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Sigma KEE - subAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(disjointRelation subAttribute successorAttribute) Merge.kif 677-677 sub attribute and successor attribute are disjoint
(documentation subAttribute ChineseLanguage "这意思是第二个参数的属性可以归因于所有第一个参数 所归因的属性。") chinese_format.kif 1534-1535 sub attribute and successor attribute are disjoint
(documentation subAttribute EnglishLanguage "Means that the second argument can be ascribed to everything which has the first argument ascribed to it.") Merge.kif 679-680 sub attribute and successor attribute are disjoint
(documentation subAttribute JapaneseLanguage "2番目の引数が、最初の引数が割り当てられているす べてのものに割り当てられる、という意味である。") japanese_format.kif 100-101 sub attribute and successor attribute are disjoint
(documentation subAttribute SpanishLanguage "Quiere decir que el segundo argumento puede ser atribuido a todo lo que se han sido atribuido al primer argumento.") spanish_format.kif 117-118 sub attribute and successor attribute are disjoint
(domain subAttribute 1 Attribute) Merge.kif 675-675 The number 1 argument of sub attribute is an instance of attribute
(domain subAttribute 2 Attribute) Merge.kif 676-676 The number 2 argument of sub attribute is an instance of attribute
(instance subAttribute BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 673-673 sub attribute is an instance of binary predicate
(instance subAttribute PartialOrderingRelation) Merge.kif 674-674 sub attribute is an instance of partial ordering relation

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage subAttribute "%1 %n 是 %2 的 subAttribute") chinese_format.kif 317-317
(format EnglishLanguage subAttribute "%1 is %n a subattribute of %2") english_format.kif 322-322
(format FrenchLanguage subAttribute "%1 est %n un sous-attribut de %2") french_format.kif 181-181
(format ItalianLanguage subAttribute "%1 è %n un sottoattributo di %2") relations-it.txt 270-270
(format JapaneseLanguage subAttribute "%1 は %2 の subattribute では %n") japanese_format.kif 2001-2001
(format PortugueseLanguage subAttribute "%1 e' %n um sub-atributo de %2") portuguese_format.kif 133-133
(format cz subAttribute "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} a subattribute of %2") relations-cz.txt 194-194
(format de subAttribute "%1 ist ein teilattribut von %2") relations-de.txt 416-416
(format hi subAttribute "%1 %2 kii gauNa visheshhataa %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 307-307
(format ro subAttribute "%1 %n{nu} este un subattribute%t{subatribut} al lui %2") relations-ro.kif 201-201
(format sv subAttribute "%1 är %n{inte} ett underattribut till %2") relations-sv.txt 191-191
(format tg subAttribute "%1 %n ay ang katangian mas tiyak ng %2") relations-tg.txt 462-462
(termFormat ChineseLanguage subAttribute "子属性") chinese_format.kif 318-318
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage subAttribute "子屬性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55721-55721
(termFormat EnglishLanguage subAttribute "sub attribute") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55720-55720
(termFormat de subAttribute "teilAttribut") terms-de.txt 132-132


        (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY1 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2)
        (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent))
    (exists (?PERSON)
            (instance ?PERSON Human)
            (citizen ?PERSON ?COUNTRY1)
            (diplomaticRepresentativeInRole ?COUNTRY1 ?PERSON ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2))))
Government.kif 4544-4552
        (governmentType ?AGENT ?TYPE)
        (subAttribute ?TYPE TheocraticGovernment)
        (instance ?AGENT GeopoliticalArea))
        (GovernmentFn ?AGENT) ReligiousOrganization))
Government.kif 352-357
        (governmentType ?AGENT ?TYPE)
        (subAttribute ?TYPE TheocraticGovernment)
        (instance ?AGENT Organization))
    (instance ?AGENT ReligiousOrganization))
Government.kif 345-350
        (governmentType ?PLACE ?TYPE)
        (instance ?PLACE GeopoliticalArea)
        (subAttribute ?TYPE ParliamentaryGovernment))
    (exists (?ORG)
            (instance ?ORG Parliament)
            (subOrganization ?ORG
                (GovernmentFn ?PLACE)))))
Government.kif 256-264
        (instance ?SENDER Nation)
        (instance ?RECEIVER Nation)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (attribute ?PERSON ?ROLE)
        (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
        (representativeAgentToAgent ?SENDER ?PERSON ?RECEIVER))
    (diplomaticRepresentationType ?SENDER ?ROLE ?RECEIVER))
Government.kif 4583-4591
        (organizationalObjective ?ORG ?AIM)
        (subAttribute ?AIM ?OVERAIM))
    (organizationalObjective ?ORG ?OVERAIM))
Government.kif 2564-2568
        (subAttribute ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2)
        (instance ?ATTR2 ?CLASS))
    (instance ?ATTR1 ?CLASS))
Merge.kif 689-693
    (subAttribute ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2)
    (forall (?OBJ)
            (property ?OBJ ?ATTR1)
            (property ?OBJ ?ATTR2))))
Merge.kif 682-687


