

    (exhaustiveDecomposition ?CLASS @ROW)
    (forall (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ ?CLASS)
            (exists (?ITEM)
                    (inList ?ITEM
                        (ListFn @ROW))
                    (instance ?OBJ ?ITEM))))))
Merge.kif 2940-2948
    (frequency ?PROC ?TIME1)
    (forall (?TIME2)
            (duration ?TIME2 ?TIME1)
            (exists (?POSITION)
                    (temporalPart ?POSITION ?TIME2)
                    (holdsDuring ?POSITION
                        (exists (?INST)
                            (instance ?INST ?PROC))))))))
Merge.kif 7939-7949
    (graphMeasure ?G ?M)
    (forall (?AC)
            (graphPart ?AC ?G)
            (exists (?PC)
                (abstractCounterpart ?AC ?PC)))))
Merge.kif 6157-6163
    (hindersSubclass ?PROC1 ?PROC2)
    (forall (?TIME ?PLACE)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (exists (?INST1)
                        (instance ?INST1 ?PROC1)
                        (eventLocated ?INST1 ?PLACE))))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (exists (?INST2)
                        (instance ?INST2 ?PROC2)
                        (eventLocated ?INST2 ?PLACE)))))))
Merge.kif 4319-4332
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (direction ?PROC ?ATTR1))
    (forall (?ATTR2)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (direction ?PROC ?ATTR2))
            (equal ?ATTR2 ?ATTR1))))
Merge.kif 16968-16973
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (faces ?PROC ?ATTR1))
    (forall (?ATTR2)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (faces ?PROC ?ATTR2))
            (equal ?ATTR2 ?ATTR1))))
Merge.kif 16984-16989
    (instance ?ATOM Atom)
    (forall (?NUCLEUS1 ?NUCLEUS2)
                (part ?NUCLEUS1 ?ATOM)
                (part ?NUCLEUS2 ?ATOM)
                (instance ?NUCLEUS1 AtomicNucleus)
                (instance ?NUCLEUS2 AtomicNucleus))
            (equal ?NUCLEUS1 ?NUCLEUS2))))
Merge.kif 1122-1131
    (instance ?BACTERIUM Bacterium)
    (exists (?CELL1)
            (component ?CELL1 ?BACTERIUM)
            (instance ?CELL1 Cell)
            (forall (?CELL2)
                        (component ?CELL2 ?BACTERIUM)
                        (instance ?CELL2 Cell))
                    (equal ?CELL1 ?CELL2))))))
Merge.kif 14481-14492
    (instance ?BROOD Brood)
    (exists (?TIME)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?BROOD)
                (exists (?BIRTH)
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?MEMBER)
                        (equal ?TIME
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7501-7511
    (instance ?BROOD Brood)
    (forall (?MEMBER1 ?MEMBER2)
                (member ?MEMBER1 ?BROOD)
                (member ?MEMBER2 ?BROOD))
            (sibling ?MEMBER1 ?MEMBER2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7492-7499
    (instance ?CAST DramaticCast)
    (exists (?TEXT ?PROP ?PROC)
            (instance ?TEXT FictionalText)
            (containsInformation ?TEXT ?PROP)
            (realization ?PROC ?PROP)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                    (member ?MEMBER ?CAST)
                    (exists (?SUB)
                            (instance ?SUB DramaticActing)
                            (agent ?SUB ?MEMBER)
                            (subProcess ?SUB ?PROC))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15966-15980
    (instance ?CLOUD WaterCloud)
    (forall (?PART)
                (part ?PART ?CLOUD)
                    (instance ?PART Water)))
            (exists (?WATER ?MEASURE1 ?MEASURE2 ?U)
                    (instance ?WATER Water)
                    (part ?WATER ?CLOUD)
                    (measure ?WATER
                        (MeasureFn ?MEASURE1 ?U))
                    (measure ?PART
                        (MeasureFn ?MEASURE2 ?U))
                    (greaterThan ?MEASURE1 ?MEASURE2))))))
Merge.kif 14802-14815
    (instance ?CONTEST MusicContest)
    (exists (?J)
            (instance ?J Judging)
            (forall (?A)
                    (contestParticipant ?CONTEST ?A)
                    (exists (?MM)
                            (agent ?MM ?A)
                            (instance ?MM MakingMusic)
                            (subProcess ?MM ?CONTEST)
                            (patient ?J ?MM))))))))
Music.kif 1007-1020
    (instance ?CONTEST SingingContest)
    (exists (?J)
            (instance ?J Judging)
            (forall (?A)
                    (contestParticipant ?CONTEST ?A)
                    (exists (?MV)
