

        (attribute ?X ?M)
        (instance ?M Musician))
    (hasSkill MusicalPerformance ?X))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22192-22196
        (attribute ?X ?SHAPE)
        (instance ?X FourPosterBed)
        (instance ?SHAPE Quadrilateral)
        (sideOfFigure ?SIDE1 ?SHAPE)
        (sideOfFigure ?SIDE2 ?SHAPE)
            (equal ?SIDE1 ?SIDE2)))
    (exists (?POST ?FLOOR ?CORNER1 ?CORNER)
            (part ?POST ?X)
            (instance ?FLOOR Floor)
            (orientation ?X ?FLOOR On)
            (orientation ?POST ?FLOOR Vertical)
            (pointOfIntersection ?SIDE1 ?SIDE2 ?CORNER1)
            (attribute ?CORNER ?CORNER1)
            (meetsSpatially ?CORNER ?POST))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4078-4095
        (attribute ?X ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Cuisine))
    (instance ?X PreparedFood))
Dining.kif 1262-1266
        (attribute ?X ?Y)
        (instance ?Y HotelLevelAttribute))
        (instance ?X BuildingLevel)
        (exists (?BLDG)
                (instance ?BLDG HotelBuilding)
                (part ?X ?BLDG)))))
Hotel.kif 1207-1216
        (attribute ?X ?Y)
        (instance ?Y HotelRoomAttribute))
    (instance ?X HotelUnit))
Hotel.kif 978-982
        (attribute ?X ?Y)
        (instance ?Y TemperatureAttribute)
        (instance ?X Object))
    (exists (?TEMP)
            (measure ?X ?TEMP)
            (instance ?TEMP TemperatureMeasure)
            (attribute ?TEMP ?Y))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25675-25684
        (attribute ?X CommunalAttribute)
        (instance ?X Table)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?GRP1)
        (instance ?GRP1 GroupOfPeople)
        (eventLocated ?E1 ?X))
        (exists (?GRP2 ?E2 ?X2)
                (instance ?E2 Eating)
                (agent ?E2 ?GRP2)
                    (equal ?GRP1 ?GRP2))
                (instance ?GRP2 GroupOfPeople)
                (eventLocated ?E2 ?X2)
                    (WhenFn ?E1)
                    (WhenFn ?E2))
                (equal ?X ?X2))) Possibility))
Dining.kif 1207-1224
        (attribute ?X DeepSeaCoastalAndGreatLakesWaterTransportation)
        (instance ?X TransportationCompany))
    (exists (?SERVICE ?PLACE)
            (instance ?SERVICE WaterTransportationService)
            (serviceProvider ?SERVICE ?X)
            (eventLocated ?SERVICE ?PLACE)
            (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
            (located ?X NorthAmerica))))
naics.kif 8120-8130
        (attribute ?X DutyFree)
        (instance ?X Product))
        (exists (?DUTY)
                (instance ?DUTY DutyTax)
                (patient ?DUTY ?X)))))
Hotel.kif 1466-1474
        (attribute ?X DutyFree)
        (instance ?X Store))
    (exists (?AREA ?OBJ ?O ?SELL)
            (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (located ?X ?AREA)
            (subclass ?O Object)
            (importCommodityType ?AREA ?O)
            (instance ?OBJ ?O)
            (instance ?SELL Selling)
            (patient ?SELL ?OBJ)
            (located ?SELL ?X))))
Hotel.kif 1478-1491
        (attribute ?X Historical)
        (instance ?X City))
    (exists (?EV)
            (instance ?EV Physical)
            (attribute ?EV Historical)
            (eventLocated ?EV ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26582-26590
        (attribute ?X Multilingual)
        (instance ?SPEAK Speaking)
        (agent ?SPEAK ?X))
        (exists (?LANG1 ?LANG2)
                (instance ?LANG1 SpokenHumanLanguage)
                (instance ?LANG2 SpokenHumanLanguage)
                    (equal ?LANG1 ?LANG2))
                    (patient ?SPEAK ?LANG1)
                    (patient ?SPEAK ?LANG2)))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25736-25749
        (attribute ?X Produce)
        (instance ?X FruitOrVegetable))
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Harvesting)
                (result ?H ?X)
                (instance ?X
                    (FoodForFn Human))))))
Economy.kif 4195-4204
        (attribute ?X Suite)
        (instance ?X HotelUnit))
    (exists (?R1 ?R2)
            (instance ?R1 HotelRoom)
            (instance ?R2 HotelRoom)
            (orientation ?R1 ?X Inside)
            (orientation ?R2 ?X Inside)
                (equal ?R1 ?R2)))))
Hotel.kif 1003-1014
        (attribute ?X TravelerAccommodation)
        (capability RoomCleaningService agent ?X))
    (exists (?MAID ?HOTELROOM)
            (employs ?X ?MAID)
            (attribute ?MAID Maid)
            (instance ?HOTELROOM HotelUnit)
            (part ?HOTELROOM
                (PropertyFn ?X))
            (capability RoomCleaningService patient ?HOTELROOM)
            (capability RoomCleaningService serviceProvider ?MAID))))
Hotel.kif 1935-1946
        (attribute ?X TravelerAccommodation)
        (element ?CASINO
            (PropertyFn ?X))
        (instance ?CASINO Casino))
    (attribute ?X CasinoHotels))
Hotel.kif 1452-1457
        (attribute ?X Waiter)
        (instance ?X Human)
        (employs ?REST ?X)
        (instance ?REST Restaurant)
        (customer ?CUST ?REST)
        (located ?CUST ?TABLE)
        (instance ?TABLE Table))
    (exists (?DINING ?C ?FOOD ?KITCHEN)
            (possesses ?REST ?KITCHEN)
            (instance ?KITCHEN KitchenArea)
            (instance ?DINING DiningArea)
            (located ?TABLE ?DINING)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                    (instance ?C Carrying)
                    (agent ?C ?X)
                    (origin ?C ?KITCHEN)
                    (destination ?C ?TABLE)
                    (patient ?C ?FOOD)
                    (instance ?FOOD
                        (FoodForFn Human)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20600-20622
        (attribute ?X WheelchairAccessible)
            (instance ?X Building)
            (instance ?X Room)))
        (exists (?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                (instrument ?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair)
                (eventLocated ?MOTION ?X))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26147-26159
        (attribute ?X Writer)
        (instance ?TEXT ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Text)
            (subclass ?CLASS Document))
        (instance ?WRITE Writing)
        (agent ?WRITE ?X)
        (result ?WRITE ?TEXT))
    (authors ?X ?CLASS))
Biography.kif 730-740
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2)
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL1))
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL2)
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)))
    (finishes ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8108-8116
        (before ?POINT1 ?POINT2)
        (before ?POINT2 ?POINT3))
    (temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3))
Merge.kif 8198-8202
        (beforeOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2)
        (beforeOrEqual ?POINT2 ?POINT3))
    (temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3))
Merge.kif 8222-8226
        (betweenOnPath ?O1 ?O2 ?O3 ?PATH)
        (instance ?T Transfer)
        (path ?T ?PATH)
        (origin ?T ?O1)
        (destination ?T ?O3))
        (beforeOnPath ?O1 ?O2 ?PATH ?T)
        (beforeOnPath ?O2 ?O3 ?PATH ?T)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29767-29776
        (biochemicalAgentDelivery ?AGENT ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?PROCESS))
    (biochemicalAgentDelivery ?AGENT ?SUB))
WMD.kif 789-793
        (biochemicalAgentSyndrome ?AGENT ?SYNDROME)
        (diseaseSymptom ?SYNDROME ?SYMPTOM))
    (biochemicalAgentSyndrome ?AGENT ?SYMPTOM))
WMD.kif 775-779

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