(attribute ?A AppraisalAsJustTreatment)
(instance ?AJT AppraisalProcess)
(agent ?AJT ?A))
(exists (?P ?A2)
(instance ?P Process)
(refers ?AJT ?P)
(agent ?P ?A2)
(equal ?A ?A2))
(patient ?P ?A)
(wants ?A ?P)))) |
emotion.kif 374-387 |
(attribute ?A AppraisalAsUnjustTreatment)
(instance ?AUJ AppraisalProcess)
(agent ?AUJ ?A))
(exists (?P ?A2)
(instance ?P Process)
(refers ?AUJ ?P)
(agent ?P ?A2)
(equal ?A ?A2))
(patient ?P ?A)
(wants ?A ?P))))) |
emotion.kif 349-363 |
(customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
(corkageFee ?AMT ?ITEM ?AGENT)
(instance ?X ?ITEM)
(exists (?B)
(instance ?B Buying)
(patient ?B ?X)
(destination ?B ?CUST)
(origin ?B ?AGENT))))
(instance ?D Drinking)
(agent ?D ?CUST)
(resource ?D ?X))
(exists (?C)
(instance ?C Corkage)
(agent ?C ?CUST)
(refers ?C ?X)
(destination ?C ?AGENT)))) |
Dining.kif 130-150 |
(defenseLawyer ?P ?A)
(defendant ?P ?D))
(desires ?A
(exists (?L)
(instance ?L LegalDecision)
(refers ?L ?P)
(wants ?D ?L))))))) |
Law.kif 295-306 |
(instance ?AS ArtSchool)
(instance ?P EducationalProcess)
(eventLocated ?P ?AS))
(exists (?M ?ART)
(instance ?M Making)
(patient ?M ?ART)
(instance ?ART ArtWork)
(refers ?P ?M)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16984-16994 |
(instance ?COMMENTING Commenting)
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
(instance ?SPEAKING Speaking)
(instance ?LOOKING Looking)
(refers ?SPEAKING ?PROCESS)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16105-16118 |
(instance ?Directory ComputerDirectory)
(instance ?File ComputerFile)
(directoryOf ?File ?Directory))
(AddressFn ?File) ?Directory)) |
QoSontology.kif 231-236 |
(instance ?FACILITY NuclearWeaponResearchFacility)
(instance ?RESEARCH ResearchingWeaponOfMassDestruction)
(eventLocated ?RESEARCH ?FACILITY))
(refers ?RESEARCH NuclearWeapon)) |
WMD.kif 666-671 |
(instance ?I HealthInsuranceCompany)
(customer ?I ?C))
(hasPurposeForAgent ?I
(exists (?D ?P)
(instance ?D DiagnosticProcess)
(instance ?D TherapeuticProcess))
(experiencer ?D ?C)
(instance ?P Payment)
(agent ?P ?I)
(refers ?P ?D))) ?C)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7377-7390 |
(instance ?P Human)
(attribute ?P Criminal))
(exists (?CA ?LC)
(instance ?CA CriminalAction)
(instance ?LC LegalConviction)
(refers ?LC ?CA)
(patient ?LC ?P)))) |
Justice.kif 87-96 |
(instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
(instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
(component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
(instance ?ITEM Physical))
(instance ?STATING Stating)
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2078-2091 |
(instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess)
(result ?PROC ?DOC)
(recordForAgreement ?DOC ?AG)
(attribute ?AG Legal))
(exists (?O ?A ?A1 ?A2)
(instance ?O Offering)
(instance ?A ReachingAgreement)
(refers ?O ?AG)
(refers ?A ?AG)
(agent ?O ?A1)
(agent ?A ?A2)
(WhenFn ?O)
(WhenFn ?A))))) |
Law.kif 526-540 |
(instance ?W SickLeave)
(agent ?W ?PERSON))
(exists (?S)
(instance ?S DiseaseOrSyndrome)
(refers ?W ?S)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20717-20724 |
(instance ?X Argument)
(instance ?R Reasoning)
(instance ?A Archeology)
(subProposition ?X ?A)
(realization ?R ?X))
(exists (?D ?S ?O ?T ?W ?L)
(instance ?D Discovering)
(instance ?O Object)
(patient ?D ?O)
(refers ?R ?D)
(WhenFn ?D)
(WhenFn ?R))
(age ?O
(MeasureFn ?T YearDuration))
(greaterThan ?T 50)
(WhenFn ?D))
(surface ?S ?W)
(instance ?W BodyOfWater)
(orientation ?O ?S Below))
(surface ?S ?L)
(instance ?L LandArea)
(orientation ?O ?S Below))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21405-21435 |
- If a proposition is an instance of argument and a process is an instance of reasoning and another proposition is an instance of archeology and the proposition is a sub-proposition of the other proposition and the process expresses the content of the proposition,
- then there exist another process, an entity,, , a physical,, , a real number,, , another entity and a third entity such that the other process is an instance of discovering and the physical is an instance of object and the physical is a patient of the other process and the process includes a reference to the other process and the time of existence of the other process happens earlier than the time of existence of the process and the age of the physical is the real number year duration(s) and the real number is greater than 50 and the entity is a surface of the other entity and the other entity is an instance of body of water and the physical is below to the entity or the entity is a surface of the third entity and the third entity is an instance of land area and the physical is below to the entity holds during immediately before the time of existence of the other process
(instance ?X BreakingRecord)
(agent ?X ?A1))
(exists (?AC ?PC ?P1 ?TP ?ROLE ?L ?Q)
(instance ?AC Set)
(element ?A1 ?AC)
(subclass ?PC Process)
(instance ?L Region)
(instance ?TP TimePoint)
(instance ?Q Quantity)
(instance ?P1 ?PC)
(refers ?X ?Q)
(refers ?Q ?P1)
(playsRoleInEvent ?A1 ?ROLE ?P1)
(eventLocated ?P1 ?L)
(exists (?A2 ?P2)
(instance ?A2 ?AC)
(equal ?A2 ?A1))
(instance ?P2 ?PC)
(TimeIntervalFn ?TP
(WhenFn ?X)))
(playsRoleInEvent ?A2 ?ROLE ?P2)
(eventLocated ?P2 ?L))))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30287-30317 |
- If a process is an instance of breaking record and an agent is an agent of the process,
- then there exist a set, a class,, , another process,, , a time point,, , a case role,, , an object and an entity such that the set is an instance of set and the agent is an element of the set and the class is a subclass of process and the object is an instance of region and the time point is an instance of time point and the entity is an instance of quantity and the other process is an instance of the class and the process includes a reference to the entity and the entity includes a reference to the other process and the agent plays role in event the case role for the other process and the other process is located at the object and there don't exist another entity and a third entity such that the other entity is an instance of the set and the other entity is not equal to the agent and the third entity is an instance of the class and the other entity plays role in event the case role for the third entity and the third entity is located at the object holds during interval between the time point and the end of the time of existence of the process
(inventory ?O ?C)
(member ?I ?C))
(refers ?O ?I)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23003-23007 |
(prosecutor ?P ?A)
(defendant ?P ?D))
(desires ?A
(exists (?L)
(instance ?L LegalDecision)
(refers ?L ?P)
(wants ?D ?L)))))) |
Law.kif 318-328 |
(attribute ?COACH Coach)
(instance ?ATHLETE Human)
(instance ?GAME Game)
(instance ?EDUCATION EducationalProcess)
(refers ?EDUCATION ?GAME)))) |
Sports.kif 524-533 |
(attribute ?H ArtCritic)
(hasPurpose ?H
(exists (?AW ?T ?CLASS)
(instance ?AW ArtWork)
(WhenFn ?AW)
(WhenFn ?H))
(instance ?T ?CLASS)
(subclass ?CLASS Article)
(authors ?H ?CLASS)
(refers ?T ?AW))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21347-21359 |
(attribute ?H NewsReporter)
(hasPurpose ?H
(exists (?EV ?T ?NEWS)
(instance ?EV Process)
(WhenFn ?EV)
(WhenFn ?H))
(instance ?T ?NEWS)
(subclass ?NEWS Newspaper)
(subclass ?NEWS NewsProgram))
(authors ?H ?NEWS)
(refers ?T ?EV))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21324-21338 |
(attribute ?X Historical)
(refers History ?X)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26854-26856 |
(attribute ?X USNonPrescriptionDrug)
(exists (?B)
(instance ?B Buying)
(objectTransferred ?B ?X)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?P Prescription)
(refers ?P ?X)))))) Legal)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9536-9548 |
(attribute ?X USPrescriptionDrug)
(exists (?B)
(instance ?B Buying)
(objectTransferred ?B ?X)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?P Prescription)
(refers ?P ?X)))))) Illegal)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9514-9526 |
(coaches ?COACH ?PLAYER)
(attribute ?COACH Coach)
(exists (?GAME ?EDUCATION)
(instance ?GAME Game)
(instance ?EDUCATION EducationalProcess)
(refers ?EDUCATION ?GAME))))) |
Sports.kif 541-551 |
(componentDataID ?Time ?Component ?Instance ?Unit ?Number)
(refers ?Number ?Instance)) |
QoSontology.kif 915-917 |
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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |