

        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y CoastalAndGreatLakesPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP ?WATER)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE ?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (geographicSubregion ?WATER UnitedStates)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8207-8225
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaFreightTransportation))
    (exists (?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?FREIGHT ?X)
            (instance ?FREIGHT WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP CargoShip)
            (eventLocated ?FREIGHT WorldOcean))))
naics.kif 8139-8150
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE WorldOcean)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8159-8175
        (measure ?QUAKE
            (MeasureFn ?VALUE RichterMagnitude))
        (instance ?QUAKE Earthquake))
    (exists (?TREMOR)
            (instance ?TREMOR EarthTremor)
            (subProcess ?TREMOR ?QUAKE)
            (measure ?TREMOR
                (MeasureFn ?VALUE RichterMagnitude)))))
Geography.kif 2359-2369
        (musicGenre ?MR Acapella)
        (record ?MR ?MM))
        (exists (?MI)
                (instance ?MI MakingInstrumentalMusic)
                (subProcess ?MI ?MM)))))
Music.kif 524-532
        (property ?THING ?ATTR)
        (instance ?ATTR ContestAttribute))
    (exists (?CONTEST)
            (instance ?CONTEST Contest)
                (agent ?CONTEST ?THING)
                (patient ?CONTEST ?THING)
                (subProcess ?THING ?CONTEST)))))
Merge.kif 17414-17424
        (property ?THING ?ATTR)
        (instance ?ATTR GameAttribute))
    (exists (?GAME)
            (instance ?GAME Game)
                (agent ?GAME ?THING)
                (patient ?GAME ?THING)
                (subProcess ?THING ?GAME)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19498-19508
        (property ?THING ?ATTR)
        (instance ?ATTR SportsAttribute))
    (exists (?SPORT)
            (instance ?SPORT Game)
                (agent ?SPORT ?THING)
                (patient ?SPORT ?THING)
                (subProcess ?THING ?SPORT)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19514-19524
        (roomAmenity ?ROOM ?SVC)
        (subclass ?SVC Process))
        (exists (?X ?S ?HOTEL ?PROC)
                (instance ?X ?ROOM)
                (element ?X
                    (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
                (agent ?S ?HOTEL)
                    (instance ?S ?SVC)
                        (instance ?PROC ?SVC)
                        (subProcess ?S ?PROC)))
                (located ?S ?X))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 317-332
        (subjectiveAttribute ?X Won ?JUDGE)
        (instance ?X
            (FoodForFn Human)))
    (exists (?CONTEST ?AGENT ?PROC)
            (contestObject ?CONTEST ?X ?AGENT)
            (instance ?PROC Judging)
            (agent ?PROC ?JUDGE)
            (subProcess ?PROC ?CONTEST))))
Dining.kif 900-909
    (attribute ?FOOD CookedAttribute)
    (exists (?PROC1 ?PROC2)
            (instance ?PROC1 Cooking)
            (instance ?PROC2 Heating)
            (subProcess ?PROC2 ?PROC1)
            (result ?PROC1 ?FOOD))))
Food.kif 37-44
    (attribute ?MR HipHopMusic)
        (exists (?MM ?S)
                (record ?MR ?MM)
                (instance ?S Speaking)
                (subProcess ?S ?MM))) Likely))
Music.kif 727-734
    (attribute ?X AeronauticalEngineer)
    (exists (?SKILL)
            (hasSkill ?SKILL ?X)
            (forall (?P)
                    (instance ?P ?SKILL)
                        (exists (?CONS ?OBJ ?PT)
                                (instance ?CONS Making)
                                    (instance ?OBJ Aircraft)
                                        (instance ?OBJ ?PT)
                                        (typicalPart ?PT Aircraft)))
                                (result ?CONS ?OBJ)
                                (subProcess ?P ?CONS)))
                        (exists (?DESIGN ?PLAN ?OBJ ?PT)
                                (instance ?DESIGN Designing)
                                    (instance ?OBJ Aircraft)
                                        (instance ?OBJ ?PT)
                                        (typicalPart ?PT Aircraft)))