    (diplomaticRelations ?COUNTRY1 ?COUNTRY2)
    (exists (?ROLE)
            (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
            (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
            (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY1 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2))))
Government.kif 4519-4525
    (diplomaticRelations ?COUNTRY1 ?COUNTRY2)
    (exists (?ROLE)
            (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
            (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
            (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY2 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY1))))
Government.kif 4527-4533
    (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
    (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent))
Government.kif 4370-4372

appearance as argument number 0

(subAttribute AONOrder FinancialOrder) FinancialOntology.kif 2899-2899 AON order is a subattribute of financial order
(subAttribute AbrasiveProductManufacturing OtherNonmetallicMineralProductManufacturing) naics.kif 3894-3894 Abrasive product manufacturing is a subattribute of other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
(subAttribute AbruzzeseCuisine ItalianCuisine) Dining.kif 1524-1524 Abruzzese Cuisine is a subattribute of Italian Cuisine
(subAttribute AbsoluteMonarchy AuthoritarianRegime) Government.kif 327-327 Absolute monarchy is a subattribute of authoritarian regime
(subAttribute AbsoluteMonarchy Monarchy) Government.kif 240-240 Absolute monarchy is a subattribute of monarchy
(subAttribute Accommodation AccommodationAndFoodServices) naics.kif 11559-11559 Accommodation is a subattribute of accommodation and food services
(subAttribute AccountingTaxPreparationBookkeepingAndPayrollServices ProfessionalScientificAndTechnicalServices) naics.kif 9900-9900 Accounting tax preparation bookkeeping and payroll services is a subattribute of professional scientific and technical services
(subAttribute ActingConsulGeneral ConsulGeneral) Government.kif 4402-4402 Acting consul general is a subattribute of consul general
(subAttribute ActivitiesRelatedToCreditIntermediation CreditIntermediationAndRelatedActivities) naics.kif 9289-9289 Activities related to credit intermediation is a subattribute of credit intermediation and related activities
(subAttribute ActivitiesRelatedToRealEstate RealEstateIndustry) naics.kif 9647-9647 Activities related to real estate is a subattribute of real estate industry
(subAttribute Actor Performer) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19131-19131 Actor is a subattribute of performer
(subAttribute Actuary Scientist) Biography.kif 353-353 Actuary is a subattribute of scientist
(subAttribute AcuteBronchitis Bronchitis) Mid-level-ontology.kif 6057-6057 Acute bronchitis is a subattribute of bronchitis
(subAttribute AdhesiveManufacturing PaintCoatingAndAdhesiveManufacturing) naics.kif 3387-3387 Adhesive manufacturing is a subattribute of paint coating and adhesive manufacturing
(subAttribute AdministrationOfAirAndWaterResourceAndSolidWasteManagementPrograms AdministrationOfEnvironmentalQualityPrograms) naics.kif 12355-12355 Administration of air and water resource and solid waste management programs is a subattribute of administration of environmental quality programs
(subAttribute AdministrationOfConservationPrograms AdministrationOfEnvironmentalQualityPrograms) naics.kif 12364-12364 Administration of conservation programs is a subattribute of administration of environmental quality programs
(subAttribute AdministrationOfEconomicPrograms PublicAdministration) naics.kif 12395-12395 Administration of economic programs is a subattribute of public administration
(subAttribute AdministrationOfEducationPrograms AdministrationOfHumanResourcePrograms) naics.kif 12317-12317 Administration of education programs is a subattribute of administration of human resource programs
(subAttribute AdministrationOfEnvironmentalQualityPrograms PublicAdministration) naics.kif 12348-12348 Administration of environmental quality programs is a subattribute of public administration
(subAttribute AdministrationOfGeneralEconomicPrograms AdministrationOfEconomicPrograms) naics.kif 12401-12401 Administration of general economic programs is a subattribute of administration of economic programs
(subAttribute AdministrationOfHousingPrograms AdministrationOfHousingProgramsUrbanPlanningAndCommunityDevelopment) naics.kif 12379-12379 Administration of housing programs is a subattribute of administration of housing programs urban planning and community development
(subAttribute AdministrationOfHousingProgramsUrbanPlanningAndCommunityDevelopment PublicAdministration) naics.kif 12371-12371 Administration of housing programs urban planning and community development is a subattribute of public administration
(subAttribute AdministrationOfHumanResourcePrograms PublicAdministration) naics.kif 12311-12311 Administration of human resource programs is a subattribute of public administration
(subAttribute AdministrationOfHumanResourceProgramsExceptEducationPublicHealthAndVeteransAffairsPrograms AdministrationOfHumanResourcePrograms) naics.kif 12331-12331 Administration of human resource programs except education public health and veterans affairs programs is a subattribute of administration of human resource programs
(subAttribute AdministrationOfPublicHealthPrograms AdministrationOfHumanResourcePrograms) naics.kif 12324-12324 Administration of public health programs is a subattribute of administration of human resource programs

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