                            (agent ?MV ?A)
                            (instance ?MV Singing)
                            (subProcess ?MV ?CONTEST)
                            (patient ?J ?MV))))))))
Music.kif 1027-1040
    (instance ?COOPERATE Cooperation)
    (exists (?PURP)
        (forall (?AGENT)
                (agent ?COOPERATE ?AGENT)
                (hasPurposeForAgent ?COOPERATE ?PURP ?AGENT)))))
Merge.kif 13290-13296
    (instance ?D Discography)
    (exists (?M ?AC)
            (instance ?M CognitiveAgent)
            (attribute ?M ?AC)
            (instance ?AC Musician)
            (forall (?X)
                    (member ?X ?D)
                    (exists (?I ?T ?R ?DS)
                            (musician ?X ?M ?I)
                                (AlbumCopiesFn ?X ?DS) ?R ?T))))))))
Music.kif 67-80
    (instance ?DISEASE NonspecificDisease)
        (exists (?AGENT)
                (instance ?AGENT Microorganism)
                (forall (?VICTIM)
                        (attribute ?VICTIM ?DISEASE)
                        (located ?AGENT ?VICTIM)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5803-5812
    (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
    (exists (?QUALIFYING_EVENTS)
            (instance ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS Collection)
            (forall (?EVENT)
                        (instance ?EVENT Process)
                            (experimentalControlProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?EVENT)
                            (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?EVENT)))
                    (member ?EVENT ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS)))
                (QualifyingEventsFn ?EXPERIMENT) ?QUALIFYING_EVENTS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4208-4223
    (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
    (exists (?TREATED_USERS)
            (instance ?TREATED_USERS Collection)
            (forall (?USER)
                        (instance ?USER Human)
                        (treatedUser ?USER ?EXPERIMENT))
                    (member ?USER ?TREATED_USERS)))
                (TreatedUsersFn ?EXPERIMENT) ?TREATED_USERS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4281-4293
    (instance ?FUN OneToOneFunction)
    (forall (?ARG1 ?ARG2)
            (exists (?CLASS)
                    (domain ?FUN 1 ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?ARG1 ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?ARG2 ?CLASS)
                        (equal ?ARG1 ?ARG2))))
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUN ?ARG1)
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUN ?ARG2))))))
Merge.kif 3375-3385
    (instance ?FUNCTION AssociativeFunction)
    (forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3 ?CLASS)
                (domain ?FUNCTION 1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST2 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST3 ?CLASS))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST3))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) ?INST3)))))
Merge.kif 3418-3428
    (instance ?FUNCTION CommutativeFunction)
    (forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?CLASS)
                (domain ?FUNCTION 1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST2 ?CLASS))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2)
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1)))))
Merge.kif 3438-3448
    (instance ?FWD FourWheelDriveVehicle)
    (hasPurpose ?FWD
        (forall (?W)
                (part ?W ?FWD)
                (exists (?E ?C ?R1 ?R2)
                        (instance ?E Engine)
                        (part ?E ?FWD)
                        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
                        (part ?C ?E)
                        (instance ?R1 Rotating)
                        (patient ?R1 ?C)
                        (instance ?R2 Rotating)
                        (patient ?R2 ?W)
                        (causes ?R1 ?R2)))))))
Cars.kif 4596-4612
    (instance ?GROUP AgeGroup)
    (forall (?MEMB1 ?MEMB2 ?AGE1 ?AGE2)
                (member ?MEMB1 ?GROUP)
                (member ?MEMB2 ?GROUP)
                (age ?MEMB1 ?AGE1)
                (age ?MEMB2 ?AGE2))
            (equal ?AGE1 ?AGE2))))
Merge.kif 16270-16279
    (instance ?GROUP BeliefGroup)
    (exists (?BELIEF)
        (forall (?MEMB)
                (member ?MEMB ?GROUP)
                (believes ?MEMB ?BELIEF)))))
Merge.kif 16618-16624

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