

        (instance ?HP HearingProtection)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (wears ?PERSON ?HP))
    (hasPurpose ?HP
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?SOUND ?HEAR ?HUMAN ?T)
                                    (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                                    (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                                    (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                                    (patient ?HEAR ?SOUND)
                                    (experiencer ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                                    (causes ?HEAR ?I)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?HUMAN)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)
                (instrument ?PROC ?HP)))))
Cars.kif 3432-3461
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite))
    (exists (?NEWBUYERS)
            (instance ?NEWBUYERS Collection)
            (forall (?AGENT)
                    (member ?AGENT ?NEWBUYERS)
                        (exists (?BUYING)
                                (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
                                (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                                (agent ?BUYING ?AGENT)
                                (instrument ?BUYING ?SITE)
                                (during ?BUYING ?INTERVAL)))
                            (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE)
                                    (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval)
                                    (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)
                                    (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE
                                        (exists (?BUYING_BEFORE)
                                                (instance ?BUYING_BEFORE Buying)
                                                (agent ?BUYING_BEFORE ?AGENT)
                                                (instrument ?BUYING_BEFORE ?SITE)
                                                (during ?BUYING_BEFORE ?INTERVAL))))))))))
                (SiteWideNewBuyersFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE) ?NEWBUYERS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3376-3408
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite))
            (instance ?NEWREGISTRATIONS Collection)
            (forall (?USER)
                        (instance ?USER Human)
                            (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE)
                                    (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval)
                                    (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)
                                    (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE
                                        (registeredUser ?USER ?SITE)))))
                        (exists (?INTERVAL_DURING)
                                (instance ?INTERVAL_DURING TimeInterval)
                                (during ?INTERVAL_DURING ?INTERVAL)
                                (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL
                                    (registeredUser ?USER ?SITE)))))
                    (member ?USER ?NEWREGISTRATIONS)))
            (equal ?NEWREGISTRATIONS
                (SiteWideNewRegistrationsFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3428-3455
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite))
    (exists (?NEWSELLERS)
            (instance ?NEWSELLERS Collection)
            (forall (?AGENT)
                    (member ?AGENT ?NEWSELLERS)
                        (exists (?SELLING)
                                (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
                                (instance ?SELLING Selling)
                                (agent ?SELLING ?AGENT)
                                (instrument ?SELLING ?SITE)
                                (during ?SELLING ?INTERVAL)))
                            (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE)
                                    (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval)
                                    (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)
                                    (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE
                                        (exists (?SELLING_BEFORE)
                                                (instance ?SELLING_BEFORE Selling)
                                                (agent ?SELLING_BEFORE ?AGENT)
                                                (instrument ?SELLING_BEFORE ?SITE)
                                                (during ?SELLING_BEFORE ?INTERVAL))))))))))
                (SiteWideNewSellersFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE) ?NEWSELLERS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3475-3507
        (instance ?KEEP Keeping)
        (patient ?KEEP ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PLACE)
        (forall (?TIME)
                (temporalPart ?TIME
                    (WhenFn ?KEEP))
                (holdsDuring ?TIME
                    (located ?OBJ ?PLACE))))))
Merge.kif 12236-12244
        (instance ?OBJ DigitalDataStorageDevice)
        (part ?PART ?OBJ)
        (instance ?PART DigitalData))
    (exists (?SCHEME ?LIST ?NUM)
            (codeMapping ?SCHEME ?PART ?NUM)
            (represents ?LIST ?SCHEME)
