloFn Pascal)))
                        (approximateValue ?P 900)))
                (destination ?LM ?COLL)
                (instance ?COLL Collection)
                (measure ?COLL
                    (MeasureFn ?K Gram))
                (approximateValue ?K 7.5)
                (member ?COLL ?CG)
                (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
                (attribute ?CG FineGrind)
                (located ?COLL ?F)
                (instance ?F Filter)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (instrument ?R ?F)
                (patient ?R ?COLL)
                        (WhenFn ?H))
                        (WhenFn ?LM))
                        (WhenFn ?R)))))))
Food.kif 799-834
    (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
    (exists (?QUALIFYING_EVENTS)
            (instance ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS Collection)
            (forall (?EVENT)
                        (instance ?EVENT Process)
                            (experimentalControlProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?EVENT)
                            (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?EVENT)))
                    (member ?EVENT ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS)))
                (QualifyingEventsFn ?EXPERIMENT) ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4208-4223
    (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
    (exists (?TREATED_USERS)
            (instance ?TREATED_USERS Collection)
            (forall (?USER)
                        (instance ?USER Human)
                        (treatedUser ?USER ?EXPERIMENT))
                    (member ?USER ?TREATED_USERS)))
                (TreatedUsersFn ?EXPERIMENT) ?TREATED_USERS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4281-4293
    (instance ?LGP LargeGroupProcess)
    (exists (?G ?M)
            (instance ?G Collection)
            (member ?M ?G)
            (memberType ?G AutonomousAgent))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7959-7965
    (instance ?P Polymer)
    (exists (?COLL ?M)
            (equal ?P ?COLL)
            (instance ?COLL Collection)
            (member ?M ?COLL)
            (instance ?M Monomer))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 72-79
    (instance ?PROCESS Sleeting)
    (exists (?STUFF ?R ?S ?MELT)
            (instance ?STUFF Collection)
            (objectTransferred ?PROCESS ?STUFF)
            (instance ?R Raindrop)
            (instance ?S Snowflake)
            (member ?R ?STUFF)
            (member ?S ?STUFF)
            (instance ?MELT Melting)
            (subProcess ?MELT ?PROCESS)
            (patient ?MELT ?S))))
Weather.kif 1142-1154
    (instance ?RAIN Raining)
    (exists (?CLTN ?R ?CLASS)
            (instance ?CLTN Collection)
            (instance ?R Water)
            (instance ?R LiquidDrop)
            (instance ?R ?CLASS
                (member ?R ?CLTN)
                (objectTransferred ?RAIN ?CLTN)
                (defaultMinimumSphereRadius ?CLASS
                    (MeasureFn 0.1 Millimeter))
                (defaultMaximumSphereRadius ?CLASS
                    (MeasureFn 9.0 Millimeter))))))
Weather.kif 1041-1054
    (instance ?ROOM SelfServiceLaundry)
    (exists (?WASHER ?DRYER)
            (instance ?WASHER Collection)
            (memberType ?WASHER ClothesWashingMachine)
            (located ?WASHER ?ROOM)
            (instance ?DRYER Collection)
            (memberType ?DRYER ClothesDryer)
            (located ?DRYER ?ROOM))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25459-25468
    (instance ?S Snowflake)
    (exists (?SNOW)
            (instance ?SNOW Snow)
            (instance ?SNOW Collection)
            (member ?S ?SNOW))))
Weather.kif 2996-3002
    (instance ?SNOW Snowing)
    (exists (?CLTN ?I)
            (instance ?CLTN Collection)
            (instance ?I Ice)
            (attribute ?I MonoCrystalline)
            (member ?I ?CLTN)
            (objectTransferred ?SNOW ?CLTN))))
Weather.kif 1125-1133
    (instance ?STUFF Hailstone)
    (exists (?PROCESS ?CLTN)
            (instance ?PROCESS Hailing)
            (instance ?CLTN Collection)
            (objectTransferred ?PROCESS ?CLTN)
            (member ?STUFF ?CLTN))))
Weather.kif 3057-3064
    (instance ?X Chromotin)
    (exists (?COLL ?N)
            (instance ?COLL Collection)
            (located ?COLL ?X)
