

(conventionalLongName "Customs Cooperation Council" WorldCustomsOrganization) Government.kif 3015-3015 世界海關組織 是 "Customs Cooperation Council" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Developed Country" DevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 128-128 發達國家 是 "Developed Country" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "East African Development Bank" EastAfricanDevelopmentBank) Government.kif 3022-3022 東非開發銀行 是 "East African Development Bank" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Economic Community of West African States" EconomicCommunityOfWestAfricanStates) Government.kif 3102-3102 西非國家的經濟共同體 是 "Economic Community of West African States" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries" EconomicCommunityOfTheGreatLakesCountries) Government.kif 3095-3095 大湖國家的經濟共同體 是 "Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Economic Cooperation Organization" EconomicCooperationOrganization) Government.kif 3108-3108 經濟合作組織 是 "Economic Cooperation Organization" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Economic and Social Council" EconomicAndSocialCouncil) Government.kif 3028-3028 經濟和社會理事會 是 "Economic and Social Council" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council" EuroAtlanticPartnershipCouncil) Government.kif 3118-3118 歐洲大西洋夥伴關係委員會 是 "Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Bank for Reconstruction and Development" EuropeanBankForReconstructionAndDevelopment) Government.kif 3127-3127 歐洲重建和發展銀行 是 "European Bank for Reconstruction and Development" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Communities" EuropeanCommunity) Government.kif 3138-3138 歐洲共同體 是 "European Communities" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Community" EuropeanCommunity) Government.kif 3137-3137 歐洲共同體 是 "European Community" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Economic and Monetary Union" EuropeanMonetaryUnion) Government.kif 3158-3158 歐洲貨幣聯盟 是 "European Economic and Monetary Union" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Free Trade Association" EuropeanFreeTradeAssociation) Government.kif 3145-3145 歐洲自由貿易協會 是 "European Free Trade Association" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Investment Bank" EuropeanInvestmentBank) Government.kif 3151-3151 歐洲投資銀行 是 "European Investment Bank" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Monetary Union" EuropeanMonetaryUnion) Government.kif 3157-3157 歐洲貨幣聯盟 是 "European Monetary Union" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Organization for Nuclear Research" EuropeanOrganizationForNuclearResearch) Government.kif 3200-3200 歐洲核研究組織 是 "European Organization for Nuclear Research" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Space Agency" EuropeanSpaceAgency) Government.kif 3209-3209 歐洲航太局 是 "European Space Agency" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "European Union" EuropeanUnion) Government.kif 3216-3216 歐洲聯盟 是 "European Union" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Federated States of Micronesia" Micronesia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 4210-4210 密克羅尼西亞 是 "Federated States of Micronesia" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Food and Agriculture Organization" FoodAndAgricultureOrganization) Government.kif 3227-3227 糧食及農業組織 是 "Food and Agriculture Organization" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Franc Zone" FrancZone) Government.kif 3233-3233 法郎區 是 "Franc Zone" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Group of 10" GroupOf10) Government.kif 3284-3284 10人小組 是 "Group of 10" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Group of 11" GroupOf11) Government.kif 3296-3296 11人小組 是 "Group of 11" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Group of 15" GroupOf15) Government.kif 3303-3303 15人小組 是 "Group of 15" 的 conventional 全名
(conventionalLongName "Group of 24" GroupOf24) Government.kif 3313-3313 24人小組 是 "Group of 24" 的 conventional 全名

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