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Sigma KEE - moves

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation moves ChineseLanguage "(moves ?MOTION ?OBJECT)的意思是当 Motion 事件 ?MOTION 发生时, ?OBJECT 移动了。这不一定意味着在 ?MOTION 的过程中, ?OBJECT 位置有所改变。请同时参考 changesLocationTranslocation。") chinese_format.kif 2991-2993
(documentation moves EnglishLanguage "(moves ?MOTION ?OBJECT) means that during the Motion event ?MOTION, ?OBJECT moves. This does not necessarily imply that the location of ?OBJECT changes during ?MOTION. See also changesLocation and Translocation.") Merge.kif 11016-11019
(documentation moves JapaneseLanguage "(moves ?MOTION ?OBJECT) は、Motion イベントである ?MOTION 最中に?OBJECTが移動することを意味する。これは必ずしも ?OBJECT の最中に ?OBJECT の位置が 変わることを意味するわけではない。changesLocation および Translocation も参照。") japanese_format.kif 1751-1753
(domain moves 1 Motion) Merge.kif 11013-11013 The number 1 argument of moves is an instance of motion
(domain moves 2 Object) Merge.kif 11014-11014 The number 2 argument of moves is an instance of object
(instance moves CaseRole) Merge.kif 11011-11011 moves is an instance of case role
(instance moves TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 11012-11012 moves is an instance of total valued relation
(subrelation moves involvedInEvent) Merge.kif 11021-11021 moves is a subrelation of involved in event

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage moves "%2 %n{doesn’t} move%p{s} during %1") MilitaryPersons.kif 668-668
(subrelation changesLocation moves) Merge.kif 11034-11034 changes location is a subrelation of moves
(termFormat ChineseLanguage moves "移动") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39063-39063 changes location is a subrelation of moves
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage moves "移動") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39062-39062 changes location is a subrelation of moves
(termFormat EnglishLanguage moves "moves") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39061-39061 changes location is a subrelation of moves


        (antagonistMuscles ?A ?B)
        (instance ?E Extension)
        (instrument ?E ?AC)
        (moves ?E ?BC)
        (instance ?AC ?A)
        (instance ?BC ?B)
        (part ?AC ?H)
        (part ?BC ?H)
        (instance ?H Animal))
    (capability Flexion instrument ?BC))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10903-10914
        (antagonistMuscles ?A ?B)
        (instance ?F Flexion)
        (instrument ?F ?AC)
        (moves ?F ?BC)
        (instance ?AC ?A)
        (instance ?BC ?B)
        (part ?AC ?H)
        (part ?BC ?H)
        (instance ?H Animal))
    (capability Extension instrument ?BC))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10890-10901
        (instance ?A Antacid)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?A)
        (instance ?S Stomach)
        (part ?S ?H)
                (WhenFn ?I))
                (contains ?S ?F1)
                (instance ?F1 Fluid)))
                (WhenFn ?I))
                (contains ?S ?F2)
                (instance ?F2 Fluid)))
        (phMeasure ?F1 ?N1)
        (phMeasure ?F2 ?N2))
    (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10057-10079
        (instance ?A ProtonPumpInhibitor)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?A)
        (instance ?S Stomach)
        (part ?S ?H)
                (WhenFn ?I))
                (contains ?S ?F1)
                (instance ?F1 Fluid)))
                (WhenFn ?I))
                (contains ?S ?F2)
                (instance ?F2 Fluid)))
        (phMeasure ?F1 ?N1)
        (phMeasure ?F2 ?N2))
    (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10118-10140
        (instance ?BS1 BodySegment)
        (instance ?BS2 BodySegment)
        (connected ?BS1 ?BS2)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (moves ?BM ?BS1))
            (exists (?BM2)
                    (instance ?BM2 BodyMotion)
                    (moves ?BM2 ?BS2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM))))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10795-10811
        (instance ?C MuscularContraction)
        (moves ?C ?M)
            (instance ?M VoluntaryMuscle)
            (instance ?M HeartMuscle)))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Troponin)
            (resource ?C ?T))))
Medicine.kif 3954-3964
        (instance ?D Antidiuretic)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?D)
        (instance ?U1 Urination)
        (result ?U1 ?P1)
        (agent ?U1 ?H)
        (instance ?U2 Urination)
            (equal ?U1 ?U2))
        (result ?U2 ?P2)
        (agent ?U2 ?H)
        (earlier ?U1 ?I)
        (earlier ?I ?U2)
        (instance ?V UnitOfVolume)
        (measure ?U1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 ?V))
        (measure ?U2
            (MeasureFn ?N2 ?V)))
        (greaterThan ?N1 ?N2) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10273-10296
        (instance ?D Diuretic)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?D)
        (instance ?U1 Urination)
        (result ?U1 ?P1)
        (agent ?U1 ?H)
        (instance ?U2 Urination)
        (result ?U2 ?P2)
        (agent ?U2 ?H)
        (earlier ?U1 ?I)
        (earlier ?I ?U2)
        (instance ?V UnitOfVolume)
        (measure ?U1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 ?V))
        (measure ?U2
            (MeasureFn ?N2 ?V)))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10243-10264
        (instance ?E Extension)
        (moves ?E ?BP))
    (exists (?M ?MC)
            (instance ?M Muscle)
            (instance ?MC MuscularContraction)
            (instrument ?E ?M)
            (connected ?M ?BP)
            (subProcess ?MC ?E))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10865-10875
        (instance ?F Flexion)
        (agent ?F ?A)
        (moves ?F ?BP))
        (exists (?E)
                (instance ?E Extension)
                    (WhenFn ?E)
                    (WhenFn ?F))
                (agent ?E ?A)
                (moves ?E ?BP)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10852-10863
        (instance ?F Flexion)
        (moves ?F ?BP))
    (exists (?M ?MC)
            (instance ?M Muscle)
            (instance ?MC MuscularContraction)
            (instrument ?F ?M)
            (connected ?M ?BP)
            (subProcess ?MC ?F))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10825-10835
        (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
        (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ))
        (instance ?OBJ BodyPart)
        (patient ?MOTION ?OBJ)))
Merge.kif 11144-11150
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ)
        (destination ?MOTION ?PLACE))
            (WhenFn ?MOTION))
        (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
Merge.kif 11086-11091
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ)
        (origin ?MOTION ?PLACE))
            (WhenFn ?MOTION))
        (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
Merge.kif 11070-11075
        (instance ?P Poison)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (moves ?I ?P)
        (experiencer ?I ?H))
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D Damaging)
            (experiencer ?D ?H)
            (causes ?I ?D))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8818-8828
        (instance ?P Poison)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (moves ?I ?P)
        (experiencer ?I ?H))
                (WhenFn ?I))
            (attribute ?H Blind)) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8842-8853


