(altitude ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?HEIGHT)
(exists (?TOP)
(top ?TOP ?OBJ1)
(distance ?TOP ?OBJ2 ?HEIGHT)))) |
Merge.kif 7768-7773 |
(elevation ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?NUM ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT UnitOfLength)
(instance ?OBJECT LandForm))
(exists (?HIGHPOINT)
(distance ?HIGHPOINT SeaLevel
(MeasureFn ?NUM ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 1910-1918 |
(instance ?REVERSE Reversing)
(patient ?REVERSE ?OBJ)
(WhenFn ?REVERSE))
(top ?TOP ?OBJ)
(bottom ?BOTTOM ?OBJ))))
(WhenFn ?REVERSE))
(top ?BOTTOM ?OBJ)
(bottom ?TOP ?OBJ)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17807-17812 |
(instance ?T Tornado)
(instance ?R Rotating)
(instance ?A Air)
(instance ?TRAN Translocation)
(subProcess ?R ?T)
(subProcess ?TRAN ?R)
(patient ?TRAN ?A)
(direction ?TRAN Horizontal))
(exists (?G ?FUNNEL ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?C ?BASE)
(instance ?G GeographicArea)
(eventLocated ?T ?G)
(part ?FUNNEL ?A)
(attribute ?FUNNEL ConeSegment)
(top ?TOP ?FUNNEL)
(bottom ?BOTTOM ?FUNNEL)
(instance ?C Cloud)
(bottom ?BASE ?C)
(meetsSpatially ?TOP ?BASE)
(meetsSpatially ?BOTTOM ?G)))) |
Weather.kif 1634-1655 |
- If a process is an instance of tornado and another process is an instance of rotating and an object is an instance of air and the processRAN is an instance of translocation and the other process is a subprocess of the process and the processRAN is a subprocess of the other process and the object is a patient of the processRAN and entities in the process the processRAN are moving horizontal,
- then there exist another object, a self connected object,, , the processOP,, , a third self connected object,, , a fourth self connected object and a fifth self connected object such that the other object is an instance of geographic area and the process is located at the other object and the self connected object is a part of the object and cone segment is an attribute of the self connected object and the top of the self connected object is the processOP and the bottom of the self connected object is the third self connected object and the fourth self connected object is an instance of cloud and the bottom of the fourth self connected object is the fifth self connected object and the processOP meets the fifth self connected object and the third self connected object meets the other object
(attribute ?O LevelShape)
(exists (?P1 ?P2 ?T ?H1 ?H2 ?U)
(top ?T ?O)
(part ?P1 ?T)
(part ?P2 ?T)
(instance ?U UnitOfLength)
(height ?P1
(MeasureFn ?H1 ?U))
(height ?P2
(MeasureFn ?H2 ?U))
(greaterThan ?H1 ?H2))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2816-2829 |
- If level shape is an attribute of a self connected object,
- then there don't exist another self connected object, a third self connected object,, , a fourth self connected object,, , a real number,, , another real number and an unit of measure such that the top of the self connected object is the fourth self connected object and the other self connected object is a part of the fourth self connected object and the third self connected object is a part of the fourth self connected object and the unit of measure is an instance of unit of length and the height of the other self connected object is the real number the unit of measure(s) and the height of the third self connected object is the other real number the unit of measure(s) and the real number is greater than the other real number
(attribute ?X LoftStyle)
(bottom ?FLOOR ?X)
(top ?CEILING ?X)
(instance ?LOFT StationaryArtifact)
(orientation ?LOFT ?FLOOR Above)
(orientation ?LOFT ?CEILING Below)))) |
Hotel.kif 1157-1165 |
(instance ?BOX Box)
(KappaFn ?SIDE
(top ?SIDE ?BOX)
(bottom ?SIDE ?BOX)
(side ?SIDE ?BOX)))) 6)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4471-4479 |
(instance ?C Ceiling)
(exists (?R)
(top ?C ?R)
(instance ?R Room)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15586-15591 |
(instance ?HOLE GolfHole)
(exists (?C)
(shape ?HOLE Cylinder)
(top ?C ?HOLE)
(instance ?C Region)
(shape ?C Circle)
(diameter ?C
(MeasureFn 4.25 Inch))))) |
Sports.kif 964-973 |
(instance ?L Lid)
(exists (?C)
(instance ?C Container)
(part ?L ?C)
(capability Closing instrument ?L)
(capability Opening instrument ?L)
(top ?L ?C)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4012-4020 |
