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Sigma KEE - representsInLanguage

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation representsInLanguage ChineseLanguage "这是一个十分概括的谓词, (representsInLanguage ?THING ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE)的意思是 LinguisticExpression ?THING 在 Language ?LANGUAGE 代表 ?ENTITY。") chinese_format.kif 2172-2174
(documentation representsInLanguage EnglishLanguage "A very general predicate. (representsInLanguage ?THING ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE) means that the LinguisticExpression ?THING stands for ?ENTITY in the Language ?LANGUAGE.") Merge.kif 4482-4485
(documentation representsInLanguage JapaneseLanguage "非常に一般的な述語。 (representsInLanguage ?THING ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE) とは、 Language ?LANGUAGE で LinguisticExpression ?THING とは ?ENTITY を表す。") japanese_format.kif 832-834
(domain representsInLanguage 1 LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 4478-4478 The number 1 argument of represents in language is an instance of linguistic expression
(domain representsInLanguage 2 Entity) Merge.kif 4479-4479 The number 2 argument of represents in language is an instance of entity
(domain representsInLanguage 3 Language) Merge.kif 4480-4480 The number 3 argument of represents in language is an instance of language
(instance representsInLanguage TernaryPredicate) Merge.kif 4477-4477 represents in language is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage representsInLanguage "%1 %n{doesn't} 在 %3 语言 表示 %2") chinese_format.kif 231-231
(format EnglishLanguage representsInLanguage "%1 %n{doesn't} represent%p{s} %2 in the language %3") english_format.kif 232-232
(format FrenchLanguage representsInLanguage "%1 %n{ne} repr�sente %n{pas} %2 dans le langage %3") french_format.kif 135-135
(format ItalianLanguage representsInLanguage "%1 rappresenta %2 nella lingua %3") relations-it.txt 255-255
(format JapaneseLanguage representsInLanguage "%1 は %3 語で %2 を represent%p{s} %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 1964-1964
(format PortugueseLanguage representsInLanguage "%1 %n{nao} representa %n %2 na linguagem %3") portuguese_format.kif 87-87
(format de representsInLanguage "%1 ist in Sprache %2 ausgedrueckt") relations-de.txt 302-302
(format hi representsInLanguage "%1 %2 ko %3 bhaashhaa men vyakta karataa hai") relations-hindi.txt 292-292
(format ro representsInLanguage "%1 %n{nu} represent%t{exprimã} %2 în limbã %3") relations-ro.kif 154-154
(format sv representsInLanguage "%1 representerar %n{inte} %2 i språket %3") relations-sv.txt 140-140
(format tg representsInLanguage "%1 ay nagtatanto %2 sa wika %3") relations-tg.txt 447-447
(subrelation titleInLanguage representsInLanguage) Media.kif 3093-3093 title in language is a subrelation of represents in language
(termFormat ChineseLanguage representsInLanguage "所表示的语言") chinese_format.kif 232-232 title in language is a subrelation of represents in language
(termFormat ChineseLanguage representsInLanguage "用语言表示") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49584-49584 title in language is a subrelation of represents in language
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage representsInLanguage "用語言表示") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49583-49583 title in language is a subrelation of represents in language
(termFormat EnglishLanguage representsInLanguage "represents in language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49582-49582 title in language is a subrelation of represents in language
(termFormat de representsInLanguage "inSpracheDargestellt") terms-de.txt 97-97 title in language is a subrelation of represents in language


    (representsInLanguage ?EXPRESS ?PROP ?LANGUAGE)
    (expressedInLanguage ?EXPRESS ?LANGUAGE))
Merge.kif 4630-4632
    (representsInLanguage ?REP ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE)
    (exists (?AGENT)
        (representsForAgent ?REP ?ENTITY ?AGENT)))
Merge.kif 4487-4490


        (instance ?TRANSLATE Translating)
        (patient ?TRANSLATE ?EXPRESSION1)
        (result ?TRANSLATE ?EXPRESSION2))
            (representsInLanguage ?EXPRESSION1 ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE1)
            (representsInLanguage ?EXPRESSION2 ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE2)
                (equal ?LANGUAGE1 ?LANGUAGE2)))))
Merge.kif 12782-12791
    (expressedInLanguage ?EXPRESS ?LANGUAGE)
    (exists (?PROP)
        (representsInLanguage ?EXPRESS ?PROP ?LANGUAGE)))
Merge.kif 4625-4628
    (originalExpressedInLanguage ?PROP ?LANG)
    (exists (?PHYS ?TIME)
            (instance ?PHYS LinguisticExpression)
            (representsInLanguage ?PHYS ?PROP ?LANG)
            (equal ?TIME
                (WhenFn ?PHYS))
                (exists (?BEFORE ?OTHER)
                        (instance ?OTHER LinguisticExpression)
                        (represents ?OTHER ?PROP)
                        (equal ?BEFORE
                            (WhenFn ?OTHER))
                        (before ?BEFORE ?TIME)))))))
Music.kif 1457-1470

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