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Sigma KEE - trafficableForTrafficType

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation trafficableForTrafficType EnglishLanguage "(trafficableForTrafficType ?WAY ?TYPE) means that Objects of ?TYPE can move along the Transitway ?WAY.") Transportation.kif 3134-3136
(domain trafficableForTrafficType 1 Object) Transportation.kif 3132-3132 The number 1 argument of trafficable for traffic type is an instance of object
(domainSubclass trafficableForTrafficType 2 SelfConnectedObject) Transportation.kif 3133-3133 The number 2 argument of trafficable for traffic type is a subclass of self connected object
(instance trafficableForTrafficType BinaryPredicate) Transportation.kif 3131-3131 trafficable for traffic type is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage trafficableForTrafficType "%2 %n 是 对于交通类别 %1 的 trafficable ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2531-2531
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage trafficableForTrafficType "%2 %n 是 對於交通類別 %1 的 trafficable ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2530-2530
(format EnglishLanguage trafficableForTrafficType "%2 is %n a trafficable for traffic type of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2529-2529
(termFormat ChineseLanguage trafficableForTrafficType "可通行的交通类型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58793-58793
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage trafficableForTrafficType "可通行的交通類型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58792-58792
(termFormat EnglishLanguage trafficableForTrafficType "trafficable for traffic type") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58791-58791


        (instance ?WATER River)
        (trafficableForTrafficType ?WATER ?TYPE)
        (subclass ?TYPE WaterVehicle))
    (instance ?WATER Waterway))
Transportation.kif 1823-1828
        (trafficableForTrafficType ?PLACE ?TYPE)
        (subclass ?TYPE TransportationDevice)
        (instance ?MOVER ?TYPE))
    (capableAtLocation Transportation instrument ?MOVER ?PLACE))
Transportation.kif 3138-3143
        (trafficableForTrafficType ?place ?type)
        (subclass ?type AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?mover ?type))
    (capableAtLocation Translocation agent ?mover ?place))
Transportation.kif 3145-3150


    (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
    (trafficableForTrafficType ?AIRPORT Airplane))
Transportation.kif 3152-3154
    (instance ?HELO Heliport)
    (trafficableForTrafficType ?HELO Helicopter))
Transportation.kif 1643-1645
    (instance ?R RailwayTerminal)
    (trafficableForTrafficType ?R Train))
Transportation.kif 2233-2235
    (instance ?T Taxiway)
    (trafficableForTrafficType ?T Airplane))
Transportation.kif 1430-1432

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