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Sigma KEE - visualAcuity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation visualAcuity EnglishLanguage "A Measuring of visual acuity stated as a ratio. The ratio is of at how many feet the subject can see the same information as a normal person. For an example of someone with slightly impaired vision, 20/ 40 vision means that the subject has to be at 20 feet to see what a 'normal' person would be able to see at 40 feet.") Medicine.kif 1699-1704
(domain visualAcuity 1 Human) Medicine.kif 1693-1693 The number 1 argument of visual acuity is an instance of human
(domain visualAcuity 2 Integer) Medicine.kif 1694-1694 The number 2 argument of visual acuity is an instance of integer
(domain visualAcuity 3 Integer) Medicine.kif 1695-1695 The number 3 argument of visual acuity is an instance of integer
(instance visualAcuity TernaryPredicate) Medicine.kif 1692-1692 visual acuity is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage visualAcuity "%1 has %2/%3 eyesight") Medicine.kif 1697-1697
(termFormat EnglishLanguage visualAcuity "visual acuity") Medicine.kif 1696-1696


    (visualAcuity ?H1 ?I1 ?I2)
    (exists (?H2)
                (attribute ?H2
                    (ImpairedBodyPartFn Eye)))
            (visualAcuity ?H2 ?I2 ?I2))))
Medicine.kif 1706-1712
    (visualAcuity ?H1 ?I1 ?I2)
    (exists (?S ?L)
            (instance ?S SnellenChart)
            (instance ?L Looking)
            (destination ?L ?S)
            (agent ?L ?H1))))
Medicine.kif 1714-1721


    (visualAcuity ?H1 ?I1 ?I2)
    (exists (?H2)
                (attribute ?H2
                    (ImpairedBodyPartFn Eye)))
            (visualAcuity ?H2 ?I2 ?I2))))
Medicine.kif 1706-1712

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