(utterance EnglishLanguage AestheticPleasure "aesthetic pleasure") |
emotion.kif 1163-1163 |
utterance english language, aesthetic pleasure and "aesthetic pleasure" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage Amusement "amused") |
emotion.kif 1165-1165 |
utterance english language, amusement and "amused" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage Anger "angry") |
emotion.kif 969-969 |
utterance english language, anger and "angry" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage Annoyance "annoyed") |
emotion.kif 699-699 |
utterance english language, annoyance and "annoyed" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage Anxiety "anxious") |
emotion.kif 1171-1171 |
utterance english language, anxiety and "anxious" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsAvoidableConsequences "there are consequences but they are avoidable") |
emotion.kif 288-289 |
utterance english language, appraisal as avoidable consequences and "there are consequences but they are avoidable" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsBeingAtTheCentreOfAttention "I am at the centre of attention") |
emotion.kif 647-648 |
utterance english language, appraisal as being at the centre of attention and "I am at the centre of attention" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedByAnother "this is being caused by someone else") |
emotion.kif 600-601 |
utterance english language, appraisal as caused by an other and "this is being caused by someone else" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedByChance "this is being caused by chance") |
emotion.kif 625-626 |
utterance english language, appraisal as caused by chance and "this is being caused by chance" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedBySelf "this is being caused by me") |
emotion.kif 617-618 |
utterance english language, appraisal as caused by self and "this is being caused by me" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedSupernaturally "this is being caused supernaturally") |
emotion.kif 608-609 |
utterance english language, appraisal as caused supernaturally and "this is being caused supernaturally" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCongruentWithIdeals "this is in line with my ideals") |
emotion.kif 465-466 |
utterance english language, appraisal as congruent with ideals and "this is in line with my ideals" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDangerous "this is dangerous") |
emotion.kif 564-564 |
utterance english language, appraisal as dangerous and "this is dangerous" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDeliberate "this is being deliberately caused") |
emotion.kif 682-683 |
utterance english language, appraisal as deliberate and "this is being deliberately caused" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDesirableConsequences "this has desirable consequences") |
emotion.kif 405-406 |
utterance english language, appraisal as desirable consequences and "this has desirable consequences" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsExpected "this is expected") |
emotion.kif 533-533 |
utterance english language, appraisal as expected and "this is expected" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsFamiliar "this is familiar") |
emotion.kif 320-320 |
utterance english language, appraisal as familiar and "this is familiar" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsJustTreatment "I am being treated justly") |
emotion.kif 366-367 |
utterance english language, appraisal as just treatment and "I am being treated justly" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotBeingAtTheCentreOfAttention "I am not at the centre of attention") |
emotion.kif 654-655 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not being at the centre of attention and "I am not at the centre of attention" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals "this is against my ideals") |
emotion.kif 479-480 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not congruent with ideals and "this is against my ideals" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotDangerous "this is not dangerous") |
emotion.kif 560-560 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not dangerous and "this is not dangerous" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotExpected "this is not expected") |
emotion.kif 543-543 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not expected and "this is not expected" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotFamiliar "this is not familiar") |
emotion.kif 327-327 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not familiar and "this is not familiar" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotPredictable "this is not predictable") |
emotion.kif 250-251 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not predictable and "this is not predictable" |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotSudden "this is not sudden") |
emotion.kif 586-586 |
utterance english language, appraisal as not sudden and "this is not sudden" |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |