waveHeight |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation waveHeight ChineseLanguage "waveHeight 是一个二元谓语 BinaryPredicate. (waveHeight ?WW ?X) 的意思是 ?X 高度 (LengthMeasure)是水体(BodyOfWater)兴起 ?WW (WaterWave 波浪)的 波峰和前面波谷高度(altitude)的差别。") | Weather.kif 1395-1397 | |
(documentation waveHeight EnglishLanguage "waveHeight is a BinaryPredicate. (waveHeight ?WW ?X) means that ?X is the LengthMeasure of the difference between the altitude of the crest and its leading trough of the BodyOfWater of where a ?WW (WaterWave) takes place.") | Weather.kif 1391-1394 | |
(domain waveHeight 1 WaterWave) | Weather.kif 1398-1398 | The number 1 argument of wave height is an instance of water wave |
(domain waveHeight 2 LengthMeasure) | Weather.kif 1399-1399 | The number 2 argument of wave height is an instance of length measure |
(instance waveHeight BinaryPredicate) | Weather.kif 1400-1400 | wave height is an instance of binary predicate |
(subclass waveHeight ConstantQuantity) | Weather.kif 1401-1401 | wave height is a subclass of constant quantity |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage waveHeight "The waveHeight of %1 %2.") | Weather.kif 1402-1402 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage waveHeight "波高") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27894-27894 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage waveHeight "wave height") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27893-27893 |
antecedent |