

    (instance ?C Cell)
            (cellShape ?C Sphere)
            (cellShape ?C Cylinder)) Likely))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 418-423
    (instance ?C Chromatography)
    (exists (?M)
            (resource ?C ?M)
                (instance ?M LiquidMixture)
                (instance ?M GasMixture)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19647-19654
    (instance ?C Collar)
    (exists (?OC)
            (part ?C ?OC)
                (instance ?OC Coat)
                (instance ?OC Shirt)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5110-5117
    (instance ?CA CivilAffairs)
    (hasPurpose ?CA
        (exists (?GUIDING ?OP_ACT)
                (instance ?GUIDING Guiding)
                (patient ?GUIDING ?OP_ACT)
                (agent ?CA ?GUIDING)
                    (instance ?OP_ACT CivilMilitaryOperation)
                    (instance ?OP_ACT CivilAffairsActivity))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2350-2360
    (instance ?CD ComputerDesktopImage)
    (hasPurpose ?CD
            (refers ?CD ?F)
                (instance ?F DigitalData)
                (instance ?F ComputerProgram)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3167-3174
    (instance ?COVER BodyCovering)
    (exists (?BODY)
            (superficialPart ?COVER ?BODY)
                (instance ?BODY Organism)
                (instance ?BODY BodyPart)))))
Merge.kif 15099-15106
    (instance ?DECLARE Declaring)
    (exists (?PROP ?NORM)
            (confersNorm ?DECLARE ?PROP ?NORM)
            (deprivesNorm ?DECLARE ?PROP ?NORM))))
Merge.kif 13268-13273
    (instance ?DESERT Desert)
        (groundSurfaceType ?DESERT Rock)
        (groundSurfaceType ?DESERT Sand)))
Geography.kif 6627-6631
    (instance ?DISMANTLE DismantlingWeaponOfMassDestruction)
    (exists (?PROCESS)
            (subProcess ?PROCESS ?DISMANTLE)
                (instance ?PROCESS Destruction)
                (instance ?PROCESS Removing)))))
WMD.kif 741-748
    (instance ?DOC Certificate)
    (exists (?PROP ?NORM)
            (confersNorm ?DOC ?PROP ?NORM)
            (deprivesNorm ?DOC ?PROP ?NORM))))
Merge.kif 15661-15666
    (instance ?DOOR Door)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (part ?DOOR ?ARTIFACT)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Building)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Room)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15298-15305
    (instance ?DUSTSTORM DustStorm)
        (exists (?AREA1)
                (instance ?AREA1 GeographicArea)
                (climateTypeInArea ?AREA1 AridClimateZone)
                (eventLocated ?DUSTSTORM ?AREA1)))
        (exists (?AREA2)
                (instance ?AREA2 GeographicArea)
                (climateTypeInArea ?AREA2 SemiaridClimateZone)
                (eventLocated ?DUSTSTORM ?AREA2)))))
Weather.kif 1257-1269
    (instance ?E Pandemic)
    (exists (?H1 ?H2 ?N1 ?N2 ?C1 ?C2)
            (involvedInEvent ?E ?H1)
            (involvedInEvent ?E ?H2)
                (equal ?H1 ?H2))
            (instance ?N1 Nation)
            (instance ?N2 Nation)
                (equal ?N1 ?N2))
            (instance ?C1 Continent)
            (instance ?C2 Continent)
                (equal ?C1 ?C2))
                (WhenFn ?E)
                        (located ?H1 ?C1)
                        (located ?H2 ?C2))
                        (located ?H1 ?N1)
                        (located ?H2 ?N2)))))))
Medicine.kif 3537-3561
    (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
    (exists (?QUALIFYING_EVENTS)
            (instance ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS Collection)
            (forall (?EVENT)
                        (instance ?EVENT Process)
                            (experimentalControlProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?EVENT)
                            (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?EVENT)))
                    (member ?EVENT ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS)))
                (QualifyingEventsFn ?EXPERIMENT) ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4208-4223
    (instance ?Estate RealEstate)
        (instance ?Estate StationaryArtifact)
        (instance ?Estate LandArea)
        (exists (?Artifact ?Area)
                (instance ?Artifact StationaryArtifact)
                (instance ?Area LandArea)
                (equal ?Estate
                    (MereologicalSumFn ?Artifact ?Area))))))
FinancialOntology.kif 1359-1368
    (instance ?F PictureFrame)
    (hasPurpose ?F
        (exists (?P)
                (meetsSpatially ?F ?P)
                    (instance ?P PaintedPicture)
                    (instance ?P Photograph))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1545-1553
    (instance ?GUE GUIElement)
        (hasGUEState ?GUE GUE_CoveredState)
        (hasGUEState ?GUE GUE_OffscreenState)
        (hasGUEState ?GUE GUE_MinimizedState)
        (hasGUEState ?GUE GUE_DisplayedState)))
ComputerInput.kif 2149-2155
    (instance ?GULF Gulf)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
            (connected ?GULF ?SEA))))
Geography.kif 5129-5136
    (instance ?HINGE Hinge)
    (hasPurpose ?HINGE
        (exists (?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
                (connects ?HINGE ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
                    (capability Rotating patient ?OBJ1)
                    (capability Rotating patient ?OBJ2))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15275-15283
    (instance ?I Interleukin)
    (hasPurpose ?I
        (exists (?D ?BV ?H)
                (instance ?H Human)
                    (instance ?BV Bacteria)
                    (instance ?BV Virus))
                (instance ?D Destruction)
                (located ?D ?H)
                (instrument ?D ?I)
                (patient ?D ?BV)))))
Medicine.kif 3750-3762
    (instance ?Inflation Inflation)
            (benchmark ?Inflation ?CPI)
            (instance ?CPI ConsumerPriceIndex))
            (benchmark ?Inflation ?PPI)
            (instance ?PPI ProducerPriceIndex))))
FinancialOntology.kif 1656-1664
    (instance ?L Lathe)
    (hasPurpose ?L
        (exists (?PROC ?OBJ)
                (instrument ?PROC ?L)
                (patient ?PROC ?OBJ)
                    (instance ?PROC ShapeChange)
                    (instance ?PROC SurfaceChange))))))
Economy.kif 5990-5999
    (instance ?LAND1 LandArea)
    (exists (?LAND2)
            (part ?LAND1 ?LAND2)
                (instance ?LAND2 Continent)
                (instance ?LAND2 Island)))))
Merge.kif 14181-14188
    (instance ?M BeamRidingGMissile)
    (hasPurpose ?M
        (exists (?DAMAGE ?OBJ ?RADIATION ?INST)
                (instance ?DAMAGE Damaging)
                (instrument ?DAMAGE ?M)
                (patient ?DAMAGE ?OBJ)
                (instance ?RADIATION Radiating)
                (instrument ?RADIATION ?INST)
                    (instance ?INST Radar)
                    (instance ?INST LightFixture))
                (patient ?RADIATION ?OBJ)))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1108-1121
    (instance ?MD MedicalDevice)
    (hasPurpose ?MD
        (exists (?TP ?DP)
                (instance ?TP TherapeuticProcess)
                (instance ?DP DiagnosticProcess)
                    (instrument ?TP ?MD)
                    (instrument ?DP ?MD))))))
Medicine.kif 666-675

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