

    (totalLengthOfWaterways ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?WATERWAY
                (instance ?WATERWAY Waterway)
                (partlyLocated ?WATERWAY ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 656-663 LengthMeasure GeographicAreatotal 水路長路 length 卡帕 SymbolicString and SymbolicString and 水路 部分位於 SymbolicString and GeographicArea and LengthMeasure
    (totalPipelineInArea ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?PIPE
                (instance ?PIPE Pipeline)
                (located ?PIPE ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 685-692 LengthMeasure 是 在地區 GeographicAreatotal 管線 length 卡帕 SymbolicString and SymbolicString and 管道 位於 SymbolicString and GeographicArea and LengthMeasure
        (amountDue ?Account ?Amount ?DueDate)
        (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (instance ?Payment Payment)
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount)
                    (destination ?Payment
                        (CurrencyFn ?Account))
                    (origin ?Payment
                        (CurrencyFn ?Account)))
                (date ?Payment ?Date)
                    (EndFn ?Date)
                    (BeginFn ?DueDate)))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 655-667
        (attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order Buying ?Object)
        (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
        (limitPrice ?Order
            (MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (askPrice ?Object
            (MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Object)
                (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
                    (WhenFn ?Buy) ?BuyingTime)
                (overlapsTemporally ?Time ?BuyingTime))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 2008-2029
        (attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order Selling ?Object)
        (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
        (limitPrice ?Order
            (MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
        (bidPrice ?Object
            (MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Object)
                (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
                    (WhenFn ?Sell) ?SellingTime)
                (overlapsTemporally ?SellingTime ?Time))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 2031-2052
        (attribute ?Order MarketOrder)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order ?TransactionType ?Shares))
        (KappaFn ?Transaction
                (instance ?Transaction ?TransactionType)
                (patient ?Transaction ?Shares))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 1981-1990
        (chromosomeSetCount ?SUB ?COLL ?I)
        (subCollection ?SUB ?COLL))
    (equal ?I
            (KappaFn ?I
                (subCollection ?SUB ?COLL)))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 828-835
        (instance ?AUCTIONS Collection)
        (forall (?AUC)
                (member ?AUC ?AUCTIONS)
                (instance ?AUC Auctioning))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                    (transactionAmount ?AUC ?AMOUNT)) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT)
                (AuctionGMBFn ?AUCTIONS) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3202-3215
        (instance ?Account CreditAccount)
        (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent)
        (principalAmount ?Account ?Principal)
        (agreementPeriod ?Account ?Period)
        (interestEarned ?Account ?Interest ?Period)
        (equal ?Total
            (AdditionFn ?Principal ?Interest)))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
            (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Total)) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 1224-1233
        (instance ?Account Loan)
        (borrower ?Account ?Agent)
        (principalAmount ?Account ?Principal)
        (agreementPeriod ?Account ?Period)
        (interestEarned ?Account ?Interest ?Period)
        (equal ?Total
            (AdditionFn ?Principal ?Interest)))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
            (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Total)) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 1273-1282
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER FinancialTransaction))))
    (exists (?ITEM ?BUYING)
                (KappaFn ?ITEM
                        (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                        (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                        (member ?BUYING ?COLL)
                        (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM))))
            (BoughtItemsFn ?COLL))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2887-2903
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))
                (exists (?LISTING ?SITE ?ITEM)
                    (KappaFn ?LISTING
                            (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
                            (instance ?SITE WebSite)
                            (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                            (member ?LISTING ?COLL)
                            (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM)
                            (hostedOn ?LISTING ?SITE)
                            (exists (?BUYING)
                                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                                    (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM)
                                    (eCommerceSite ?BUYING ?SITE)))))))
            (CardinalityFn ?COLL))
        (BidCountFn ?COLL)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2845-2870
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))
                (KappaFn ?BIDDING
                        (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                        (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
                        (instance ?BIDDING Bidding)
                        (member ?LISTING ?COLL)
                        (objectOfBid ?BIDDING ?ITEM)
                        (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM))))
            (BidCountFn ?COLL))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2922-2940
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval))
                (KappaFn ?PURCHASE
                        (instance ?PURCHASE Buying)
                        (member ?PURCHASE
                            (QualifyingPurchasesFn ?EXPERIMENT))
                            (WhenFn ?PURCHASE) ?INTERVAL))))
                (KappaFn ?USER
                        (member ?USER
                            (TreatedUsersFn ?EXPERIMENT))
                        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
                            (WhenFn ?ACCESSING) ?INTERVAL)
                        (agent ?ACCESSING ?USER)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3095-3114
