

        (instance ?C Carabiner)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?C DeviceClosed)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?R)
                    (instance ?R ClimbingRope)
                    (contains ?C ?R))) Possibility)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30803-30814
        (instance ?C Carabiner)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?C DeviceOpen)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?C RingTorus))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30816-30823
        (instance ?C CausingHappiness)
        (patient ?C ?P))
                (WhenFn ?C))
                (attribute ?P Happiness)))
                (WhenFn ?C))
            (attribute ?P Happiness))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23767-23778
        (instance ?C CausingUnhappiness)
        (patient ?C ?P))
                (WhenFn ?C))
                (attribute ?P Unhappiness)))
                (WhenFn ?C))
            (attribute ?P Unhappiness))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23788-23799
        (instance ?C Cavitating)
        (instance ?P Pump)
        (attribute ?P DeviceOn)
        (attribute ?L1 Liquid)
        (contains ?P ?L1))
    (exists (?PP ?L2)
            (part ?PP ?P)
            (hasPurpose ?PP
                    (attribute ?L2 Liquid)
                    (meetsSpatially ?L2 ?PP)))
                (WhenFn ?C)
                    (exists (?L3)
                            (attribute ?L3 Liquid)
                            (meetsSpatially ?PP ?L3))))))))
Cars.kif 1747-1767
        (instance ?C CheckingVitals)
        (agent ?C ?A)
        (patient ?C ?P)
        (instance ?H Heart)
        (part ?H ?P)
        (instance ?L Lung)
        (part ?L ?P)
            (WhenFn ?C)
                (systolicBloodPressure ?P ?SYS)
                (diastolicBloodPressure ?P ?DIA)
                (measure ?P
                    (MeasureFn ?T FahrenheitDegree))))
        (heartRate ?H
            (WhenFn ?C) ?I)
        (breathingRate ?L
            (WhenFn ?C) ?R))
    (knows ?A
                (WhenFn ?C)
                    (systolicBloodPressure ?P ?SYS)
                    (diastolicBloodPressure ?P ?DIA)
                    (measure ?P
                        (MeasureFn ?T FahrenheitDegree))))
            (heartRate ?H
                (WhenFn ?C) ?I)
            (breathingRate ?L
                (WhenFn ?C) ?R))))
Medicine.kif 6505-6529
        (instance ?C Chills)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
        (WhenFn ?C)
        (attribute ?H FeelingCold)))
emotion.kif 1886-1892
        (instance ?C Choking)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
    (exists (?O ?T ?L)
            (instance ?O Object)
            (instance ?T Trachea)
            (instance ?L Lung)
            (part ?T ?H)
            (part ?L ?H)
                (WhenFn ?C)
                    (located ?O ?T)
                    (located ?O ?L))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11753-11768
        (instance ?C ChurningButter)
        (instance ?E Emulsion)
        (patient ?C ?E))
    (exists (?M ?B)
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                    (equal ?E ?M)
                    (instance ?M Milk)))
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                    (equal ?E ?B)
                    (instance ?B Butter))))))
Food.kif 3076-3094
        (instance ?C ComputerBackingUp)
        (dataProcessed ?C ?DD)
        (instance ?DD DigitalData)
        (agent ?C ?A))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?T)
                    (WhenFn ?C) ?T)
                    (exists (?PROC)
                            (instance ?PROC ComputerProcess)
                            (capability ?PROC dataProcessed ?DD))))))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3496-3510
        (instance ?C Coughing)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?R ?L ?O ?T)
                (instance ?L Lung)
                (instance ?T Throat)
                (instance ?O Object)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (part ?L ?H)
                (part ?T ?H)
                (objectTransferred ?R ?O)
                        (WhenFn ?C))
                        (located ?O ?T)
                        (located ?O ?L)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6055-6074
        (instance ?C Covering)
        (patient ?C ?P)
        (instrument ?C ?I))
            (WhenFn ?C))
        (covers ?I ?P)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29746-29753
        (instance ?C Cricothyroidotomy)
        (patient ?C ?O))
    (hasPurpose ?C
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                (exists (?B)
                        (instance ?B
                            (ImpairmentFn Breathing))
                        (patient ?B ?O))))
                        (WhenFn ?C))
                    (exists (?B)
                            (instance ?B
                                (ImpairmentFn Breathing))
                            (patient ?B ?O))))))))
Medicine.kif 767-785
        (instance ?C Cricothyroidotomy)
        (patient ?C ?O))
            (WhenFn ?C))
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                (equal ?T
                    (HoleHostFn ?H))
                (instance ?T Throat)
                (part ?T ?O)))))
Medicine.kif 754-765
        (instance ?C Crying)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
        (WhenFn ?C)
        (attribute ?H Sadness)))
emotion.kif 1141-1147
        (instance ?C CurdlingMilk)
        (instance ?M Milk)
        (patient ?C ?M))
    (exists (?PH ?D ?H ?L)
            (measure ?M
                (MeasureFn ?PH PHValue))
            (instance ?D Decreasing)
            (subProcess ?D ?C)
            (patient ?D ?PH)
                    (WhenFn ?D))
                (equal ?PH ?H)
                (approximateValue ?H 6.5))
                    (WhenFn ?D))
                (equal ?PH ?L)
                (approximateValue ?L 4.5)))))
Food.kif 3226-3247
        (instance ?C InPersonCommunication)
        (agent ?C ?A1)
        (agent ?C ?A2)
            (equal ?A1 ?A2)))
    (holdsDuring ?C
        (orientation ?A1 ?A2 Near)))
Media.kif 224-231
        (instance ?C Sneezing)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?R ?N ?NOSE ?O)
                (instance ?N NasalCavity)
                (instance ?NOSE Nose)
                (equal ?NOSE
                    (HoleHostFn ?N))
                (instance ?O Object)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (part ?NOSE ?H)
                (objectTransferred ?R ?O)
                        (WhenFn ?C))
                    (located ?O ?N))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6121-6139
        (instance ?CA COVIDAntibody)
        (holdsDuring ?T
                    (attribute ?H Covid19))
                (part ?CA ?H))))
        (ImmediateFutureFn ?T)
            (attribute ?H Covid19) Unlikely)))
Medicine.kif 2784-2796
        (instance ?CATCH Catching)
        (agent ?CATCH ?AGENT)
        (patient ?CATCH ?BALL))
            (WhenFn ?CATCH))
        (grasps ?AGENT ?BALL)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17111-17116
        (instance ?CHANGE ChangeOfPossession)
        (origin ?CHANGE ?AGENT1)
        (destination ?CHANGE ?AGENT2)
        (instance ?AGENT1 AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?AGENT2 AutonomousAgent)
        (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT1 ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT2 ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 11678-11688
        (instance ?CHANGE InternalChange)
        (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PROPERTY)
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                    (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))))
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY)))
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                    (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))))))
Merge.kif 12621-12632
        (instance ?CHILD Human)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (attribute ?CHILD NonFullyFormed)))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (instance ?CHILD HumanYouth)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 286-292
        (instance ?CLOTHING OutdoorClothing)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (wears ?PERSON ?CLOTHING)))
        (exists (?BUILDING)
                (instance ?BUILDING Building)
                (holdsDuring ?TIME
                    (located ?PERSON ?BUILDING))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5042-5050
        (instance ?COLORING Coloring)
        (patient ?COLORING ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PROPERTY ?PART)
            (part ?PART ?OBJ)
            (instance ?PROPERTY ColorAttribute)
                            (WhenFn ?COLORING))
                        (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY))
                            (WhenFn ?COLORING))
                            (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY))))
                            (WhenFn ?COLORING))
                            (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY)))
                            (WhenFn ?COLORING))
                        (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY)))))))
Merge.kif 12658-12672

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