            (member ?COLL ?N)
            (instance ?N Nucleosome))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 609-616
    (instance ?X ElectricalOutlet)
    (exists (?HOLE)
            (instance ?HOLE Collection)
            (memberType ?HOLE HoleRegion)
            (part ?HOLE ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25944-25950
    (instance ?X ElectricalOutlet)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?POWER ?WIRE)
                (instance ?POWER PowerSource)
                (instance ?WIRE Collection)
                (memberType ?WIRE WireLine)
                (connectsEngineeringComponents ?WIRE ?X ?POWER)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25952-25960
    (instance ?X HighRise)
    (exists (?LEVELS ?NUM)
            (instance ?LEVELS Collection)
            (forall (?FLR)
                        (instance ?FLR BuildingLevel)
                        (part ?FLR ?X))
                    (member ?FLR ?LEVELS)))
            (memberCount ?LEVELS ?NUM)
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUM 10))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26541-26553
    (optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee ?CLASS ?A)
    (exists (?CM ?COLL ?C)
            (instance ?CM ?CLASS)
            (patient ?CM ?COLL)
            (instance ?COLL Collection)
            (member ?C ?COLL)
            (instance ?C CoffeeGrind)
            (attribute ?C ?A))))
Food.kif 728-737
    (rainfallIntensity ?AREA ?TIME ?RATE)
            (instance ?RAIN Raining)
            (eventLocated ?RAIN ?AREA)
                (WhenFn ?RAIN) ?TIME)
            (instance ?CLTN Collection)
            (objectTransferred ?RAIN ?CLTN)
            (instance ?R Water)
            (member ?R ?CLTN)
            (instance ?BUCKET Container)
            (bottom ?BOTTOM ?BUCKET)
            (attribute ?BOTTOM Flat)
            (located ?BUCKET ?AREA)
                (BeginFn ?TIME)
                (attribute ?BUCKET ContainerEmpty))
                (EndFn ?TIME)
                    (located ?CLTN ?BUCKET)
                    (top ?TOP ?CLTN)
                    (depth ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?RAINFALL)
                    (equal ?RAINFALL
                        (MultiplicationFn ?TIME ?RATE)))))))
Weather.kif 2813-2838
    (siteCatalog ?DATABASE ?WEBSITE)
    (exists (?PART ?PRODUCTS ?BUYING)
            (instance ?PRODUCTS Collection)
            (part ?PART ?DATABASE)
            (represents ?PART ?PRODUCTS)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                    (member ?MEMBER ?PRODUCTS)
                        (instance ?MEMBER Physical)
                            (KappaFn ?BUYING
                                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                                    (eCommerceSite ?BUYING ?WEBSITE))) patient ?MEMBER)))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2242-2259
    (subBrand ?BRAND1 ?BRAND2)
    (exists (?COLL ?OBJ)
            (instance ?COLL Collection)
            (represents ?BRAND1 ?COLL)
            (member ?OBJ ?COLL)
            (represents ?BRAND2 ?OBJ))))
Hotel.kif 1335-1342
    (exists (?POP1 ?POP2 ?EXPERIMENT)
            (instance ?POP1 Collection)
            (instance ?POP2 Collection)
            (statisticalPopulation ?SAMPLE_COLL1 ?POP1 ?EXPERIMENT)
            (statisticalPopulation ?SAMPLE_COLL2 ?POP2 ?EXPERIMENT)
            (equal ?PROB
                    (equal ?POP1 ?POP2))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 607-617
    (userDatabase ?DATABASE ?WEBSITE)
    (exists (?PART ?USERS)
            (instance ?USERS Collection)
            (part ?PART ?DATABASE)
            (represents ?PART ?USERS)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                    (member ?MEMBER ?USERS)
                        (instance ?MEMBER AutonomousAgent)
                        (exists (?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
                                (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
                                (instance ?PAGE WebPage)
                                (patient ?ACCESSING Page)
                                (agent ?ACCESSING AutonomousAgent)
                                (component ?PAGE ?WEBSITE)))))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2173-2191

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