

(dateEstablished NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization
    (DayFn 4
        (MonthFn April
            (YearFn 1949))))
Government.kif 3683-3683 dateEstablished NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization and il giorno 4
(dateEstablished NuclearEnergyAgency
    (DayFn 1
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1958))))
Government.kif 3690-3690 dateEstablished NuclearEnergyAgency and il giorno 1
(dateEstablished NuclearSuppliersGroup
    (YearFn 1974))
Government.kif 3699-3699 dateEstablished NuclearSuppliersGroup and l' anno 1974
(dateEstablished OrganizationForEconomicCooperationAndDevelopment
    (DayFn 14
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1960))))
Government.kif 3705-3705 dateEstablished OrganizationForEconomicCooperationAndDevelopment and il giorno 14
(dateEstablished OrganizationForSecurityAndCooperationInEurope
    (DayFn 1
        (MonthFn January
            (YearFn 1995))))
Government.kif 3714-3714 dateEstablished OrganizationForSecurityAndCooperationInEurope and il giorno 1
(dateEstablished OrganizationForTheProhibitionOfChemicalWeapons
    (DayFn 29
        (MonthFn April
            (YearFn 1997))))
Government.kif 3728-3728 dateEstablished OrganizationForTheProhibitionOfChemicalWeapons and il giorno 29
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfAfricanUnity
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1963))))
Government.kif 3735-3735 dateEstablished OrganizationOfAfricanUnity and il giorno 25
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfAmericanStates
    (DayFn 14
        (MonthFn April
            (YearFn 1890))))
Government.kif 3752-3752 dateEstablished OrganizationOfAmericanStates and il giorno 14
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfArabPetroleumExportingCountries
    (DayFn 9
        (MonthFn January
            (YearFn 1968))))
Government.kif 3765-3765 dateEstablished OrganizationOfArabPetroleumExportingCountries and il giorno 9
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfEasternCaribbeanStates
    (DayFn 18
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1981))))
Government.kif 3771-3771 dateEstablished OrganizationOfEasternCaribbeanStates and il giorno 18
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfPetroleumExportingCountries
    (DayFn 14
        (MonthFn September
            (YearFn 1960))))
Government.kif 3779-3779 dateEstablished OrganizationOfPetroleumExportingCountries and il giorno 14
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfTheIslamicConference
    (MonthFn September
        (YearFn 1969)))
Government.kif 3785-3785 dateEstablished OrganizationOfTheIslamicConference and il mese Settembre
(dateEstablished PacificCommunity
    (DayFn 6
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1947))))
Government.kif 3795-3795 dateEstablished PacificCommunity and il giorno 6
(dateEstablished PacificIslandForum
    (DayFn 5
        (MonthFn August
            (YearFn 1971))))
Government.kif 3802-3802 dateEstablished PacificIslandForum and il giorno 5
(dateEstablished PartnershipForPeace
    (DayFn 11
        (MonthFn January
            (YearFn 1994))))
Government.kif 3808-3808 dateEstablished PartnershipForPeace and il giorno 11
(dateEstablished PermanentCourtOfArbitration
    (DayFn 29
        (MonthFn July
            (YearFn 1899))))
Government.kif 3817-3817 dateEstablished PermanentCourtOfArbitration and il giorno 29
(dateEstablished RioGroup
    (YearFn 1986))
Government.kif 3824-3824 dateEstablished RioGroup and l' anno 1986
(dateEstablished SouthAsianAssociationForRegionalCooperation
    (DayFn 8
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1985))))
Government.kif 3834-3834 dateEstablished SouthAsianAssociationForRegionalCooperation and il giorno 8
(dateEstablished SouthernAfricanCustomsUnion
    (DayFn 11
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1969))))
Government.kif 3848-3848 dateEstablished SouthernAfricanCustomsUnion and il giorno 11
(dateEstablished SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity
    (DayFn 17
        (MonthFn August
            (YearFn 1992))))
Government.kif 3857-3857 dateEstablished SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity and il giorno 17
(dateEstablished SouthernConeCommonMarket
    (DayFn 26
        (MonthFn March
            (YearFn 1991))))
Government.kif 3866-3866 dateEstablished SouthernConeCommonMarket and il giorno 26
(dateEstablished UnitedNations
    (DayFn 26
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1945))))
Government.kif 3872-3872 dateEstablished UnitedNations and il giorno 26
(dateEstablished UnitedNationsChildrensFund
    (DayFn 11
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1946))))
Government.kif 3890-3890 dateEstablished UnitedNationsChildrensFund and il giorno 11
(dateEstablished UnitedNationsCivilianPoliceMissionInHaiti
    (DayFn 28
        (MonthFn November
            (YearFn 1997))))
Government.kif 3896-3896 dateEstablished UnitedNationsCivilianPoliceMissionInHaiti and il giorno 28
(dateEstablished UnitedNationsCompensationCommission
    (YearFn 1991))
Government.kif 4219-4219 dateEstablished UnitedNationsCompensationCommission and l' anno 1991

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