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Sigma KEE - includedMeal

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation includedMeal EnglishLanguage "(includedMeal ?PLAN ?ATTR ?TIME) indicates that the ?ATTR type of Meal is available at ?TIME according to ?PLAN") Hotel.kif 1547-1548
(domain includedMeal 1 MealPlan) Hotel.kif 1551-1551 The number 1 argument of included meal is an instance of meal plan
(domain includedMeal 2 RelationalAttribute) Hotel.kif 1552-1552 The number 2 argument of included meal is an instance of relational attribute
(instance includedMeal BinaryPredicate) Hotel.kif 1546-1546 included meal is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage includedMeal "类别 %2 的 meals 是包含在 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3680-3680
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage includedMeal "類別 %2 的 meals 是包含在 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3679-3679
(format EnglishLanguage includedMeal "meals of type %2 are includes in %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3678-3678
(termFormat EnglishLanguage includedMeal "included meal") Hotel.kif 1549-1549


        (offers ?HOTEL ?MP)
        (instance ?MP MealPlan)
        (includedMeal ?MP ?ATTR)
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation)
        (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL)
        (buys ?GUEST ?HOTEL ?MP))
            (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL))
        (exists (?TI)
            (holdsDuring ?TI
                (exists (?MEAL)
                        (attribute ?MEAL ?ATTR)
                        (hasPurpose ?MEAL
                            (exists (?E)
                                    (instance ?E Eating)
                                    (agent ?E ?GUEST)
                                    (patient ?E ?MEAL))))))))))
Hotel.kif 1558-1578


    (instance ?X FullBoard)
        (includedMeal ?X Breakfast)
        (includedMeal ?X Lunch)
        (includedMeal ?X Dinner)))
Hotel.kif 1585-1590
    (instance ?X HalfBoard)
        (includedMeal ?X Breakfast)
        (includedMeal ?X Dinner)))
Hotel.kif 1597-1601
    (instance ?X MealPlanBreakfast)
    (includedMeal ?X Breakfast))
Hotel.kif 1628-1630
    (instance ?X MealPlanContinental)
    (includedMeal ?X ContinentalBreakfast))
Hotel.kif 1619-1621
    (instance ?X MealPlanEuropean)
        (exists (?ATTR)
            (includedMeal ?X ?ATTR))))
Hotel.kif 1608-1612
    (instance ?X MealPlanModifiedAmerican)
        (includedMeal ?X Breakfast)
            (includedMeal ?X Dinner)
            (includedMeal ?X Lunch))))
Hotel.kif 1638-1644

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