

(currencyType Tajikistan TajikistaniRuble) Economy.kif 3511-3511 Tajikistani ruble is a currency type of tajikistan
(currencyType Tanzania TanzanianShilling) Economy.kif 3515-3515 Tanzanian shilling is a currency type of tanzania
(currencyType Thailand ThaiBaht) Economy.kif 3519-3519 Thai baht is a currency type of thailand
(currencyType TheBahamas BahamianDollar) Economy.kif 2977-2977 Bahamian dollar is a currency type of the bahamas
(currencyType Togo TogoFranc) Economy.kif 3523-3523 Togo franc is a currency type of togo
(currencyType Tonga TonganPaanga) Economy.kif 3527-3527 Tongan paanga is a currency type of tonga
(currencyType TrinidadAndTobago TrinidadAndTobagoDollar) Economy.kif 3531-3531 Trinidad and tobago dollar is a currency type of trinidad and tobago
(currencyType Tunisia TunisianDinar) Economy.kif 3535-3535 Tunisian dinar is a currency type of tunisia
(currencyType Turkey TurkishLira) Economy.kif 3539-3539 Turkish lira is a currency type of turkey
(currencyType Turkmenistan TurkmenManat) Economy.kif 3543-3543 Turkmen manat is a currency type of turkmenistan
(currencyType Tuvalu TuvaluDollar) Economy.kif 3547-3547 Tuvalu dollar is a currency type of tuvalu
(currencyType Uganda UgandanShilling) Economy.kif 3551-3551 Ugandan shilling is a currency type of uganda
(currencyType Ukraine UkranianHryvnia) Economy.kif 3555-3555 Ukranian hryvnia is a currency type of ukraine
(currencyType UnitedArabEmirates UnitedArabEmirateDirham) Economy.kif 3559-3559 United arab emirate dirham is a currency type of united arab emirates
(currencyType UnitedKingdom BritishPound) Economy.kif 2887-2887 British pound is a currency type of united kingdom
(currencyType Uruguay UruguayanPeso) Economy.kif 3563-3563 Uruguayan peso is a currency type of uruguay
(currencyType Uzbekistan UzbekistaniSom) Economy.kif 3567-3567 Uzbekistani som is a currency type of uzbekistan
(currencyType Venezuela VenezuelanBolivar) Economy.kif 3571-3571 Venezuelan bolivar is a currency type of venezuela
(currencyType Vietnam VietnameseDong) Economy.kif 3575-3575 Vietnamese dong is a currency type of vietnam
(currencyType Yemen YemeniRial) Economy.kif 3583-3583 Yemeni rial is a currency type of yemen
(currencyType Yugoslavia YugoslavianDinar) Economy.kif 3587-3587 Yugoslavian dinar is a currency type of yugoslavia
(currencyType Zambia ZambianKwacha) Economy.kif 3595-3595 Zambian kwacha is a currency type of zambia
(currencyType Zimbabwe ZimbabweanDollar) Economy.kif 3599-3599 Zimbabwean dollar is a currency type of zimbabwe

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