                (inList ?NUM ?LIST)
                (instance ?NUM BinaryNumber)))))
Media.kif 801-812
        (instance ?POLICY DailyHousekeepingPolicy)
        (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY))
        (exists (?GUEST ?ROOM ?STAY)
                (guest ?GUEST ?AGENT)
                (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM)
                (equal ?STAY
                        (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM)))
                (holdsDuring ?STAY
                    (forall (?DAY)
                                (instance ?DAY Day)
                                (during ?DAY ?STAY))
                            (exists (?RC)
                                    (instance ?RC RoomCleaningService)
                                    (patient ?RC ?ROOM)
                                    (during ?RC ?DAY)))))))) Likely))
Hotel.kif 2654-2674
        (instance ?RELATION ReflexiveRelation)
        (reflexiveOn ?RELATION ?CLASS)
        (instance ?RELATION Predicate))
    (forall (?INST)
            (instance ?INST ?CLASS)
            (?RELATION ?INST ?INST))))
Merge.kif 3611-3619
        (instance ?SAMPLE_COLL Collection)
        (instance ?POP_COLL Collection)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent)
        (agent ?EXPERIMENT ?AGENT)
        (statisticalPopulation ?SAMPLE_COLL ?POP_COLL ?EXPERIMENT))
    (forall (?ATTRIBUTE)
                (instance ?ATTRIBUTE Attribute)
                (property ?SAMPLE_COLL ?ATTRIBUTE)
                (inScopeOfInterest ?AGENT ?ATTRIBUTE)
                    (equal ?ATTRIBUTE RepresentativeSample)))
            (property ?POP_COLL ?ATTRIBUTE))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 501-517
        (instance ?SAW Saw)
        (instance ?CUT Cutting)
        (instrument ?CUT ?SAW)
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (patient ?CUT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?MOTION ?DIR1 ?DIR2 ?TIME ?T1 ?T2 ?PART)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?CUT)
            (instance ?PART CuttingDevice)
            (part ?PART ?SAW)
            (meetsSpatially ?PART ?OBJ)
            (patient ?MOTION ?PART)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
                (WhenFn ?MOTION) ?TIME)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T2)
            (instance ?DIR1 DirectionalAttribute)
            (instance ?DIR2 DirectionalAttribute)
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (direction ?MOTION ?DIR1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                        (direction ?MOTION ?DIR2)
                            (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                            (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
                                (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                                (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18177-18211
        (instance ?SH SafetyHarness)
        (instance ?PERSON Animal)
        (wears ?PERSON ?SH))
    (hasPurpose ?SH
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (instrument ?PROC ?SH)
                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?F ?H ?T)
                                    (instance ?H Human)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?H)
                                    (instance ?F Falling)
                                    (experiencer ?F ?H)
                                    (causes ?F ?I)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)))))
Cars.kif 3374-3402
        (instance ?SUIT ClothingSuit)
        (member ?ITEM1 ?SUIT)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (wears ?PERSON ?ITEM1)))
    (forall (?ITEM2)
            (member ?ITEM2 ?SUIT)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (wears ?PERSON ?ITEM2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5300-5308
        (instance ?VISITS Collection)
        (instance ?HYPERLINK HypertextLink)
        (forall (?ACCESSING)
                (member ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
                    (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
                    (component ?PAGE ?HYPERLINK)))))
    (exists (?CLICKS)
            (instance ?CLICKS Collection)
            (forall (?CLICK)
                        (instance ?CLICK RequestingHyperlink)
                        (patient ?CLICK ?HYPERLINK))
                    (member ?CLICK ?CLICKS)))
                (ClickThroughRateFn ?VISITS ?HYPERLINK)
                    (CardinalityFn ?CLICKS)
                    (CardinalityFn ?VISITS))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3333-3356
        (instance ?WAR War)
        (agent ?WAR ?AGENT))
        (instance ?AGENT GeopoliticalArea)
            (instance ?AGENT Organization)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                    (member ?MEMBER ?AGENT)
                    (instance ?MEMBER GeopoliticalArea))))))
Merge.kif 13384-13395
        (instance ?X Buffet)
        (attribute ?X Breakfast))
        (forall (?FOOD)
                (member ?FOOD ?X)
                (attribute ?FOOD Breakfast))) Likely))
Dining.kif 295-303
        (instance ?X CarAlarm)
        (instance ?CAR SelfPoweredRoadVehicle)
        (part ?X ?CAR))
    (exists (?HARM ?THIEF ?T ?L)
        (hasPurpose ?X
                        (instance ?HARM Stealing)
                        (instance ?HARM Damaging))
                    (instance ?THIEF Human)
                    (agent ?HARM ?THIEF)
                    (patient ?HARM ?CAR)
