typicalBloodVolume |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation typicalBloodVolume EnglishLanguage "The typical, approximate volume of Blood for the given class of Mammal.") | Medicine.kif 5929-5930 | |
(domain typicalBloodVolume 2 VolumeMeasure) | Medicine.kif 5928-5928 | The number 2 argument of typicalBloodVolume is an instance of volume measure |
(domainSubclass typicalBloodVolume 1 Mammal) | Medicine.kif 5927-5927 | The number 1 argument of typicalBloodVolume is a subclass of mammal |
(instance typicalBloodVolume BinaryPredicate) | Medicine.kif 5926-5926 | typicalBloodVolume is an instance of binary predicate |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage typicalBloodVolume "the typical volume of blood of a %1 is %2") | Medicine.kif 5931-5931 |
antecedent |