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Sigma KEE - hazardous

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation hazardous ChineseLanguage "hazardous 是一种 BinaryRelation,它把 一个 Physical (ObjectProcess) 和这个物理可能造成 Damaging 的另外一个 Object 连系在一起。(hazardous ?THING ?OBJECT) 的月意思是 ?THING 可能为造成 ?OBJECT 损害。") Geography.kif 5842-5844
(documentation hazardous EnglishLanguage "hazardous is a BinaryPredicate which associates a Physical (an Object or a Process) to the Damaging it may bring to another Object. (hazardous ?THING ?OBJECT) means that ?THING may cause damage to ?OBJECT.") Geography.kif 5839-5841
(domain hazardous 1 Physical) Geography.kif 5845-5845 The number 1 argument of hazardous is an instance of physical
(domain hazardous 2 Object) Geography.kif 5846-5846 The number 2 argument of hazardous is an instance of object
(instance hazardous BinaryPredicate) Geography.kif 5847-5847 hazardous is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage hazardous "%1 is %n hazardous to %2") Geography.kif 5848-5848
(subrelation maritimeHazard hazardous) Geography.kif 5869-5869 maritime hazard is a subrelation of hazardous
(termFormat ChineseLanguage hazardous "危险") Geography.kif 5850-5850 maritime hazard is a subrelation of hazardous
(termFormat EnglishLanguage hazardous "hazardous") Geography.kif 5849-5849 maritime hazard is a subrelation of hazardous


    (hazardous ?A ?B)
        (exists (?D)
                (instance ?D Damaging)
                (patient ?D ?B)
                    (involvedInEvent ?D ?A)
                    (causes ?A ?D)))) Possibility))
Geography.kif 5852-5861


        (instance ?HS HeavySurf)
        (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
        (eventLocated ?HS ?PLACE))
    (exists (?SWIM ?A)
            (instance ?SWIM Swimming)
            (instance ?A Human)
            (agent ?SWIM ?A)
            (eventLocated ?SWIM ?PLACE)
                (WhenFn ?HS)
                (hazardous ?HS ?A)))))
Weather.kif 1562-1575
    (maritimeHazard ?A ?B)
    (exists (?SAIL ?WATER)
            (instance ?SAIL WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?SAIL ?B)
            (eventLocated ?SAIL ?WATER)
            (located ?A ?WATER)
            (hazardous ?A ?B))))
Geography.kif 5873-5881

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