        (instance ?BS1 BodySegment)
        (instance ?BS2 BodySegment)
        (connected ?BS1 ?BS2)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (moves ?BM ?BS1))
            (exists (?BM2)
                    (instance ?BM2 BodyMotion)
                    (moves ?BM2 ?BS2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM))))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10795-10811
        (instance ?E Edema)
        (experiencer ?E ?A))
    (exists (?T ?P ?L)
            (instance ?T Transfer)
            (instance ?L Liquid)
            (instance ?P BodyPart)
            (part ?P ?A)
            (destination ?T ?P)
            (moves ?T ?L)
            (subProcess ?T ?E))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10182-10194
        (instance ?F Flexion)
        (agent ?F ?A)
        (moves ?F ?BP))
        (exists (?E)
                (instance ?E Extension)
                    (WhenFn ?E)
                    (WhenFn ?F))
                (agent ?E ?A)
                (moves ?E ?BP)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10852-10863
        (instance ?I Infecting)
        (experiencer ?I ?H))
    (exists (?T ?R ?O)
            (instance ?T Translocation)
            (moves ?T ?O)
            (instance ?O Organism)
            (instance ?R Replication)
            (experiencer ?R ?O)
            (subProcess ?T ?I)
            (subProcess ?R ?I))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5841-5853
    (instance ?BC BloodCirculation)
    (exists (?O ?V ?A ?B)
            (instance ?O Animal)
            (instance ?B Blood)
            (moves ?BC ?B)
            (instance ?A Artery)
            (instance ?V Vein)
            (part ?A ?O)
            (part ?V ?O)
            (path ?BC ?A)
            (path ?BC ?V))))
Medicine.kif 491-503
    (instance ?C Catheter)
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?M ?O ?OBJ ?L)
                (instance ?O Organism)
                (instance ?M Motion)
                (moves ?M ?OBJ)
                (orientation ?L ?O Outside)
                (path ?M ?C)
                        (origin ?M ?L)
                        (destination ?M ?O))
                        (origin ?M ?O)
                        (destination ?M ?L)))))))
Medicine.kif 548-564
    (instance ?D Diuretic)
    (hasPurpose ?D
        (exists (?R ?L ?H ?LOC)
                (instance ?H Human)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (instance ?L Liquid)
                (experiencer ?R ?H)
                (moves ?R ?L)
                (origin ?L ?H)
                    (contains ?H ?LOC))
                (destination ?R ?LOC)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10228-10241
    (instance ?F Furniture)
    (capability Translocation moves ?F))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3699-3701
    (instance ?H Heart)
    (hasPurpose ?H
        (exists (?T ?HB ?B)
                (instance ?HB HeartBeat)
                (instance ?T LiquidMotion)
                (instance ?B Blood)
                (moves ?T ?B)
                (causes ?HB ?T)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10960-10969
    (instance ?MOTION Motion)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ Object)
            (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 11052-11057

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