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Sigma KEE - voteFractionReceived

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation voteFractionReceived EnglishLanguage "(voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?CONTENDER ?FRACTION) means that in the Election ?ELECTION for ?POSITION, the AutonomousAgent ?CONTENDER received ?FRACTION of the votes cast. Contenders may be either persons or political parties.") Government.kif 1826-1829
(domain voteFractionReceived 1 Election) Government.kif 1821-1821 The number 1 argument of vote fraction received is an instance of election
(domain voteFractionReceived 2 SocialRole) Government.kif 1822-1822 The number 2 argument of vote fraction received is an instance of social role
(domain voteFractionReceived 3 AutonomousAgent) Government.kif 1823-1823 The number 3 argument of vote fraction received is an instance of agent
(domain voteFractionReceived 4 RealNumber) Government.kif 1824-1824 The number 4 argument of vote fraction received is an instance of real number
(instance voteFractionReceived QuaternaryPredicate) Government.kif 1820-1820 vote fraction received is an instance of quaternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage voteFractionReceived "%1 %n 是 对于 %3 和 %4 的 vote 收到部分 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2595-2595
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage voteFractionReceived "%1 %n 是 對於 %3 和 %4 的 vote 收到部分 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2594-2594
(format EnglishLanguage voteFractionReceived "%1 is %n vote fraction received %2 for %3 with %4") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2593-2593
(termFormat ChineseLanguage voteFractionReceived "收到投票分数") domainEnglishFormat.kif 62013-62013
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage voteFractionReceived "收到投票分數") domainEnglishFormat.kif 62012-62012
(termFormat EnglishLanguage voteFractionReceived "vote fraction received") domainEnglishFormat.kif 62011-62011


        (instance ?ELECTION PopularElection)
        (electionWinner ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON1)
        (voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON1 ?NUMBER1)
        (voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON2 ?NUMBER2)
            (equal ?PERSON1 ?PERSON2)))
    (greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2))
Government.kif 1857-1864
        (instance ?ELECTION PopularElection)
        (electionWinner ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON1)
        (voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON1 ?NUMBER1))
        (exists (?PERSON2 ?NUMBER2)
                (voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON2 ?NUMBER2)
                    (equal ?PERSON1 ?PERSON2))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER2 ?NUMBER1)))))
Government.kif 1846-1856
    (candidateForPosition ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?CONTENDER))
Government.kif 1831-1833


        (instance ?ELECTION PopularElection)
        (electionWinner ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON1)
        (voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON1 ?NUMBER1))
        (exists (?PERSON2 ?NUMBER2)
                (voteFractionReceived ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?PERSON2 ?NUMBER2)
                    (equal ?PERSON1 ?PERSON2))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER2 ?NUMBER1)))))
Government.kif 1846-1856

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