                                (result ?DESIGN ?PLAN)
                                (represents ?PLAN ?OBJ)
                                (subProcess ?P ?DESIGN)))))))))
Biography.kif 436-465
    (attribute ?X GamblingIndustries)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?GAME ?BET)
                (instance ?GAME Game)
                (agent ?GAME ?X)
                (instance ?BET Betting)
                (destination ?BET ?X)
                (subProcess ?BET ?GAME)))))
naics.kif 11478-11487
    (axis ?AXIS ?OBJ)
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Rotating)
            (part ?AXIS ?OBJ)
            (experiencer ?R ?OBJ)
                (exists (?R2)
                        (instance ?R2 Rotating)
                        (subProcess ?R2 ?R)
                        (experiencer ?R2 ?AXIS)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17467-17479
    (contestObject ?CONTEST ?OBJ ?AGENT)
        (contestParticipant ?CONTEST ?AGENT)
        (exists (?MAKE ?JUDGE ?PROC ?AFTR)
                (instance ?MAKE Making)
                (result ?MAKE ?OBJ)
                (agent ?MAKE ?AGENT)
                (instance ?PROC Judging)
                (agent ?PROC ?JUDGE)
                (patient ?PROC ?OBJ)
                (result ?PROC
                    (subjectiveAttribute ?OBJ ?AFTR ?JUDGE))
                (subProcess ?PROC ?CONTEST)))))
Dining.kif 883-896
    (dayPhone ?Number ?Agent)
    (exists (?Phone ?Hour ?Num)
            (phoneNumber ?Number ?Phone)
            (greaterThan ?Num 6)
            (lessThan ?Num 18)
                (instance ?Hour
                    (HourFn ?Num Day))
                (exists (?T)
                        (instance ?T Telephoning)
                        (destination ?T ?Agent)
                        (patient ?T ?Phone)
                        (possesses ?Agent ?Phone)
                            (exists (?A)
                                    (instance ?A Answering)
                                    (subProcess ?A ?T)
                                    (agent ?A ?Agent))) Likely)))))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3691-3711
    (eveningPhone ?Number ?Agent)
    (exists (?Phone ?Hour ?Num)
            (phoneNumber ?Number ?Phone)
            (greaterThan ?Num 18)
            (lessThan ?Num 6)
                (instance ?Hour
                    (HourFn ?Num Day))
                (exists (?T)
                        (instance ?T Telephoning)
                        (destination ?T ?Agent)
                        (patient ?T ?Phone)
                        (possesses ?Agent ?Phone)
                            (exists (?A)
                                    (instance ?A Answering)
                                    (subProcess ?A ?T)
                                    (agent ?A ?Agent))) Likely)))))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3735-3755
    (eventLocated ?PROCESS ?OBJ)
    (forall (?SUB)
            (subProcess ?SUB ?PROCESS)
            (eventLocated ?SUB ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 4127-4132
    (eventPartlyLocated ?PROC ?OBJ)
    (exists (?SUB)
            (subProcess ?SUB ?PROC)
            (eventLocated ?SUB ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 4102-4107
    (instance ?ACT DirectActionActivity)
    (exists (?DA)
            (instance ?DA DirectAction)
            (subProcess ?ACT ?DA))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 393-398
    (instance ?ACT DoubleClicking)
    (exists (?CLICK1 ?CLICK2)
            (subProcess ?ACT ?CLICK1)
            (instance ?CLICK1 Clicking)
            (subProcess ?ACT ?CLICK2)
                (equal ?CLICK1 ?CLICK2))
            (instance ?CLICK2 Clicking))))
ComputerInput.kif 1442-1451
    (instance ?ACT ShiftClicking)
    (exists (?SHIFT)
            (subProcess ?SHIFT ?ACT)
            (instance ?SHIFT ShiftKeyHoldDown))))
ComputerInput.kif 1497-1502
    (instance ?ACTION LegalAction)
    (exists (?REGISTER)
            (instance ?REGISTER Registering)
            (subProcess ?REGISTER ?ACTION))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 887-892
    (instance ?AGRO Agriculture)
    (exists (?GROWTH)
            (instance ?GROWTH Growth)
            (subProcess ?GROWTH ?AGRO))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20842-20847

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