resonantFrequency |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation resonantFrequency EnglishLanguage "The natural resonancy frequency of a system. A system that is undamped or underdamped will oscillate at this frequency, at least for a while, after a force is applied.") | Cars.kif 831-833 | |
(domain resonantFrequency 1 PhysicalSystem) | Cars.kif 828-828 | The number 1 argument of resonant frequency is an instance of physical system |
(domain resonantFrequency 2 PhysicalQuantity) | Cars.kif 829-829 | The number 2 argument of resonant frequency is an instance of physical quantity |
(instance resonantFrequency BinaryPredicate) | Cars.kif 827-827 | resonant frequency is an instance of binary predicate |
(relatedInternalConcept resonantFrequency dampingRatio) | Cars.kif 834-834 | resonant frequency is internally related to damping ratio |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage resonantFrequency "the resonant frequency of %1 is %n %2") | Cars.kif 830-830 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage resonantFrequency "resonant frequency") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65986-65986 |