(instance ?ROOF Roof)
(exists (?BUILDING)
(instance ?BUILDING Building)
(top ?ROOF ?BUILDING)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15596-15601 |
(instance ?X Courtyard)
(exists (?ROOF)
(instance ?ROOF Roof)
(top ?ROOF ?X))))
(exists (?BLDG)
(instance ?BLDG Building)
(orientation ?X ?BLDG Surrounded))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26317-26328 |
(instance ?incline SlopedArea)
(exists (?top ?bottom ?height1 ?height2 ?U)
(top ?top ?incline)
(bottom ?bottom ?incline)
(instance ?U UnitOfLength)
(earthAltitude ?top
(MeasureFn ?height1 ?U))
(earthAltitude ?bottom
(MeasureFn ?height2 ?U))
(greaterThan ?height1 ?height2)))) |
Geography.kif 4083-4094 |
(rainfallIntensity ?AREA ?TIME ?RATE)
(instance ?RAIN Raining)
(eventLocated ?RAIN ?AREA)
(WhenFn ?RAIN) ?TIME)
(instance ?CLTN Collection)
(objectTransferred ?RAIN ?CLTN)
(instance ?R Water)
(member ?R ?CLTN)
(instance ?BUCKET Container)
(bottom ?BOTTOM ?BUCKET)
(attribute ?BOTTOM Flat)
(located ?BUCKET ?AREA)
(BeginFn ?TIME)
(attribute ?BUCKET ContainerEmpty))
(EndFn ?TIME)
(located ?CLTN ?BUCKET)
(top ?TOP ?CLTN)
(equal ?RAINFALL
(MultiplicationFn ?TIME ?RATE))))))) |
Weather.kif 2813-2838 |
- If the rate of rain in a geographic area during a time interval is a function quantity,
- then there exist a transfer, a collection,, , a physical,, , a self connected object,, , an entity,, , another self connected object and the transferFALL such that the transfer is an instance of raining and the transfer is located at the geographic area and the time of existence of the transfer takes place during the time interval and the collection is an instance of collection and the object transferred in the transfer is the collection and the physical is an instance of water and the physical is a member of the collection and the self connected object is an instance of container and the bottom of the self connected object is the other self connected object and flat is an attribute of the other self connected object and the self connected object is located at the geographic area and container empty is an attribute of the self connected object holds during the beginning of the time interval and the collection is located at the self connected object and the top of the collection is the entity and the depth from the entity to the other self connected object is the transferFALL and the transferFALL is equal to the time interval and the function quantity holds during the end of the time interval
(snowfallIntensity ?AREA ?TIME ?RATE)
(instance ?PROCESS Snowing)
(eventLocated ?PROCESS ?AREA)
(instance ?STUFF Snow)
(objectTransferred ?PROCESS ?STUFF)
(instance ?BOARD BoardOrBlock)
(bottom ?BOTTOM ?BOARD)
(attribute ?BOTTOM Flat)
(located ?BOARD ?AREA)
(BeginFn ?TIME)
(exists (?X)
(instance ?X Object)
(located ?X ?BOARD)))))
(EndFn ?TIME)
(located ?STUFF ?BOARD)
(top ?TOP ?STUFF)
(equal ?SNOWFALL
(MultiplicationFn ?TIME ?RATE))))))) |
Weather.kif 3018-3045 |
- If the rate of snow falling at a geographic area during a time interval is a function quantity,
- then there exist a transfer, an object,, , a self connected object,, , an entity,, , another self connected object and another entity such that the transfer is an instance of snowing and the transfer is located at the geographic area and the time of existence of the transfer takes place during the time interval and the object is an instance of snow and the object transferred in the transfer is the object and the self connected object is an instance of board or block and the bottom of the self connected object is the other self connected object and flat is an attribute of the other self connected object and the self connected object is located at the geographic area and there doesn't exist a third entity such that the third entity is an instance of object and the third entity is located at the self connected object holds during the beginning of the time interval and the object is located at the self connected object and the top of the object is the entity and the depth from the entity to the other self connected object is the other entity and the other entity is equal to the time interval and the function quantity holds during the end of the time interval
(waterDepth ?AREA ?DEPTH)
(exists (?BOTTOM ?TOP)
(top ?TOP ?AREA)
(bottom ?BOTTOM ?AREA)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17862-17868 |