

        (instance ?DAMAGE Damaging)
        (agent ?DAMAGE ?PROP)
        (destination ?DAMAGE ?DEST)
        (instance ?DEST CognitiveAgent))
    (believes ?DEST
        (attribute ?PROP Dangerous)))
MilitaryPersons.kif 228-235
        (instance ?DEACT DeactivatingAnAccount)
        (instance ?AC UserAccount)
        (patient ?DEACT ?AC))
                (WhenFn ?DEACT))
            (attribute ?AC AccountDeactivated))
                (WhenFn ?DEACT))
            (attribute ?AC AccountActive))))
ComputingBrands.kif 4498-4507
        (instance ?DEATH Death)
        (instance ?ORG Organism)
        (experiencer ?DEATH ?ORG))
    (exists (?REM ?OBJ)
            (result ?DEATH ?REM)
            (instance ?REM OrganicObject)
                    (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                (attribute ?REM Dead))
                        (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                    (part ?OBJ ?REM))
                        (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                    (part ?OBJ ?ORG))))))
Merge.kif 10244-10259
        (instance ?DEPOSITION Deposition)
        (patient ?DEPOSITION ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?OBJ)
                    (WhenFn ?DEPOSITION))
                (attribute ?PART Gas))
                    (WhenFn ?DEPOSITION))
                (attribute ?PART Solid))
                    (WhenFn ?DEPOSITION)
                    (attribute ?PART Liquid))))))
Geography.kif 6997-7014
        (instance ?DREAM Dreaming)
        (experiencer ?DREAM ?AGENT))
        (WhenFn ?DREAM)
        (attribute ?AGENT Asleep)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18238-18242
        (instance ?DRY Drying)
        (patient ?DRY ?OBJ))
            (WhenFn ?DRY))
        (attribute ?OBJ Dry)))
Merge.kif 12799-12804
        (instance ?DUST DustStorm)
        (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea)
        (eventLocated ?DUST ?PLACE))
        (WhenFn ?DUST)
            (attribute ?PLACE BadAirQuality) Likely)))
Weather.kif 2596-2604
        (instance ?E Electrocardiography)
        (patient ?E ?H)
        (agent ?E ?D)
        (attribute ?D MedicalDoctor))
    (hasPurpose ?E
        (knows ?D
            (exists (?T)
                    (attribute ?H
                        (ImpairedBodyPartFn Heart)) ?T)))))
Medicine.kif 3449-3460
        (instance ?E Epidemic)
        (involvedInEvent ?E ?H))
            (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?H ?D))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P PathologicProcess)
                (experiencer ?P ?H)
                (subProcess ?P ?E)))))
Medicine.kif 3517-3529
        (instance ?EKG Electrocardiogram)
        (attribute ?EKG EKGAbnormal)
        (refers ?EKG ?H)
        (part ?H ?P)
        (instance ?H Heart))
        (attribute ?P
            (ImpairedBodyPartFn Heart)) Likely))
Medicine.kif 1882-1891
        (instance ?EKG Electrocardiogram)
        (attribute ?EKG EKGNormal)
        (refers ?EKG ?H)
        (part ?H ?P)
        (instance ?H Heart))
            (attribute ?P
                (ImpairedBodyPartFn Heart))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 1865-1875
        (instance ?EMIT RadiatingLight)
        (patient ?EMIT ?REGION)
        (instance ?REGION Region))
    (attribute ?REGION Illuminated))
Merge.kif 13677-13682
        (instance ?EMIT RadiatingSound)
        (agent ?EMIT ?SOUND))
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR SoundAttribute)
            (attribute ?SOUND ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 13703-13710
        (instance ?EV Evacuation)
        (agent ?EV ?MIL)
        (instance ?MIL MilitaryOrganization)
        (experiencer ?EV ?P))
            (WhenFn ?EV))
        (attribute ?P Evacuee)))
MilitaryPersons.kif 133-140
        (instance ?EV Evacuation)
        (origin ?EV ?OR)
        (agent ?EV ?A))
    (exists (?P)
            (instance ?P Process)
            (geographicSubregion ?OR
                (WhereFn ?P
                        (WhenFn ?EV))))
            (causes ?P ?EV)
            (believes ?A
                (attribute ?P Dangerous)))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2516-2530
        (instance ?EVAP Evaporating)
        (boilingPoint ?CLASS
            (MeasureFn ?BOILVAL ?MEAS))
        (instance ?OBJ ?CLASS)
        (measure ?OBJ
            (MeasureFn ?VAL ?MEAS))
        (instance ?MEAS UnitOfTemperature)
        (patient ?EVAP ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?OBJ)
            (greaterThan ?BOILVAL ?VAL)
                    (WhenFn ?EVAP))
                (attribute ?PART Liquid))
                    (WhenFn ?EVAP))
                (attribute ?PART Gas)))))
Merge.kif 13975-13988
        (instance ?EXPRESS Expressing)
        (agent ?EXPRESS ?AGENT))
    (exists (?STATE)
            (instance ?STATE StateOfMind)
            (attribute ?AGENT ?STATE)
            (represents ?EXPRESS ?STATE))))
Merge.kif 13138-13146
        (instance ?F FlatWhite)
        (part ?B ?F)
        (instance ?B Bubble))
    (attribute ?B Brown))
Food.kif 1360-1365
        (instance ?F FourStrokeCompression)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?F ?C))
            (WhenFn ?F))
        (attribute ?I Pressurized)))
Cars.kif 191-200
        (instance ?F MilitaryForce)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (instance ?I Imprisoning)
        (member ?P ?F)
        (agent ?I ?E)
        (patient ?I ?P)
        (enemy ?E ?P)
        (eventLocated ?I ?LOC)
        (attribute ?LOC WarState))
    (attribute ?P PrisonerOfWar))
MilitaryPersons.kif 285-296
        (instance ?FALL FallingAsleep)
        (experiencer ?FALL ?AGENT))
    (exists (?START ?FINISH)
            (starts ?START
                (WhenFn ?FALL))
            (finishes ?FINISH
                (WhenFn ?FALL))
            (holdsDuring ?START
                (attribute ?AGENT Awake))
            (holdsDuring ?FINISH
                (attribute ?AGENT Asleep)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16379-16388
        (instance ?FR FlowRegion)
        (located ?FLUID ?FR))
    (attribute ?FLUID Fluid))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9060-9064
        (instance ?FREEZE Freezing)
        (patient ?FREEZE ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?OBJ)
                    (WhenFn ?FREEZE))
                (attribute ?PART Liquid))
                    (WhenFn ?FREEZE))
                (attribute ?PART Solid)))))
Merge.kif 14022-14030
        (instance ?FRIGHTEN Frightening)
        (experiencer ?FRIGHTEN ?AGENT))
                (WhenFn ?FRIGHTEN))
                (attribute ?AGENT Anxiety)))
                (WhenFn ?FRIGHTEN))
            (attribute ?AGENT Anxiety))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18248-18254
        (instance ?FROWN Frowning)
        (agent ?FROWN ?AGENT))
        (WhenFn ?FROWN)
        (attribute ?AGENT Unhappiness)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13031-13035

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