                        (WhenFn ?HARM) ?T)
                    (eventPartlyLocated ?HARM ?L))
                (exists (?ALARM)
                        (instance ?ALARM RadiatingSound)
                        (agent ?ALARM ?X)
                        (causes ?HARM ?ALARM)
                        (hasPurpose ?ALARM
                                (exists (?WITNESS)
                                        (instance ?WITNESS Human)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (orientation ?WITNESS ?L Near))))
                                    (knows ?WITNESS
                                        (exists (?H)
                                                    (instance ?H Stealing)
                                                    (instance ?H Damaging))
                                                (eventPartlyLocated ?H ?L)
                                                (holdsDuring ?T
                                                    (patient ?H ?CAR)))))
                                        (WhenFn ?ALARM)
                                        (WhenFn ?HARM)))))))))))
Cars.kif 3695-3736
        (instance ?X Outfit)
        (member ?ITEM1 ?X)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (wears ?PERSON ?ITEM1)))
    (forall (?ITEM2)
            (member ?ITEM2 ?X)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (wears ?PERSON ?ITEM2)))))
Dining.kif 469-479
        (maxCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (exists (?S ?EL @ARGS)
            (instance ?S SetOrClass)
                    (?REL @ARGS)
                    (equal ?EL
                            (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
                    (instance ?EL ?S)
                        (CardinalityFn ?S) ?COUNT))))))
Media.kif 2210-2223
        (minCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (exists (?S ?EL @ARGS)
            (instance ?S SetOrClass)
                    (?REL @ARGS)
                    (equal ?EL
                            (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
                    (instance ?EL ?S)
                        (CardinalityFn ?S) ?COUNT))))))
Media.kif 2174-2187
        (numberSeniorOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
        (fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
    (exists (?COL ?AGE)
            (instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
            (forall (?X)
                    (member ?X ?COL)
                        (instance ?X HumanAdult)
                        (age ?X
                            (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE 60))))
            (memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
            (potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL))))
Hotel.kif 2925-2940
            (publishedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGENT ?PS)
            (unitPrice ?ENT ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS))
        (subclass ?ENT Physical)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
        (validFor ?PS ?CUSTCLASS)
        (instance ?CUSTOMER ?CUSTCLASS))
                (instance ?B Buying)
                (agent ?B ?CUSTOMER)
                (origin ?B ?AGENT)
                (patient ?B ?ITEM))
            (transactionAmount ?B ?PRICE)) Likely))
Catalog.kif 354-370
            (publishedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGENT ?PS)
            (unitPrice ?ENT ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS))
        (subclass ?ENT Physical)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
        (validityPeriod ?PS ?TIMEINT))
    (holdsDuring ?TIMEINT
                    (instance ?S Selling)
                    (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                    (patient ?S ?ITEM))
                (transactionAmount ?S ?PRICE)) Likely)))
Catalog.kif 372-387
        (property ?Option EuropeanStyleOption)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date))
    (exists (?Period ?Time ?Exercise)
            (instance ?Period TimeInterval)
                (EndFn ?Period) ?Date)
                    (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
                        (WhenFn ?Exercise) ?Time))
                (temporalPart ?Time ?Period)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2808-2820
        (rentalPrice ?OBJ ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS)
        (equal ?QUANT
            (PerFn ?PRICE
                (measure ?TIME ?U)))
        (instance ?U UnitOfDuration)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?OBJ)
        (instance ?R Renting)
        (patient ?R ?ITEM)
        (agent ?R ?CUSTOMER)
        (time ?R ?TIMEINT))
    (forall (?X)
            (exists (?DURATION)
                    (during ?TIMEINT ?X)
                    (instance ?X TimeInterval)
                    (duration ?X
                        (MeasureFn ?DURATION ?U))
                    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?DURATION ?TIME)))
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P Payment)
                    (destination ?P ?AGENT)
                    (agent ?P ?CUSTOMER)
                    (transactionAmount ?P ?PRICE))))))
Catalog.kif 467-492
        (roomAmenity ?ROOM ?OBJ)
        (subclass ?OBJ Object))
    (forall (?R)
            (instance ?R ?ROOM)
            (exists (?O)
                    (instance ?R ?ROOM)
                    (instance ?O ?OBJ)
                    (located ?O ?R))))))
Hotel.kif 281-292

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