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval))
                (KappaFn ?PURCHASE
                        (instance ?PURCHASE Buying)
                        (member ?PURCHASE
                            (QualifyingPurchasesFn ?EXPERIMENT)))))
                (KappaFn ?USER
                        (member ?USER
                            (TreatedUsersFn ?EXPERIMENT))
                        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
                        (agent ?ACCESSING ?USER)))))
        (PPSFn ?EXPERIMENT)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3056-3073
        (instance ?GUN Gun)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (effectiveRange ?GUN
            (MeasureFn ?LM ?U))
        (distance ?GUN ?O
            (MeasureFn ?LM1 ?U))
        (instance ?O Organism)
            (exists (?O2)
                (between ?O ?O2 ?GUN)))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LM1 ?LM))
    (exists (?KILLING)
            (KappaFn ?KILLING
                    (instance ?KILLING Killing)
                    (patient ?KILLING ?O))) instrument ?GUN)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1410-1429
        (instance ?GUN Gun)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (effectiveRange ?GUN
            (MeasureFn ?LM ?U))
        (distance ?GUN ?O
            (MeasureFn ?LM1 ?U))
            (exists (?O2)
                (between ?O ?O2 ?GUN)))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LM1 ?LM))
    (exists (?DAMAGING)
            (KappaFn ?DAMAGING
                    (instance ?DAMAGING Damaging)
                    (patient ?DAMAGING ?O))) instrument ?GUN)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1388-1406
        (instance ?HP HearingProtection)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (wears ?PERSON ?HP))
    (hasPurpose ?HP
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?SOUND ?HEAR ?HUMAN ?T)
                                    (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                                    (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                                    (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                                    (patient ?HEAR ?SOUND)
                                    (experiencer ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                                    (causes ?HEAR ?I)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?HUMAN)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)
                (instrument ?PROC ?HP)))))
Cars.kif 3432-3461
        (instance ?Loan BalloonLoan)
        (maturityDate ?Loan ?Date)
        (totalBalance ?Loan ?Amount)
        (borrower ?Loan ?Agent))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (date ?Payment ?Date)
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount)
                (destination ?Payment
                    (CurrencyFn ?Loan)))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 1411-1421
        (instance ?Loan CallableLoan)
        (lender ?Loan ?Lender)
        (borrower ?Loan ?Borrower)
        (totalBalance ?Loan ?Amount)
        (instance ?Call Call)
        (agent ?Call ?Lender)
        (patient ?Call ?Loan))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (destination ?Payment ?Lender)
                (time ?Payment
                        (WhenFn ?Call)))
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount))) ?Borrower))
FinancialOntology.kif 1428-1443
        (instance ?PAGE SearchResultsPage)
        (instance ?RESULTS SRPResults)
        (component ?RESULTS ?PAGE))
                (KappaFn ?CLICK
                        (instance ?CLICK RequestingHyperlink)
                        (patient ?CLICK ?ELEMENT)
                        (destination ?CLICK ?LINKEDPAGE)
                        (instance ?ELEMENT HypertextLink)
                        (component ?ELEMENT ?PAGE)
                            (instance ?LINKEDPAGE ProductDescriptionPage)
                            (instance ?LINKEDPAGE ViewItemPage)))))
            (ListLengthFn ?RESULTS))
        (SRPEngagementFn ?PAGE)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3721-3739
        (instance ?PROJ Projectile)
        (caliber ?GUNCLASS ?LM)
        (instance ?GUN ?GUNCLASS)
        (width ?PROJ ?LM1)
        (equal ?LM ?LM1))
        (KappaFn ?SHOOTING
                (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
                (patient ?SHOOTING ?PROJ))) instrument ?GUN))
MilitaryDevices.kif 233-245
        (instance ?PURCHASES Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?PURCHASES)
                (instance ?MEMBER Buying)))
        (exists (?REGION)
                (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea)
                (forall (?BUYER ?BUYING)
                            (instance ?BUYER AutonomousAgent)
                            (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                            (member ?BUYING ?PURCHASES)
                            (agent ?BUYING ?BUYER))
                        (located ?BUYER ?REGION))))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                        (instance ?PURCHASE Buying)
                        (member ?PURCHASE ?PURCHASES)
                        (transactionAmount ?PURCHASE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT)
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2956-2983
        (instance ?SALES Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?SALES)
                (instance ?MEMBER Selling)))
        (exists (?REGION)
                (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea)
                (forall (?SELLER ?SELLING)
                            (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent)
                            (instance ?SELLING Buying)
                            (member ?SELLING ?SALES)
                            (agent ?SELLING ?SELLER))
                        (located ?SELLER ?REGION))))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                        (instance ?SALE Selling)
                        (member ?SALE ?SALES)
                        (transactionAmount ?SALE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT)
                (GMVFn ?SALES) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2999-3026
        (instance ?SH SafetyHarness)
        (instance ?PERSON Animal)
        (wears ?PERSON ?SH))
    (hasPurpose ?SH
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (instrument ?PROC ?SH)
                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?F ?H ?T)
                                    (instance ?H Human)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?H)
                                    (instance ?F Falling)
                                    (experiencer ?F ?H)
                                    (causes ?F ?I)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)))))
Cars.kif 3374-3402

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