

    (instance ?FOUND Founding)
    (exists (?ORG)
            (instance ?ORG Organization)
            (result ?FOUND ?ORG))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 935-940
    (instance ?G Generator)
    (hasPurpose ?G
        (exists (?P ?E)
                (instance ?P Process)
                (instance ?E Electricity)
                (result ?P ?E)
                (instrument ?P ?G)))))
Cars.kif 1194-1202
    (instance ?H Honey)
    (exists (?P ?B)
            (instance ?P PhysiologicProcess)
            (agent ?P ?B)
            (instance ?B Bee)
            (result ?P ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21636-21643
    (instance ?HAY Hay)
    (exists (?MAKE ?GRASS)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (resource ?MAKE ?GRASS)
            (instance ?GRASS Grass)
            (result ?MAKE ?HAY))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20402-20409
    (instance ?HORMONE Hormone)
    (exists (?PROCESS ?GLAND)
            (instance ?GLAND Gland)
            (instrument ?PROCESS ?GLAND)
            (result ?PROCESS ?HORMONE))))
Merge.kif 14867-14873
    (instance ?HS HeatSealer)
    (hasPurpose ?HS
        (exists (?CLOSE ?PLAST ?CONT ?HEAT)
                (instance ?CONT Container)
                (instance ?PLAST Plastic)
                (instance ?CLOSE Closing)
                (instance ?HEAT Heating)
                (instrument ?CLOSE ?HS)
                (instrument ?CLOSE ?PLAST)
                (agent ?HEAT ?HS)
                (patient ?HEAT ?PLAST)
                (result ?HEAT ?CLOSE)
                (patient ?CLOSE ?CONT)))))
Economy.kif 5163-5177
    (instance ?IC IgnitionCoil)
    (hasPurpose ?IC
        (exists (?E1 ?E2 ?P)
                (instance ?P ElectricTransmission)
                (resource ?P ?E1)
                (instance ?E1 Electricity)
                (instance ?E2 Electricity)
                (result ?P ?E2)
                (instrument ?P ?IC)))))
Cars.kif 3151-3161
    (instance ?IED IED)
        (exists (?M)
                (instance ?M Manufacture)
                (result ?M ?IED)))))
Medicine.kif 6080-6086
    (instance ?IM IceMachine)
    (hasPurpose ?IM
        (exists (?PROC ?ICE)
                (instrument ?PROC ?IM)
                (result ?PROC ?ICE)
                (instance ?ICE Ice)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25515-25522
    (instance ?J Jam)
    (exists (?B ?F ?S)
            (instance ?B Boiling)
            (patient ?B ?F)
            (instance ?F Fruit)
            (patient ?B ?S)
            (instance ?S Sugar)
            (result ?B ?J))))
Food.kif 1760-1769
    (instance ?L Lard)
    (exists (?H ?F ?P)
            (instance ?H Heating)
            (patient ?H ?F)
            (instance ?F FatTissue)
            (part ?F ?P)
            (instance ?P Pork)
            (result ?H ?L))))
Food.kif 2890-2899
    (instance ?L Lesion)
    (exists (?I)
            (instance ?I Injuring)
            (result ?I ?L))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9388-9393
    (instance ?L LongBlack)
    (exists (?P ?W ?E)
            (instance ?P Pouring)
            (patient ?P ?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (attribute ?W HotTemperature)
            (destination ?P ?E)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (result ?P ?L))))
Food.kif 1429-1439
    (instance ?L Lumber)
    (exists (?C ?T)
            (instance ?C Cutting)
            (result ?C ?L)
            (patient ?C ?T)
            (instance ?T Lumber))))
Economy.kif 5523-5530
    (instance ?LANG ConstructedLanguage)
    (exists (?PLAN)
            (instance ?PLAN Planning)
            (result ?PLAN ?LANG))))
Merge.kif 1470-1475
    (instance ?LEATHER Leather)
    (exists (?MAKE ?SKIN)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (resource ?MAKE ?SKIN)
            (instance ?SKIN Skin)
            (result ?MAKE ?LEATHER))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5377-5384
    (instance ?MA MonoclonalAntibody)
    (exists (?WBC ?R)
            (instance ?R Replication)
            (instance ?WBC WhiteBloodCell)
            (resource ?R ?WBC)
            (result ?R ?MA))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10247-10254
    (instance ?MACHINE Machine)
    (forall (?PROC)
            (instrument ?PROC ?MACHINE)
            (exists (?RESOURCE ?RESULT)
                    (resource ?PROC ?RESOURCE)
                    (result ?PROC ?RESULT))))))
Merge.kif 16068-16076
    (instance ?MAKING Making)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (instance ?ARTIFACT Artifact)
            (result ?MAKING ?ARTIFACT))))
Merge.kif 12839-12844
    (instance ?MEETING FormalMeeting)
    (exists (?PLANNING)
            (instance ?PLANNING Planning)
            (result ?PLANNING ?MEETING)
                (WhenFn ?PLANNING)
                (WhenFn ?MEETING)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15992-15998
    (instance ?MILK Milk)
    (exists (?PROCESS ?MAMMAL)
            (instance ?MAMMAL Mammal)
            (attribute ?MAMMAL Female)
            (instrument ?PROCESS ?MAMMAL)
            (result ?PROCESS ?MILK))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10869-10876
    (instance ?MODELING Modeling)
    (exists (?MODEL)
            (instance ?MODEL Model)
            (result ?MODELING ?MODEL))))
engineering.kif 115-119
    (instance ?MODELING MultipoleModeling)
    (exists (?MODEL)
            (instance ?MODEL MultipoleModel)
            (result ?MODELING ?MODEL))))
engineering.kif 372-376
    (instance ?MT MechanicalDie)
    (hasPurpose ?MT
        (exists (?M ?N)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (instance ?N MechanicalNut)
                (instrument ?M ?MT)
                (result ?M ?N)))))
Cars.kif 4227-4235
    (instance ?MT MechanicalTap)
    (hasPurpose ?MT
        (exists (?M ?B)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (instance ?B Bolt)
                (instrument ?M ?MT)
                (result ?M ?B)))))
Cars.kif 4213-4221

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